
The tale of a Demon

"When chaos arrives, the terrible demon lives again. Flesh is devoured, bones are crushed and blood is drained. He scorches the earth and melts iron. He boils rivers and uproots trees. It stirs the winds and lights the fires of hell. They call me..."

DARKZENO · ファンタジー
36 Chs

Die ?

As they finally passed through the famous palace gates, a huge courtyard opened up before them.

He explored the area slowly.

Zeno noticed a number of runnic formations everywhere.

Apart from the common areas, a few exchange booths and private quarters, there was nothing more to see: most of the rooms were off-limits.

Eventually they reached the north of the palace.

"Pff we have to visit the forbidden areas, there's nothing interesting here."

They entered the main hall where long tables were set out for eating.

Suddenly hundreds of eyes turned towards Zeno and Guizhong.

At the back of the hall was a throne made of tin.

Many soldiers were busy eating their food.

"What are you looking at?" Zeno said.

Zeno and Gizhong walked towards the throne. 

Zeno stopped when 5 soldiers got up from their benches and walked towards them. With burning eyes.

They grinned vulgarly, undressing Guizhong with their eyes.

"Is it death you're looking for, you fat bastards?"

The whole room was suddenly enveloped in silence.

A dark and dangerous light danced in his eyes.

One of the five said:

"Come on friend, show us this pretty one, we can share."

The four came closer and closer.

"We are high-ranking members, the new one. Learn your place."

"You have 5 seconds to get lost."

"HAHAHA and what are you going to do?"

"Those are terrible words coming from a lonely kid. You know what, your girlfriend needs better company." He said, sheathing his sword.


They weren't listening.


One of them approached and tried to knock him down.

Zeno dodged easily.


He slowly raised his hand AND-


With a slight gesture, a river of blood flooded the room.

the soldier's right arm flew.


Ten other soldiers rose to attack Zeno at the same time.


A sphere appeared on his hand and flew towards the centre of the room.

All the surrounding soldiers broke out in a cold sweat.

Their instincts screamed at them to flee quickly.

In an instant, a dome of black flame exploded within a radius of ten metres, consuming everything.

Most of the soldiers managed to get away in time.

"I don't think you've understood who I am."

"The weak have no right to covet something that belongs to me," he said, releasing his murderous intent.

"Well, what a grand spectacle."

Zeno slowly turned his back.

Behind him, a tall young man with white hair stood calmly, his hands behind his back.

His eyes sparkled.

"You are Zeno right ? I remember your fight with Izuna at the end of the session at the academy, you became so much more...murderous."

"Who are you?"

"Oh sorry ... I am Arion, heir to the Charibyade clan."

"Do you know him?".

'He is the heir of a great clan of the physical world, he was with me at the academy.'

He looks powerful and as charming as a devil.

"What do you want?"

"Hmm, I'd like to ask you to stop what you're doing in our room. I think you've caused enough damage. Don't worry, nothing will be asked of you, after all it's these idiots who haven't been able to judge their opponents. And their intentions....are not very respectable." He said with a slight smile.

"And Arion, teach your friend some manners." Says an old man still sitting on a large table.

Zeno squinted his eyes, unable to judge the man in the background.

He was sure of one thing, he was powerful, very powerful.

"He's not my friend Brandon, just a fellow student at Artoria Academy."

"And how was your adventure outside, you were the last to arrive here, you must have appeared a long way away."

Arion said, his eyes taking on a pink tint, a pentagram appearing over his left eye.

"Nothing much, I met a few beastly monarchs. A kirin as bright as the sun. A snake as big as a mountain with scales of infinite blackness. I've watched an entire region being destroyed, Oh I've also met a drag..."

Guizhong quickly closed Zeno's mouth, preventing him from saying anything more.

"HAHAHAHAHHAA a kirin, a giant snake pffffffffff."

"He saw the destruction of an entire territory HAHAHAHA!"

"THE joke!"

Everyone laughed, taking Zeno's words as garbage, but Arion didn't laugh.

His eyes were wide.

Yes, thanks to his unique ability, he could see the truth behind people's words.

'I dream, my Vox Zeta was not mistaken. He really saw beastly monarchs in the blue nightmare, kings hiding in the darkness...'

Arion lowered his eyes, and withdrew his strange power.

Zeno regained his senses slightly, but forgot what had just happened.

Arion spoke a few words, heard only by Zeno and Guizhong.

"My story seems rather lame compared to yours. I appeared here straight away, thank goodness haha." He said as he put on his glasses."

"You've just arrived, haven't you?"

The commotion quickly died down. At the same time, the runes inscribed on the floor glowed golden, making the area repair itself. The destroyed chairs, tables and floor returned to their original state.

People resettled and resumed eating, leaving the cooks to fill the tables.

"Don't be surprised, it's normal here, with hundreds of soldiers passing through the palaces every day, many conflicts break out, and the king does nothing, they don't even care."

Zeno, Guizhong and Arion sat down next to each other.

They spent the hour discussing everything and nothing, savouring their meal, forgetting...

This is a ruthless world...