

#Chapter1 NEED FOR SEX-01


PARIS, France, 2016

12th, January (present day)



Have you seen the Sunset and Sunrise

And the Horizon that's a prize

Like the language of affirmation in love

How the colors mix and melt

And look as soft as physical touch felt

How they float away into black

As you wish them back in gifts

And that feeling that makes you sad

When one has no quality time for you

How the tears will come and just make you mad

But then you see the stars as act of service

That are so small they could fit in jars

Now there are so many

As he combine all five love languages

You'd buy each one with a penny

How they shine so bright as I choose two out of five

And we don't put up a fight

As we understood the first step in our relation ship

So we stand as we watch our love twinkle and shine

Then we realize we're off the road of ups and downs.


As I looked into the eyes of my man, my Rey! All I saw was sex, a longing sex, as he circled his hands on my waists securely, I felt safe, safer than ever.

Staring at him beautifully I can't be any happier , what a great guy I found myself When my world explodes from the inside Shahzaib is the man you want next to you. He feels the shockwave and stays on his feet. Whatever he had to do disappears and as he refocuses on what needs to be done. He'll cover every angle and stay right there until you can breathe, walk and talk at the same time. Then he stands back and lets you get back on with your life, never mentioning your crisis again and not wanting to discuss it further. Once the storm has passed his tolerance for backward steps is all but non-existent. His shoulder is only for crying on when you can't stand alone, after that he expects you build inner strength, resilience. Shahzaib is the guy that works hard, brings home the money and never take his stress out on others. His relationship /"currency/" is word of affirmation, physical touch, quality time, gifts and acts of service, he'll see you as an equal but he'll expect you to act as one.

/"You've been staring for so long, snap a pic it'll last long sexy,/" He said with a smirk opening his eyes as he hit my bum romantically.

How much I love when he does that!

/"You're no fine as you look./" I said faking a hiss.

/"Ooh really well how about I show you what's fine?/" He said as his smirk grew wider.

/"How about I show you?/" I finally gave in putting my hands inside his pants as I played with his balls.

/"Damn girl, you'd be the death of me if you keep doing that./" He moaned as he relaxed back and I massage his hard member playing with his balls.

/"Well now you see what's finer huh?/" I said enjoying each part as he groaned and moan the faster I go.

/"It's still in me, it has to be finer you know, after all, it's all yours to see and play with but just be careful down their don't cut my balls off./" He said as he gave a little pout.

/"Now c'mon lazy ass we're gonna be late for work,/" I said as I stood up from the bed dragging him up.

/"Hey Reynaaaaaa it's Saturday hello?/" He said waving a hand.

/"Ooh, yh it's weekend, sorry love./" I said as I settled on his Laps teasing his growing bulg.

/"How about we have a shower together as always huh?/" He said with a smirk as he unbuttoned my pj shirt grabbing my boobs.

/"Now ain't you a naughty big baby./" I said giving him a light kiss.

/"I miss you love, this week had been hectic,/" He said sincerely as he lick the tips of my nipples making me moan.

/"That moan is not enough for my ears babe, ain't I doing alright? C'mon baby girl give me more of those moans./" He said angrily as his eyes turn darker, I looked up and smiled.

/"As his Calloused fingertips trace the silhouettes of smooth, contrasting my thighs. They navigate rounded hips with familiar fascination. Inhalations whisper of longing. The breaths catch... while fingers orchestrate an exhaled symphony of moans./"

/"Now you're giving me the age that I'm doing./"

/"Ahhhhhhh...../" She moaned! The kind of one my ear craves for.

We aligned mouths. We entwined. All act was clutch, All fact contact, the attack and the interlock Of tongues, the charms of arms. I shook at the touch Of his fresh flesh, I rocked at the shock of his cock. If only by Straddling my legs a little I inserted his divine Person between and closed on it tight as I could. And The upright warmth of his belly will lay all along mine. Nude, glued together for a minute, and then we'll stood, then I'd call that sex!

The long sex I've been wanting to feel, but never in my life have I felt that Hard nugget of pain that passes through as losing virginity.


/"Sorry love I have to pick this up./"

/"Hello maya./"

/"Hello sweetheart,/" She replied from the other side of the call.

/"Are you not coming already? Don't be late please...come get your fine ass here./"

/"What...we're having a girly time today? You should have told me earlier./" I replied as I watch Shahzaib got into the bathroom.

/"Well....hello don't be an asshole....we said we were gonna have a girly time on the 12th...where's your brain?/"

/"Oooh..sorry I've been busy really, I’ll be their in half an hour./"

/"Been having sex huh? Forgot about our girly time./" She hang up the call before I could protest.

Mayaaa! A rude accountant who flirt with her boss and her co-workers, maya is a beautiful woman, but only on the outside. She is highly practiced at seduction. With her latin looks and high cheek bones it was all too simple, but she was the bossy type she'd make you do stupid things and dance to her tunes, so she'd look like the better one nevertheless she's ugly from the inside and in real life...but being BOSSY has always been her savior and it lead her to being single till date and I've always falling a victim to that, have always taken advantage of my /"so not wise mind/" because I've always been one to feel among.

/"Rey...../" I called out entering the bathroom.

/"Hey I'm sorry I have to go out with the girls you okay with that? We can hang out together tomorrow huh?/"

/"Sure love./" he replied as his teeth nibbled my neck, we bathed and played together.



/"Dressed in a red palazzo pants with black strips adding atop a black ripped top and a black red scarf draped on my head, a light nude makeup which compliments my fair skin, a jimmy choo high heels and bag, I left the room with a heavy heart./"

/"Reyyyyy....I'm going./" I said as I kissed his lips which he returned immediately.

/"Looking beautiful as always,/" he said hitting my bum teasingly.

/"Look I'm really sorry, I just have to go out you know...but I promise we'll have some fun tomorrow okay?/"

/"It's okay, but you don't have to do this you know....I'm just worried about you, I know you don't wanna have a girly time...so why did you say yes? Just why?/"

/"Shahzaib please don't start with your boring preaching,/" I left leaving no room for arguments.

/"As I settled into my red Porsche and drove out with a heart elsewhere./"


/"Hello girls,/" I said faking a smile.

/"Hello./" they replied in unison.

/"Been having sex huh?/" Maya asked as all the girls settled their eyes on me.

/"You'll never change./"

/"Give us some details will you?/" Linda said sipping her juice.

Linda, Paris famous fashion designer, Linda is pretty, thin and tall , freckles on her cheeks which makes her more beautiful, but is flat and has no shape like an amoeba but luckily for her the supplements she's taking is doing good to her, she has black curly hair, blue eyes and pink lips . She's one to feel guilty but with Maya hot on her tail , you'd see a new Linda not her true self Nothing so pretty could possibly harm you, right? Mostly she just let them feel in charge, guiding the conversation with unnoticed prompts. It was only seconds before her new target was jumping through hoops to please her. Her face and some cleavage could get her anything and anyone. No-one knew how she'd take a rejection because it had never happened.

/"It's haram in Islam okay....You just stop with your buncombe okay?/"

/"Says the girl who goes to clubs and late night parties,/" Said Carly.

Carly , the girl with Blue black eyes, gold hair. A confident, sexy strut that tells the world, /"I'm beautiful./"

Soft hands, crows feet. And she never misses a single step. Carly is like a second maya, a flight attendant, you'd think they are sisters but nah...this two are sisters in behavior and character but they differ in some ways, you'd never want to be with this two alone they'd make you cry and hate yourself that you'd think death is what you want at the time, she's divorced and searching for a man or I'd say she's been sleeping around with young men, she's featuring a blue sheath dress and golden heels like the rest of the three, this four always wear same clothes to occasions.

/"Wearing atampha blouse and skirt,/" Aaria completed in a mocking American accent making me more pissed off.

Aaria! The Botanist who has a warm chestnut colour hair and pastel white skin which made her beautiful pink lips stand out. Her cheeks were rouged, she's beautiful from the inside and understanding, she's one who'd fight with anyone, be it maya or her second, she doesn't give a shit about what the world says about her, she's one to tell you the truth when the need for it arises, she's one who loves Islam and it's practice and I'd say she's my favorite Christian friend one who's married to a handsome Francisco man and have two beautiful kids-daisy and flora!

/"Y'all are coccydinia,/" I replied and hissed.

/"Awwwwn just look at that guy, I’d love to ride on him all day..../" Maya said driving our attention to a young handsome Francisco with brownish hair.

/"Will you just stop for god sake,/" Jasmin who's been quietly chatting said at last.


A beautiful woman feels beautiful within, from the love she gives to her ideas and the creative ways she expresses her soul. She is one who wraps her arms around the soul of the world, of all who love her and those who need to love. That's beauty and if you can see that too, you'll be smarter and wiser than most. One in a million she is, the beautiful Arab lady who stole my heart, the day I first met her in the mosque with my Abby and abarrane, finding out her mother was dead and she was there with her father to pray for her late mother, I fell More in love with her and we became friends the instant,/" abarrane said, /"you made a good decision to make her your friend./" and yes I'd cx she'd not just stole my heart but my parents , and I found myself a trespass that day, /"abarrane I want to go out./"

/"with whom?/" she'd ask, /"with Jasmin./" and Abby will always say, /"go habibty don't keep her waiting./" the lady who's featuring a black leggings with a jeans shirt long sleeve which pass her knees and a black hijab wrapped beautifully on her strawberry shaped face, her small legs adoring a black heel Booth, the lady is nothing but short of 21 summers, a beautiful soul, and the most silent and gentle person I've ever met who's a lawyer and one who the world is proud of.

/"Hey, just look at him,/" She said again pointing at the guy.

/"No....not him.....his big B...you fool./"

/"Okay I'm done here./" I said standing up picking my bag.

/"Hey, don't tell me you going?/"

/"Of course yes, I have a better place to be at./" I said walking away as Jasmin tailed behind me.

/"I'm also leaving with Hudyan, y'all did not well./" She replied as we both approached our cars.

/"Hello where are we heading to?/"

/"La Clef Champs-Élysées Paris by The Crest Collection 44-46 Rue de Bassano Paris./"

/"Triple L?/" She asked more like a question.

/"Yup./" I replied and hang up as we races together, Jasmin in her latest Range Rover.


Entering the house by starlight the black walls stood in perfect strength, the light from within shining upon the wide and golden pathway.

/"Assalamualiakum( Peace be upon you) y'all./" we salam in unison.

/"Waalaikumusalam( And unto you peace)./" They replied in unison both three sisters sat on same chair watching a movie as they all featured a sweat pants and shirt each wearing different colors with their names written bold at the back of their sweat shirts.

/"It's been long huh? Surprise surprise?/" Lilah who's the eldest among the triplet asked.

Lilah, Lylah and Layla are the most prettiest and identical triplets I've ever seen they all look alike Lilah as the eldest looks like the smallest and the two look a little more chubbier with their tall frame and slender body which are like that of a Victoria secret model. Their brown eyes, like the sea, were calm and emotionless. Long, wavy blonde hair, so smooth and silky, almost as if it was tailored from gold fabric their silhouetted figures making them three more beautiful as they aged 25 all married to handsome men, Lilah married an Arabian man, Layla is married to one of my twins cousin Alif and Lylah married a Muslim France , all three sisters had their first kids as twins, how beautiful? This three have golden hearts and they all don't take shit, they're loved by everyone just as they love and welcome everyone, Layla has been my best friend from age five always been there to protect me and stand by me, always been there to make sure I am alright and always been a good Muslim who's always their like an Islamic daily reminder with an iman booster, I can't love them less, these three sisters are orphans from a very young age and managed to fulfill their parents' wishes to become doctors, one of the best! Lilah is a dentist, Lylah is a cardiologist and Layla is a gynecologist and the three are all general doctors ruling their parents hospital helping and saving people's life , not just as doctors but they have the best orphanage as altogether they managed the best of the best orphanage owned by them three in the world, all by themselves.


/"Yeah yeah, been busy with work,/" Jasmin replied.

/"You look pissed off Hudyan,/" Layla who's the youngest said.

/"And absent minded, what's wrong?/" Lylah asked worriedly.

/"The girls pissed me off./"

/"Do you know what's your problem?/" She asked not waiting for a reply as she continued.

/"You give in to everything those brainless bimbos says, what they say matters to you so much that you forget you have worth, those bastards are gonna lead you to hell, be yourself...let them love you or leave you./" Layla advised as they all nod in agreement.

/"Act all you want. But you can't please everybody. The hard work of not being yourself is simply not worth the effort. Everyone realizes it sooner or later.

And those who care about you will continue to care even if you've become a psychotic killer. I am not saying that they won't rat you out. All I am saying is that they'll visit while you are serving time. And that's what matters./" Lilah added .

/"Asking about your sex details, thank God you never gave in, they're simple things they'd never understand why? Because they ain't Muslims...I'm not saying you shouldn't be friends with them but you're making a grave mistake at times, know your worth don't let their words sink deep in you./" Jasmin said looking at me pitifully.

/"To be yourself is a controversial statement, because who are you? Does anyone truly know themselves?

In every moment you have a choice of who you want to be. In each moment the choices you make define who you are in the eyes of others and yourself.

And yet this means that at any moment you can change who you are.

Who you are is how you feel and how you react to anything and everything. If you approach situations with a clear mind and you listen to your own impulses coming from deep, or sometimes not so deep, inside you - which is consciousness - those impulses are you.

The strongest impulses would naturally be those more true to who /"you/" are. However whatever you feed grows, which impulse you choose to act upon will begin to become a more prominent part of you, which will impact your own, and others, perception of who you are.

You are a constant canvas. Feed the /"you/" that you wish to become and it will be so./" Layla who's the advisory of we all advised in a sincere manner.

Now that's my best friend!

/"I'm grateful I have y'all , thank you all./" I said feeling guilty as reality hit me hard....what they said is actually true it's time I stop being a puppet to those friends of mine and become who I want to....but what's really making me do all this? The longing sex I haven't hard, a year of marriage have passed, now into the second! and now all I want is something of mine to look and smile, not the looks, money and all....all I want is something money can't buy....A baby of my own, that's what I want, not that I'm one who loves kids but a little princess won't do a harm.

/"To be an /"Abarrane/"-mother of multitude just like my mother and for my husband to be the best father

/"Abby/"-my fathers delight just like my father./"



/"Get a new wife already./" Adrian said for like the 100th time .

Adrian, His appearance alone was seductive. The man's rugged features were alluring. His raven black hair, which glisten in the moonlight illuminating from the window, was combed back and his face carefully structured , the cold blue eyes of the man were full of intensity. He had a Roman nose and a thin pair of lips that was in a form of a smirk. His tight jaw was an angular shape that was filled with little stubbles. His pale skin looked so...right. The man had on a white cotton shirt with a silky blue vest and a pair of black pants, which tied everything together. The man who turned out to be my best friend even with his stupid talks and rants, one who will make your day with his jovial nature, the man who lived all by himself and cater for his need responsibly, one who's parents never cared about and kept being the drunkards and road diggers they were...as we ca e to knew each other day by day he tend to become more responsible, he'd be a Christian yeah but he does his things in the teachings of Islam. One who respects and loves Islam's and just one day I hope he'd become a Muslim, the responsible man with a beautiful wife.

/"You've said that more than a 100 times now, give up already./"

/"Tell her the truth then.../" Faizal advice.

Faizal wore a loose black silk shirt with leather cuffs and black trousers. However, he got better the more I looked. His rich chocolate hair that had tousled griminess which promised finesse. He had strong arched brows and eyelashes so thick which makes him look even more like an Arab, it could be illegal. And then his eyes- they were deep and catastrophic, a vivid baby blue as a great body of water that softly melted into a milky green. This close, I could see the flecks of silver in his eyes. He had distinct cheekbones and an angular jaw, his pale skin made him look devilishly handsome that all the ladies want him in their arms, a man with a kind heart and soul, married and has two kids now but he's looks deceive all the ladies thinking he's single!

/"I can't get myself to do that mate./" I replied frustratingly as I passed my fingers through my black silky hair.

/"Get a lady and get over with this sex you know..../"

/"I'm a Muslim Adrian...don't talk shit./" I said as I passed him a deadly glare.

/"I'm sorry okay, I forgot really./"

/"Can you explain better Ralph?/" I said looking at the doctor who sat silently not knowing how to explain the newly disease.

/"Yeah please we're all worried for our mate here,/" Zehaan Said worriedly

He squeezed my hands in Assurances.


Zehaan, A strong man whose muscular definition had slightly worn off due to his lack of training, but his white dress shirt still clung tightly to his skin, showing everyone that he was still in the game. His long fingers ran through his short and wavy brown hair which shifted back into place once his hand had gone past , the most gentle guy and quiet one I've ever met and had as a friend, but one who's a Greek lord sex...his obsession with sex says no bound, a guy who worships ladies with all of his heart....even after facing a lot of difficulty in life and with his parents fighting, being abusive and his father being a drunkard all came out so wrong to the extent his parents got divorced and his father turned to being the Christian he was and he followed the right part as his mother choose being a Muslim which she's been, the guy who's mind grew from a childlike mind to mature at a young, the man who see's through the mirror we all can't see, . The man's high cheekbones, perfectly accentuated his face, and his full pink lips were pressed firmly together in a flustered expression. His eyes, which were normally a simple sepia colour, were now a golden honey hue and seemed to be screaming out his emotions.

/"This is a new disease which we've discovered 9 years ago that's around 2008, since the first AIDS cases were reported in the United States in June 1981, the number of cases and deaths among persons with AIDS increased rapidly during the 1980s followed by substantial declines in new cases and deaths in the late 1990s. Controlling the epidemic requires sustained prevention programs in all of these affected communities, particularly programs targeting MSM, women, and injection drug users.

CDC analyzed reported AIDS cases from 1981 through 2000 from the 50 states, District of Columbia, and U.S. territories. Proportions by sex, age, race/ethnicity, region, and vital status (living or deceased) were computed over four time periods correspond- ing to changes in the AIDS case definition and the introduction of effective combination antiretroviral therapy (Table 1). Trends in estimated AIDS diagnoses and deaths of per- sons with AIDS were adjusted for reporting delays based on the number of cases reported to CDC through June 2000, and for anticipated reclassification of cases origi- nally reported without human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection risk information. Estimated AIDS prevalence was calculated as the cumulative incidence of AIDS minus cumulative deaths adjusted for reporting delays (2 ).

All this time we were thinking that HIV AIDS have come to an end but then in 2008 we discovered a new case here in Paris and we were asked to take majors as to a lot of citizens should have the HIV test, as we experience more deaths day by day./" He said looking at we all as we watched him all puzzled not grabbing all that his saying.

/"Ralph just go straight to the point cx we ain't really getting your language/" Ajmal said honestly.

Ajmal, a beautiful face. Well defined, with a sharp jaw and angular cheekbones. The complexion of his skin going well with his ocean-like eyes. The man who tolerates no nonsense, a good hearted man who cares for anyone and everyone, one who'd sacrifice his life for a soul, the man who features a blue kaftan and with a zanna bukar cap, looking like the complete Hausa Fulani he is....but Paris being the city of love, he choose to stay with his family here!

/"Then we set a rule for every married and those planning to get married to Talk to their partner before they have sex the first time. Find out if he or she is at risk for HIV. Get tested together, when it wasn't working and just 10% of people came to have the test, the government helped set a rule for anyone who's getting married to get a married certificate which contains-HIV test and a medical checkup in general, and it worked and helped a lot for we found out that majority of the people not only in Paris but also other countries have HIV aids, we advices for the stoppage of sex even, safer sex which is with the use of condoms, selling of condoms became a crime if you're caught you'd face the consequences./"

/"So you're actually saying, HIV is a long term disease yeah? And for a time it came up killed a lot of people and then y'all doctors relaxed thinking HIV-was gone for the better? Then you stopped experimenting on it right?/" Faidh asked as he looked eye to eye with Ralph who listened attentively.

Faidh , the man if anything is fitter looking than I expected. His face tells of a lean body beneath his wintry garb and his expression is serious but not unkind. He has that salt 'n' pepper look to his hair, against his still youthful skin it's better than catnip to me. He introduces himself formally, giving his business title and so do I. Though I'd have made the deal if he'd looked like a fermenting potato, it just makes things more pleasant that he is so inviting to

look at, to flirt with. The man who can be a badass and a gentlemen at times I'd say Adrian and Faidh were born the same.

/"Yes and After acute infection, HIV is considered chronic. This means that the disease is ongoing. Symptoms of chronic HIV can vary. There can be long periods when the virus is present but symptoms are minimal. In more advanced stages of chronic HIV, symptoms can be much more severe than they appear to be/"

/"And then now during the year 2008 a case was brought up to you and after lots and lots of test due to the patients symptoms- experience episodes of coughing, weight loss, diarrhea, fatigue and

high fever you all thought it was flu and malaria luckily you did a little research which y'all found out that HIV never was gone and you begin to keep experimenting looking for cure?/" Faidh finished with a confused expression.

/"Which luckily on the way we found out that HIV is of three stages and According to HIV. Gov, latency in HIV infection can last for 10 or 15 years. This doesn't mean that HIV is gone, nor does it mean that the virus can't be transmitted to others. Clinically latent infection may progress to the third and final stage of HIV, also referred to as AIDS which is the chronic stage of HIV called AIDS.

The risk for progression is higher if a person with HIV isn't receiving treatment, such as antiretroviral therapy. It's important to take medication which were still experimenting on but don't get me wrong HIV has no cure it can only be treatable for some time and now the best medication so far which we've found is the PREP AND PEP medication but we can't distribute it without a test, we need not to make mistake and loose a life/" He said with a sad smile.

/"My wife has been infected with HIV for years now, literally you know how many years? Because I also don't and that's the problem, I only found out on the night of our wedding, I was so happy, happy ain't a word to describe what I felt that day, but when the news passed through me, I was helpless and she has no idea until now/" I shouted at the top of my lungs as tears fell off freely.

/"I'm so sorry Shahzaib I know you've tried more than you can, getting married and not having sex for more than a year now is not something so easy any man nor woman can do, but for your own safety, you need not to have Sex until we run some test on her and know for how long she's been walking around with HIV in her, not knowing what stage of HIV she's in is the biggest risk for you, take heart please, call me if needed, I’ll tell you when something good is up, if we'd talk about HIV AIDS then we'd take more than a day for you understand/" Ralph said as he stood up to leave but I couldn't let my lips move nor thanked him even after trying.

Ralph, He was a man of any girl's dreams. He had smooth flawless skin, which was like a sheet of well done cloth. His eyes, which was under his burgundy short hair, glinted under the moonlight. He had high-bridged nose, the man who nervously sat down looking more like a criminal than a doctor, one look you'd know he's a Frances, he featured a black jeans, white shirt and a coat blazer atop.

/"Thank you so much Dr. Ralph we'll be forever grateful/" Adrian thanked walking him to the door/"

/"Thanks mate, we all appreciate/" and all my mate thanked as he nod his head and left in a swift air.


The tears fell off freely

Soaking the soft white bedsheets

As my hands soaked deep into my tears

Which feels like a forever river

The need is sex

Anxiety and stress

As less stimulated seems

Not so good as I think of the words

Looking down at my growing bulge

I cried a silent one

As I held it so tight

As if it'd take the pain away

Prostate cancer as it sounds bad

For how long will I cope with this

Because forever is not an option

As I looked up my eyes dark

With lust, desire and a craving hard bulge

Waiting for an entrance

Which forever won't grant me

But will forever be like this

The tears rushed more as I think

The need for sex is really

A one hell of a long journey


My eyes blood red, the tears won't stop, as I hit the bed continuously my other hand on my growing bulge, as I feel it grow more and more, it gets harder and straighter, an entrance is all that's need.

/"He lived for nights thick with lust and romance, wine and naked kisses./"

/"I'm home Rey/" Her mellifluous voice arouse in the house as she came closer to the room, I sat with my head down on my laps stilled in my position.

/"Rey, where you at? Voice out love/"

/"Hide and seek huh?/" After some minutes of looking, she said as she came into the room.

/"What's wrong, been calling on you huh pussy?/"

/"Rey, c'mon love, what's wrong, I hate this...I'm Panicky already/" She said as she jumped on me but my body was too used up in that scene to move a muscle.

/"What's wrong love?/" She whispered in the most subtle way as she raised my head and cupped my face in both her hands.

/"Dark as it was, I looked up In a way lust can't be put, emotionless as it is, sweat stricken all over my head, I deem into her eyes, one question...can you, it's all it's read/"

/"You're all perspiring/" She said as her eyes read , danger with same love, desire and lust/"

/"As I crashed my lips on her in an unexpected paternal, long, hot-blooded, nearly chaste, innocent, demonically passionate , luscious voluptuous kiss as she gave me all of her's in mine-all we could ask for and a little more, as the sky clouded us in a hot make out session, if only I can undo some things/" And we stopped to catch our breaths.

/"Never call me that ever/" I said in a deep husky Voice, as I stood up to have a bath.

/"The fuck what the hell is wrong with you? Why you behaving like such a jerk huh?/" She raised a brow in question as I stop right in front of the bathroom door.

/"Heard you right?/" It's all I asked.

/"I hate this, you know right?/" She said as she took more steps leaving an inch space between us.

/"And I hate what makes us 'US'/" I said in a tranquil voice making her shiver, I took forward steps and close the gap between us, tears formed in her enthralling eyes.

/"Us?, sorry...?/" She asked more like a question as her voice insolvent, with no glance more I entered the bathroom to take a long hot downpour.

After crying, hitting, touching, massaging, caressing with great difficulty I over came my craving desire, had a long hot downpour for what felt like forever, I decided to go out after wearing the couple pj we always wear to match on weekends, took my laptop, phones and some office file as I sat on the bed to do my work while Hudyan's laying back faced me.


After minutes of typing and searching, a message popped up, not once, twice nor trice but it kept coming with each passing second, annoyed with the tell tale ping of notification, I finally gave in as I check the messages which came from princess.

Princess-hello king, talk to princess!

Princess-hey you there?

Princess-I'm splash-wazz

Princess-Anyways can't get enough of my king, else I'd be pique

Princess-what you doing huh?

Princess-my bathroom buddy

Princess-you're one ginger monger sod off

A little smile crept on my lips as I read all the messages, somehow princess always has a way of making my day better.

King-...You're potentially one inpatient unacceptable pre-watershed

Princess-Bollocks huh?

King-You're one naughty feck princess.

King-why up so late?

Princess-can't sleep half mate

King-you in the mood to...? bathroom buddy(haaaaahaaa)

Princess-nah...here's your answer Balls(heheeehe)

King-bollocks so dirty!

Princess-the meeting for Monday will be so bad, can't get the work done, been making me sleepless all night mate.

King-too bad what's the problem?

Princess-for the contract which we offered and planned to exertion with the industry- BAHAR AND BAZ ARCHITECTURAL INDUSTRY for our new AIR-SIA LIQUIED branch building in America doesn't seem to go well, I need your help to read and review, all the papers before thinking of giving them the contract, it has to be substantial and model sir.

King-Yeah, I’d love to do that, I don't want anything to go wrong as we did last time with the FRANCE AIR-SIA, worry less, come over with the paper work to my house tomorrow, and don't call me sir ever again got it?

Princess-thank you sir, oops...sorry...not again, I'm grateful and have a nice drowse.

King-you're welcome, have a nice catnap too.

Checking the time it reads 1:00am already, I shut down my laptop was about to sleep when I met the ideal eyes of my wife, face facing me now, as I trace her dry tears and made a mental note to apologize the next day, but even though it feels so right why does it feels so wrong to apologize?



The sun over head is shinning out bright,

The birds are chirping a lot in the light,

It is time to wave sayonara to your bed,

It's a new day, all worries Of yesterday are washed

As I blinked my eyes open the sleeping figure

Of my husband is what I met, an attempt to touch him with a proud smile spreading on my lips, as reality hit me hard, I stop right in track as I remember the worries of yesterday, it's one thing one, it was a first! The tears rushed down with vigour, I walked straight to the bathroom cried all my heart with loud mewl escaping my lips, as I calmed my quake and vanquished soul with each falling droplets on my cuticle, my kernel feels luminescence.
