
The System Won't Work Unless I Have Girlfriends

“Yeah, no one could convince me, even in a hundred years, that I would date someone, not even if she were Kar*******.” [To start the system, please find a suitable partner you like] This floating screen has been popping up for years now! “No, I refuse. Tell whoever sent you to fuck off. I don’t need any external help to be great.” [...Are you sure a bout that?] Eh? This is the first time the system has responded like this. It reminds me of how I’ve struggled without relying on this so-called system. Should I really try it now? --- patreon.com/Livice

Livice · アニメ·コミックス
38 Chs

Chapter 9

Recently, Teresa and I have somehow become friends. The reason is simple: she wants to talk about Japan and keeps asking me questions about it. It's lunchtime, and she's sitting across from me, a seat that actually belongs to someone else.

"So, you don't eat ramen every day?"

"Of course not."


"Because… it's not healthy."

"What? I thought it was a healthy soup that warms the body."

Teresa is a true weeb. She's obsessed with Japan—everything related to it. Luckily, I can answer all her questions thanks to Masamune's memories.

At the moment, I'm eating my diet food that I packed from home, while she's eating something she bought from the cafeteria—fish and chips.

Without turning my head, I sigh, "Is that red-haired girl your friend or something?"

"Red... head? Oh, you mean Alec? Yeah, she's my com—ahem, my friend."

She almost slipped, but I already know who she is. She must be her servant, keeping an eye on her at school. But she's just a kid. Do people really employ underage brats without the government knowing it? I wouldn't expect any less from a high-class family.

Still, Rita has been quiet since I started talking with Teresa. Also, she's been avoiding me in a way. Mashiro seems to be doing the same.


Oh? Mashiro suddenly stops beside my desk, looking at me with an unimpressed expression.

"...Idiot," she mutters before walking to her seat.

Teresa looks at me, seeking an explanation then smile awkwardly.

"Ahaha… She didn't really mean it, right, Masamune?" Teresa seems to be trying to console me, telling me not to take it to heart. But nah, Mashiro just being Mashiro.

"Don't mind it," I sigh. "Oh, by the way… can you see something floating in front of me?"

[Would you like to see your potential partner rating?]

The dating system is really trying to hook me up with an elementary school student. How disgusting.

"Floating? Oh! A mosquito! I-I got it!"


"Hooray! I took care of it."

Teresa tilts her head slightly, smiling after swatting the poor mosquito. It seems I'm the only one who can see the floating screen.


In the middle of class, I excused myself to take care of something—not a big deal, I just needed to go to the men's restroom.

As I was standing at the urinal, I thought, Ah... I forgot about that promise I made.

So, that's the reason! Those spoiled brats—keke. They're really attention seekers, huh? I mean, she could've just told me; hey, I scored the goal, but instead, she waited for me? How amusing.


The voice startled me out of my thoughts. I still had my dick out, so naturally, I was shocked to hear a girl's voice in the men's room.

"Are you blind? This is the men's restroom," I said.

Our eyes met. She stared at me firmly as I hurried to tuck my junior away. To be fair, I was just minding my own business, and she barged in here.

"Your name is Masamune, right?" she asked.

Ignoring her question, I moved to the sink to wash my hands. My reflection caught my attention. Hmm… I've lost quite a bit of weight, but I still feel fat. I've gone from 70 kg to 59,3 since December, but I estimate it'll take another year to completely shed the fat. Once that's done, I can start bulking up.

Don't judge me—getting in shape takes patience, commitment, sheer will, and money. Most people don't have the first three.

For now, I'll stick with my cardio routine and basic calisthenics.

"Oi! I'm talking to you! Are you deaf?!"

Still focused on the mirror, I saw her approaching me.

"You goddamn right," I muttered. Then, glancing at her, I asked, "Quick guess. You're here because of Teresa?"

"Precisely correct," she said, adding emphasis to make it sound really important.

[Would you like to see your potential partner rating?]

The annoying floating screen popped up again. It always shows up when I interact with women but not with those I've already talked to. I still ignore it though.

I glanced at the door. Something felt off—no one else had entered the room.

"No one will come in or leave. I put up a 'Do Not Enter' sign, and I locked the door so you can't escape. Now tell me…" she trailed off.

I smirked, "You gonna ask if I bleed? You got it, I'd bleed."

She ignored my joke and continued, "What's your intention in getting close to your highn— I mean, my friend?"

Her face turned a bit red. Was she that angry, or did she just slip up? Oh, she's that red-haired girl always hanging out with Teresa. Alexandra Margarite. So, Teresa is some kind of royalty? I've never heard of a Teresa in the British royal family, though.

"Oi! Answer me!"

"Chill. I don't have one. We became friends by accident. I didn't even know she was royalty."

"Liar. And I never said she was royalty."

I narrowed my eyes, humming as her gaze faltered. It was clear who had spilled Teresa's secret.

"I'm not forcing you to believe me. But, using the men's restroom to interrogate me? That's a serious problem, Miss."

"Don't change the topic. If you try to leave, I'll scream and we'll see how the teachers react."


The audacity. But then, I smirked.

"What's so funny? And stop smirking at me."

I tapped her shoulder and leaned close to her ear, whispering, "You like Charles, don't you?"

I pulled back as she froze.

"W-what?! Wha-what kind of question is that? Me? Li-like Charles? No way!"

I smirked even wider. "Interesting reaction. You see, recently…" I pulled out my 3G iPhone and opened the gallery. "I took a picture of someone suspicious following Charles. Red hair, trying to stay hidden. That was you, right?"


What was that? She moved so fast. If she'd aimed for my neck, I'd be done for.

"Huh…" she smiled. "That wasn't me. You should try harder, boy." She handed my phone back, but I could tell the picture was gone.

"Did you think I didn't have a backup?"

"You do?!"

"My backup has backups, and those backups have backups too."

"Tch. Sly bastard."

Of course, I was bluffing. The picture was useless anyway, but she bought it.

"Keke. That's right—talk big when you're ten steps ahead. For now..." I patted her head as she gritted her teeth. "Do me a favor okay? Just become a good girl and stop coming to men's toilet."

Such an easy girl. She has the speed of an assassin, but it was easy to extract information from her. Maybe she's young, but I've wild guess, she's been trained to be Teresa's bodyguard. It's strange, but I believe it.

"And if I refuse?"

I smiled as I walked past her. "I'll leave that to your imagination…"

Ugh. That sounded so cringe. But thankfully, she bought my bluff.