
The System Won't Work Unless I Have Girlfriends

“Yeah, no one could convince me, even in a hundred years, that I would date someone, not even if she were Kar*******.” [To start the system, please find a suitable partner you like] This floating screen has been popping up for years now! “No, I refuse. Tell whoever sent you to fuck off. I don’t need any external help to be great.” [...Are you sure a bout that?] Eh? This is the first time the system has responded like this. It reminds me of how I’ve struggled without relying on this so-called system. Should I really try it now? --- patreon.com/Livice

Livice · アニメ·コミックス
38 Chs

Chapter 21

[Would you like to see your potential partner rating?]

It shows up again.

I know damn it. Just because I met this woman who is... great.

In general; It'll give me something without anything in return? It's really suspicious. No offense. Just because I have a system, an instant cheat, or whatever it is, doesn't mean I'll trust it right away. I believe if it wasn't me who reborn to this world, the other guy will agree.

How about shutting it down, and I'll use you when I need to update the OS. I really wish this had a premium subscription because it's starting to feel more like annoying ad.

"Is my proposal unacceptable to your liking?" Hana said, leaning forward and resting her cheek on her palm in a seductive manner.

I clear my throat, "If we're mistaking this meeting for a job interview, then I'll take it as you're declining my team's offer. But I believe you are not."

Hana sighed and leaned back.

"Very well..."

I nod and continued, "Then how about this?," I paused, "Let's skip the technical stuff and make a bet, Hana-san..."

"Hmm..." She suddenly lit up and smiled broadly, "Go on."

"Sign at least a 40 million dollar contract with us now. If we manage to win the first race, you'll have to bring another extra 10 million afterward."

"Hoh..." She smirked. "Do you know how unrealistic that is? A new team like yours dreaming of winning a race? I could just pour money into a more experienced team like MLaren. Tell me, where does that confidence come from?"

"My instinct."

I chuckled inside. There's no way I'll tell you my secret.

"Fine... if you lose, you'll have to work with me for 80 years, plus you'll have to tell me all your secrets."

Shit. But I have to take it anyway.

"There's one more thing I'd like to add."

"What is it, boy?"


She hummed as I continued, "If we win, you'll send the 10 million and respect for me. That's all."

Looking at me her wide grin gradually turn to a laugh, "HAHAHA! Respect? Hm~ FINE, FINE! You're a really interesting boy, huh? Alright. Let's make the contract and conclude our meeting. Hm~ this is going to be fun."

I'm sorry, Gramps.

I mortgage my soul to the devil so we can dominate the 2009 season. However, I don't plan on losing either.


"If you weren't a brat—much less an injured brat in a wheelchair—a bullet would have gone straight to your head."


The meeting was over. I was in the elevator as the white-haired man escorted me. He was clearly pissed off, but I just stared back at him.

"Asking for respect from Madam goes beyond your limits. I hope you'll know your place."

I sighed. "And who are you to tell her what to do when your boss was fine with it?"

A body guard telling me what to do. As I expected, he didn't take my words lightly, and his right hand was already aimed at my neck.


The elevator opened.

With a small gap between his hand and my neck, someone intercepted him. The white-haired man, Claude, grimaced in pain.


"It seems you've had an interesting conversation with my grandson. May I ask what it was about?"

I had been preparing myself for this. But the man, none other than my grandpa, grabbed Claude's wrist and clenched it hard with his large hand.

Claude sighed and pulled his hand back. "It was just a simple talk between men. Nothing more."

Grandpa smiled slightly. "Interesting. Right, Masamune, could you wait for me over there with Nick for a minute? Also, I ran into Chinatsu at the lounge. Go and talk to her."

I nodded a little nervous, "Alright..."

As I wheeled myself out of the elevator, I wondered if Gramps could really make that kind of face. Wait, Chinatsu is here?


I stopped my wheelchair as a familiar voice rang in my ears.

A girl, about three years younger than me, with light brown hair that struck my memory as it flowed rapidly.

"It's really Onii-chan!"

The girl ran toward me, calling me brother in Japanese. Sitting in the wheelchair made our eyes meet, and her face was overflowing with happiness.

"Chinatsu, how are—"

"Stupid Onii-chan! Why did you leave Japan so suddenly? And what happened to you? Are you hurt?"


The words got stuck in my throat. I was trying to find an excuse, but her melancholy face hit me hard. Well, my decision to move abroad was made quickly, and I didn't really try to contact my sister...


That voice. I tilted my head up and saw a woman looking at me. Her face seemed terrified, as if she'd seen something she shouldn't have. I heard the clacking of high heels as they stopped beside me. She crouched down to make her face level with mine.

"D-Dear?! Is that you? W-what happened to you?"

The woman asked, referring to my injuries. Even now, I still had bandages, especially around my arms, legs, and neck behind my suit.

"Masamune, it's me, Mom. I'm sorry that Mom didn't know anything about you. Why didn't he tell me anythi—"

"What's all this commotion, Kinue?"

A deep voice interrupted her. I turned my head toward the voice, and our gazes met. His eyes narrowed.

"You... What are you doing here? Ha... it's not my problem anyway."

"F-Father, it's Onii-chan. Can we take him—"

"I told you, didn't I, Chinatsu? He's not your brother."


"Enough. Come here, Chinatsu. We're going back to Tokyo tonight."

My sister, Hayase Chinatsu, glanced at me hesitantly before giving in. Suddenly, the woman stood up and looked at me with a pitiful expression before walking back to the man. I sighed.

The person handling Hana's schedule must have made us meet by accident.

My guess is that he must be here for the same reason as me—to get Hana's sponsor.

After all, I heard that the Hayase Group; my father's company, owns 21% of Toyoda F1 Team shares.

As my supposed real family walked away...

"Oi. Thanks for that one million dollars you gave me."

The man stopped, turned his head, and glared at me slightly.

"Know your place, failure. I hope you spend the money wisely."

I chuckled a little. "I hope you don't bankrupt your company either. Also, our team is going to smoke you out in Melbourne."


"You heard me. When you lose, I'll take back my mother and Chinatsu."

Now he fully turned to face me. What a useless man.

"Hoho... Is this a declaration of war?" Grandpa came up beside me and touched my shoulder. "As expected from my grandson. In your current state, you managed to secure our biggest sponsor and face your family alone in a wheelchair. Aren't you ashamed, Minoru?"

"Tch! Act all high and mighty with that third-rate team. Let's see what you've got with your tractor."

My father—no, that bastard—just turned his back and left with my mom and sister. For now, both Grandpa and I are powerless. Running away with my mom and sister would just make things worse. For now, I'm building my foundation, and with just a little more time, I'll gain the power called authority.

"You did well," Grandpa said as I sighed. "Let's go. Nick has been waiting for us in the lobby."

"Yeah, let's head back. We still have a lot of work to do." I then wheeled my chair forward.

He chuckled slightly. "Now that's the attitude I want to hear. By the way, how much money did we get?"

"Forty million."

"Stop joking around."

"...unfortunately, I am not."

"Um... okay, so, what currency?"


don't worry, he'll use the system someday.