
The System of Son of the Night

A being of light embraced by darkness." Evan spent the first years of his life in an eternal sleep. But this sleep was not really eternal, it was all due to the assimilation of the Night System which was assimilating with his body. Now that he woke up, he was confronted with reality. What he never had in the nightmare world, he now has; the family he never had is now by his side, people who love and support him, he now has.

Biscuit_8 · ファンタジー
27 Chs

25- Night (1)

30 minutes; that's how long his rest lasted before walking again in the cold desert, a cold that only existed at night. A sea of stars as his company in every step towards his destination.

So Evan continued, under the dark night, his journey.

Evan continued reading the book that was given to him by his sisters, leaving only a few pages of the final section, the Beasts section, noticing the peculiarity that the entire book was handwritten, the difference in spelling was clear as he turned the pages.

The steps to follow in his journey were written by her sisters. The section talking about some biomes had a different spelling and the section on beasts had a different style of spelling.

Evan sighed, it wasn't hard for him to deduce who helped his sisters. Turning his gaze back to the opposite direction of where he was headed, looking in the direction of the lands where his family lived.

"Come out," he said in a loud voice that echoed in the silent desert.

Evan waited for an answer, but he received nothing, all he received was the sound of the cold desert wind.

'If they are not here, then they respect me more than my mother' He wandered in his thoughts, feeling a discomfort coming from his nostrils to the beginning of his throat, every time he blinked he felt a discomfort with a slight burning.

And a small fume settled over her eyes.

'Mom...' trying to calm himself, Evan could only think of other things, in an attempt to forget the overwhelming feeling coursing through his body. With no apparent positive result, he suppressed the tears that eventually ran down his cheeks to then increase the pace of their way...

In this cold desert...

On this cold night...

With these feelings, he wishes to freeze...

Hours passed, and the thoughts he had before were left in the past, only the irritation in his eyes remained.

An unsettling feeling passed through Evan's body, causing him to tense up and look from side to side.

"It's nothing" he rambled.

Evan began to breathe in a calmer manner and with each breath he began to stir his Aura more, causing the slight sense technique that his Aura Control has to manifest.

Blue winds of a very slight autumn swept over Evan's body in a wider range, 1.5 meters away is the maximum his senses reach using his Aura Control.

He felt no stares, no discomfort in his body. But there was something that made him tense as if something was wrong.

Using his Aura Control at full power to utilize the mild sense of possession it possesses, he scanned his surroundings as he kept walking in the same direction he was.

Needless to say, he was quickly running out of energy, keeping his Aura Control simple is natural and has no real energy jack, but using it actively or at full power is something he still can't do.

According to his tests in the previous days, only 10 to 15 minutes can maintain his Aura control before he exhausts himself enough to not be able to continue using his aura

One more reason why he regrets not having been able to pass the process of Mortal Realm is because if he had passed the whole process that entails that Realm should be able to use his aura actively for about 30 minutes at most and if it were at maximum capacity one 15 minutes.

That is without taking into account his physical capabilities as a vampire and spirit beast, if it were not for his physical capabilities that exceed those of humans, he would only last between 3 to 6 minutes. It was a blessing to have these two physical abilities together, as he was able to maintain his Aura control longer than a normal untrained human.

Evan who is using his Aura control at maximum capacity can only last 5 minutes or less.

And despite his exhaustive search for the peculiarity of the place there was nothing, stopping using his aura with 2 to 3 minutes of time of being able to use his aura.

He continued his journey with measures imposed in the book of his sisters.

He unbuckled the sword he had at his waist and took it from his hand superficially sticking his sword against the sand making a trace as he walked.

Besides that, he started counting to 3600 and each time she finished in her other hand she held up a finger.

"3599" He raised a finger

"3599" He lifted another finger.

This is repeated until he lifts more than 20 fingers, he did it all with one hand so he just closed his hand and started the cycle again.

3600 seconds is one hour, having raised 20 fingers, it means that 20 have passed. It is 20 hours in a starry darkness with no changes. I also noticed another peculiarity.

The stars were fixed, they did not move, they were static.

Evan noticed the peculiarities of the stars when he looked at a specific star and noticed that he was the one approaching the star, when he stopped and let time take its course he noticed that the star did not move a single centimeter.

Evan had two guesses, either he traveled to another world through some space rift or he was trapped in a Singularity.

Singularity, are strange and mysterious natural place. An example of them is the singularity of the continuous avalanche of rocks in Athens, a large city in the Alexandria Country.

Evan's sisters, Alexandra and Anastacia, told him that when they were in training this was a place where he had one of the tests at the Academy of the Holy Athena.

The test was simple only if you listened, the main thing was to detect the Singularity from there the main thing would be to find a way back and get out of the Singularity.

"I... I should have asked the different ways to get out of a Singularity" With frustration Evan picked up the book he had trying to read as fast as possible.

The option of entering a space rift and ending up on another world is also an option, as Evan recalls, the actual Beast Tamers pen of the war arsenal is located somewhere in the back forest outside the boundaries of the WR residence.

This pen is a dwarven world that can only be entered through this space rift, these space rifts although mysterious and peculiar appear naturally or rather they have always been there just someone has not been in the right location.

To be able to sense space one must reach the Saint Realm, a quality which Evan does not possess in these instances and to reach those capabilities in this situation is simply impossible.