
The System of Son of the Night

A being of light embraced by darkness." Evan spent the first years of his life in an eternal sleep. But this sleep was not really eternal, it was all due to the assimilation of the Night System which was assimilating with his body. Now that he woke up, he was confronted with reality. What he never had in the nightmare world, he now has; the family he never had is now by his side, people who love and support him, he now has.

Biscuit_8 · ファンタジー
27 Chs

22- Farewell

Evan felt his stomach tighten as if he hadn't eaten anything. He felt happy and sad at the same time, his mother understands him perfectly much better than his other mother.


Vayre and Alexandra are very different.


Evan stops his feelings abruptly, he does not want to turn back. This is also the beginning of his adventure, the adventure he desires, an adventure that his mother will not allow him to live.


Neither of his two mothers will allow him to live that adventure, to see the outside world in the purest way possible, with all its dangers and beautiful natures.


If Evan leaves Alexandra will not be able to follow him because of her responsibilities in Alexandria Country, the war arsenal in her problem to solve, but Vayre; will follow Evan and bring him back, there is no way she will change her mind, for that very reason he has to leave when she is not at home.


With the death of the teachers, Vayre will have to take the responsibility of summoning them and will have to go to their families' residences to explain the situation of their deaths.




The slam of the door against the wall echoed loudly throughout the room, at the door Vayre with an annoyed and angry expression.


Evan also looked back at her with a poker face, but in his eyes, you could see the annoyance he had towards Vayre.


Eyes that did not go unnoticed by his mother, Alexandra. She didn't like those eyes very much, since after all as they are both his mothers, they love him with all their hearts and the last thing they want is for him to feel hatred towards them.


'If only you understood...' Alexandra thought sadly.


Evan does look at his mother with annoyance, not with hatred as his mother Alexandra thinks, after all, he loves Vayre very much, he loves her very much. But that doesn't mean he doesn't feel annoyed towards her, forcing him to do something he doesn't want to do, something he simply doesn't want to do in his life.


Evan doesn't want to have to spend his whole life watching horse races, drinking tea, and trying to pretend everyone around him likes him, having to learn almost every piece of information about people he doesn't care about. He could live a life as a nobleman, but not like this.

For that reason, he wants to run away, run far away, to the only refuge he has now. The lands of the night, where the Vodrack duchy is located in the vampire territory. Where Lya resides.


At the same time, the journey from where he is to the night lands is an adventure that thrills him. Full of dangers and things to see.


Vayre gritted her teeth, with a thousand things to say but she couldn't say them, all those words she wanted to say to her son stuck in her throat. She didn't want to ask him why he killed his teachers, his red eyes and black sclera, they told her perfectly his nature.


A nature that feeds on humans and other beings, but still his favorite food has always been humans. Evan could perfectly tell her that he was hungry, after all, she is aware that Evan has requested blood from different animals to consume it, but even if he consumes blood from different beings Evan could not avoid the smell of human blood.


As a mother who wants the best for her child, she could do nothing but accept that Evan was overpowered by his instincts and devoured human blood.


For in bodies, there is no blood at all, not even his soul in his body.


He closed his eyes in frustration, how he wished his son had woken up a normal boy.


"Go to your room, don't come out until I return...we will have a stern talk about your actions," she said annoyed but with everything subdued.


"Yes, Mother," he said with a smile.


'She'll go personally' thought Evan cheerfully, to retire to his room.




His sisters heard their mother's words, but they had heard more. On the way to Alexandra's office, they ran into their mother who was so frustrated that all around them the atmosphere felt hot, instead of a cold night it seemed like a hellish night.


"Why, because you're not normal" Vayre exclaimed in a whisper as she walked quickly towards the office.


A whisper reached both sisters who were in one of the corridors connecting to the main hallway.


They both followed their mother and as Vayre left their mother's office, Alexandra. Before they entered they heard their brother's voice.


"So it's goodbye then," Evan said with slight emotion in his voice.


"You're leaving like this? You're not saying goodbye to your sisters?" said Alexandra.


The sisters with few words managed to understand everything that was happening, well partly, they didn't know yet about the bodies that were in the library. But they understood what their brother was doing.


Before entering, they felt how someone put their hands on their shoulders pulling them and disappearing from the scene, without being able to talk to their brother.



Evan went straight to his room, where he changed into more comfortable clothes. More flexible pants made of thin fabric but thick enough to keep out the sunlight, a plain brown shirt; plus a dark cape that went down to the soles of his feet.


"Phew~" he sighed with relief.


He reached the balcony of his room, where he could appreciate the beautiful moon a milk-white moon. Stepping forward with a big smile on his face. Dropping down to the garden was a small height, no more than 10 meters.


He made his body put on his soul state, to fall at a moderate pace, when he was 1 meter away, he returned to a physical state to continue on his way.


He ran through the garden until he reached the fence that limits the WR family home from the outside.


He held onto a pillar and as he was about to go through, he felt something grab his cloak and pull him down with incredible force, force he could not overcome without using aura.


"Who?" exclaimed Evan in surprise before he saw who caught him.


Without much time to react, the person who caught him started running without stopping.


"Pay attention," said a soft voice that Evan recognized instantly.


"Casandra! What are you doing, let go of me!" said Evan desperately trying to release his sister's grip.


"Pay attention!" Next to Casandra, Anastacia was running at the same pace.


"The night lands, they lie to the west where the sun goes down!" shouted Cassandra.


At that same instant, Evan felt a change of air, he felt warmer and it was not because of the influence of his sisters. They were in a forest where it was raining lightly.


'A space rift' he thought in surprise


"It's an 8-month journey walking 65 kilometers every day until we reach the border with the night lands."


Just as they finished they disappeared again and appeared in a valley where flowers dominated the area.


They said nothing more, but Evan could feel his sister hugging him tightly, and his other sister had water in her eyes.


They changed places again, and this was a desert with a gray sky not blue, with quite a few clouds but none of them looked like it might rain.


"We arrived..." said her sisters breathlessly, they used their aura at maximum power and ran at maximum speed to reach the outskirts of the territory.


If Evan could cross the territory of Alexandria country without the help of vehicles or space rifts, it would take 1 month to be able to get there.


Cassandra let go of her brother who fell on the sand, which was warm, not hot. it seemed as if he had not received any sun or only a moderate amount of sunlight. Even though he was devoid of temperature he could feel the light touching his skin.


Hiding his body as much as he could in his cloak, he observed what was around him.


It was pure and simple sand. An empty place devoid of everything.


'I... I... love it!' Evan shouted seeing everything around him.


A strange reaction for anyone, even for his sisters who looked at the gleam of excitement in their brother's eyes. Yet they could only smile sadly at their brother who was looking all around them.


The specific place where they were, they didn't know.


"Evan" Anastacia with her calm look caught Evan's attention, making Evan look at them again.


"Here" His sister without saying much handed him a silver-colored ring and a leather book, which had a new appearance, as if it had just been bought.


Evan took the things and watched his sisters attentively. He didn't want to say goodbye to them, just as he didn't want to say goodbye to anyone.


After all, that they are in his life is his greatest wish. That they are alive and not dead.


To have a family that loved him is what he always wanted and now that he had it he had to say goodbye, he had to say goodbye to them to fulfill his next wish.


His curiosity for the world was so great that he could not allow himself to just see it in books or hear it in stories, he wanted to see them. He wants to see the world, to meet multiple people, to see the nature of the beasts that were in this world, and to learn everything he does not know.


So leaving one of his biggest dreams behind, it's time to start his new dream.


"See you soon" with a clipped voice, Evan lunged towards his sisters hugging them by the neck tightly.


His sisters immediately reciprocated the hug, and the three of them felt it immediately, they didn't want to separate. But that couldn't be, they had to separate, and in the future, they would meet again.

Today is my birthday, I was about to not upload a chapter until I saw that chapter 22 had a few errors.

(I really didn't notice any more mistakes, I think it's perfect as it may be because of my poor English which I'm improving).

I wish you a nice day.

Biscuit_8creators' thoughts