
The System of Son of the Night

A being of light embraced by darkness." Evan spent the first years of his life in an eternal sleep. But this sleep was not really eternal, it was all due to the assimilation of the Night System which was assimilating with his body. Now that he woke up, he was confronted with reality. What he never had in the nightmare world, he now has; the family he never had is now by his side, people who love and support him, he now has.

Biscuit_8 · ファンタジー
27 Chs

16- Disobedience

At sunrise that same night.


"No, you can't go."


Vayre who was right now organizing several things, for that very festival Evan wants to go to. She flatly refuses to let him participate. 


His appearance is not the best for the atmosphere of a festival, it can generate tension for the rest of the town without him noticing it. When he is noticed he will generate tension, fear, and nervousness in every inhabitant of the town.


Vampires do not have a good reputation. No matter where they may be, vampires have a bad reputation. Being considered the natural predator of humans doesn't do them much favors.


So, no, Evan can't go. 


Not only to keep him safe but also to maintain a calm and safe environment for the citizens.


As co-ruler, Vayre is aware, much more than Alexandra may be.


Vayre comes from a noble family and before taking the last name WR, her previous surname was already influential, but that is in the past.


Now as Vayre WR, she has the duty to keep the town stable with the knowledge that she learned in her former family can do that, so she knows that if a disturbance in a town can lead to big measures.


That small disturbance later can generate several chain situations, the little attention that has been paid to other races in the country of Alexandria could change in a single second because of such a situation.


Control is the basis for a good government.


Vampires, demons, and spirit beasts. They are races that are not pleasing to the public for that reason the few residents there are of those races are kept in a controlled manner supervised by the Maids.


"But nothing will happen" Said Evan who was receiving shade thanks to an umbrella being held by Enola.


Vayre looked back at her son with a conflicted expression. What happened the day before yesterday was a very disturbing experience for her, she still believes that at any moment Evan's Aura can get out of control.


Although she is grateful to Lya, she is still upset with her wife, Alexandra.


They do not share the same opinion regarding what Lya and Alexandra talked about, no, none of the three share the same opinion. 


For her part she prefers her son to be by her side than not to go outside, she can teach him politics and he doesn't have to learn how to fight, he doesn't have to put himself in danger. He can live a normal, noble, and quiet life.


As long as he stays in the country of Alexandria, there is nothing she cannot handle. 


The common servants she once had have been dismissed this morning, to limit her son's observation. Leaving the Maids who have been with them since wartime.


The maids this very morning implemented magic throughout the house, so as not to waste time on things that could take them a long time. One example would be cleaning the house. They kept servants in their homes to create a lively and not lonely environment for their children to grow up in. But the situation is complicated now.


In one week everything has changed very suddenly, but it has not been a change that cannot be handled. After all, there is a reason why there is a magic class that specializes in cleaning.


Just this morning it was her turn to get up and prepare a carriage herself with support for the people of Turtle Mountain.


The support given is a resource that can help all the inhabitants of the village. A small fraction of what they have that won't even affect them at all just by giving these things.


"Nirva Are all the things already?" asked Vayre, to a mid who was getting the horses ready to be able to transport the things.


Yes, they could very well send the stuff in a bag or ring with space storage. But part of the parade is the participation of the WR family who send a representative, who will then divide the resources among all the citizens.


All festivals in the 17 villages and 6 cities always receive a gesture from the WR Family, a gesture that for some citizens may not be a small gesture.


Often the night after the festival for many families can be the best dinner they will eat all year, thanks to the small gesture of the WR family.


It should be clarified, that there are many festivals around the country, but only one festival of these receives WR Family support, usually the festival chosen to deliver these resources is the festival that has the name of the place.


Festival + Town/City Name


"Yes, my lady"


"Nirva, please, we're not in public, don't treat me so politely it's awkward."


Nirva nodded with a bit of a smirk, she was the only one who told her like that, just to tease her, they were best friends and for all the years she had always made that little joke.


Only when it's a serious moment the only person they treat with title is Alexandra.


"But, Mom," Evan insisted.


"No!" Vayre lashed out, shaking her head at Evan sharply and making a serious expression.


Evan recoiled in fright since he had never spoken to her in a rude manner, no, he had never spoken to her in a loud voice. His family these days spoke to him in a very polite and gentle manner. But Evan didn't feel it as a wake-up call, instead, he remembered when they yelled at him when they insulted him.


So with a tremor in his body, he left the place without addressing the word to his mother, without the others noticing the little moisture in his eyes.


When he reached the door and without Enola having time to open it, Evan's body became ethereal and went through it.


And so it continued, he went through walls in a rapid manner until he reached his room, where he felt calm but somehow insecure.


Without much thought, he closed the curtains and turned off the lights, but he could not have the darkness he had when he was hiding, his eyes did not allow him to see anything dark, everything was clear as if there was a sun in the room.


He closed his eyes sinking into the only darkness he could have.


Evan remembered his old small room, his old uncomfortable bed, his worn and tattered clothes. It was a dark room which made him feel safe.


Somehow he remembered his past thoughts.


'If you can't see the problem there's no reason to think about it, if you can't see it it doesn't exist.'


That was something Lya had said to him, one night after the orphanage director yelled at him.


But there is also another phrase similar to this, which Lya had also said to him.


"If you know the problem, you know the solution" Evan repeated aloud.


So Evan kept thinking, with his sadness which was mixed with determination, making him feel a false anger. A feeling that made his aura stir and his blood boil.


All this agitated his body and without noticing it, due to his lack of experience his blood ability awakened in a different way than normal.


[War Arts: Strategy] 


Evolutionary skill, evolutionary skills are rare, most of them have been lost in these 30,000 years of history. Ignoring the history of the Lost Era. 


This ability was recognized in the war 130 years ago, an ability that made Alexandra WR stand out among all the powers of the place.


The first phase of this skill is called "Judgment".


In short, it takes all available factors and chooses the result an optical result from several that are presented, it is like a super situation analysis.


Evan knowing the problem, and the outcome he wanted could carry out a judgment to get the best result. Evan wants to go to the festival, and the only problem he has is that his mother won't let him go.


Another characteristic of the first phase of this ability is that it is based solely on the knowledge of the bearer, taking into account memories and experiences.


Evan at that moment remembered the pile of things that were being loaded into the carriage, which was also heading towards its destination.


It is not very difficult to come to this conclusion if you think about it for a moment as an ordinary person. But for Evan thanks to this ability it was in a matter of 4 seconds, that he could see not only his memories but also his ideas and objectives. 


The conclusion was to hide among the things in the carriage, although there was also another problem.


'The senses of the maids, who are always aware of my situation.'


Evan doesn't really have many options to be able to hide from their senses, it would be pure luck that they wouldn't notice him. And even if they did, Evan would still get in between those things so he could go to the festival.


Evan looked towards the curtains again, reopening his eyes which now had a slight golden glow around his pupils.


"I just have to wait for it to get dark," he said aloud.






Evan covered himself with a cloak found in his closet, leaving the room by going through the balcony door and then slowly descending as his body transformed into his Soul state.


He cannot fly in his Soul form, only descending in a slow manner.


He moved nimbly thanks to his instincts, and the mana accompanied him but did not obey him. Nor was it trying to communicate with the mana or could see it.


Evan approached the carriage, and in the back, he hopped up in a light hop and landed gently. He landed without having to transform into his soul state.


He was silent, he didn't breathe, he didn't make a sound. It wasn't very late, it was 8 o'clock at night, so there was still a chance that they would come looking for him, there was also the possibility that the moment they moved the carriage they would notice him and take him out.


'I can do it' Evan reasoned to himself.


In the distance, Evan could hear light footsteps.


'It's now or never, if they don't spot me I can go!'