
The System Killed Me So I Transmigrated

1st January 2026. The Earth shuddered. Literally. A voice sounded in the minds of every creature on Earth. [Planet-28194728209, designation Earth-1055, has been deemed to have developed enough to be integrated. Sub-system GAIA integrating with the planet. Determining dominant species. Dominant species found to be Homo Sapiens. Integrating GAIA with dominant species.] The whole world froze for 5 whole minutes. In an emergency room in a New York City hospital, a group of doctors and nurses froze over a patient with a pair of defibrillators against his chest. [GAIA system has detected an individual to have died as a result of system integration. Attempting resurrection. Failed. Attempting resurrection. Failed. GAIA system has determined that authority is insufficient. Attempting to integrate the Main system. Integration is successful. Target's soul is dissipating. Attempting to condense soul. Failed. Emergency protocol 2018117284 activated. Integrating dying soul from an alternate timeline. Integration of souls was successful.] Lucas woke up in a white hospital room, dazed and confused. He heard a voice in his mind as soon as he woke up and saw two words floating in front of him. [Main system requesting to establish a link with individual Lucas Holden. Establish link?] [Yes/No] Lucas: What the hell is happening?!

Pranav_Kolli · ファンタジー
3 Chs

CH3: Main system?

(Lucas POV)

As I was sorting through all this information in my head, I realized something else. I don't have GAIA, I have Palu - ahem ahem - the Main System. How am I supposed to get into GAIA?

As if reading my thoughts Palutena answered.

[As you have me, you also have access to GAIA but only until your planet fully integrates with the Main system. Then you will be just like anyone else. However, until then you possess a rare advantage that only 3 other individuals have had during their safety period - pseudo-access to me. This will give you a unique set of advantages that will help you rise to the top of GAIA and possibly the Omniverse in the future but at the same time you are forbidden to mention any kind of knowledge or information that you gain from the Main system until everyone else from GAIA has successfully integrated with it.]

Intrigued as I was, I figured she wouldn't tell me about the others with the same advantage or what exactly these advantages are but fuck it, I asked anyway.

[Data of every individual in the Omniversal Alliance is restricted unless certain conditions are met. You do not have the authority to view this information.]

The phrasing of that was a little interesting to me. She clearly said 'Omniversal Alliance' and not the Main system. So I asked, "Does that mean you can give me information on others within GAIA?"

[You currently do not possess the authority to view information of individuals in GAIA]

'Okay now this is getting interesting', I thought.

"Since that is the case can you give me any information on the advantages I have due to integrating with the Main System in advance? Also, can I just refer to you as Palu? Repeating Main System so many times is getting annoying." I said

[Preferences have been registered. The Main system will begin to refer to itself in the first person with the representation of Palutena. You are required to find out the advantages that you have in GAIA by yourself.]

"What is the information that everyone else received from GAIA? Shouldn't you tell me these things so I don't spill out spoilers by mistake?" I asked.

[I was going to do the memory transfer at the end anyway but since you asked, the information that the world knows is that GAIA is a game that everyone on Earth will get a chance to play and that the effects of GAIA are spread to the real world as well. There will also be a currency exchange function for everyone to exchange their Earth currency for the currency of GAIA, which is also consistent with the My currency system, however, they will only be able to buy currency that other players sell to not cause inflation.]

[They have also been informed that there are two ways to play GAIA. The first is the primary method which is through a primary combat class and a secondary citizen class. The second method is to play only as the citizen class but that does not allow them to engage in any kind of combat and at the same time it is forbidden for combat players to harm them. This mode is primarily for young children and adults who are past their prime. Players are allowed to switch between the two modes whenever but every switch will result in a complete level reset and a loss of all skills and a decreased skill proficiency gain for two weeks.]

"Okay, last question, what happens to the body of the players when in the game? Surely it isn't defenceless, right?" I asked.

[The player's body is transported to the game world and is completely safe and as mentioned before, until full integration with Me, GAIA is responsible for the safety of all individuals on the planet. This means that GAIA will deal with any offenders according to the laws of the Omniversal Alliance, where the punishment of death or torture for certain crimes is the most basic.]

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!! That means we have hyper-intelligent AI police monitoring all our actions. Is that even legal? How does the Omniversal Alliance allow this?" I asked, completely dumbfounded at what I just heard.

[The Omniversal Alliance has very strict laws. Any criminal activity in a safe zone is punishable to the fullest extent of the law. Neither I nor GAIA is responsible for any illegal activity in non-safe zones.]

As if anticipating my next question, she continues:

[Safe zones include any public property, any property owned by the state, as they are owned by extension by the people, and all cities, towns or settlements. Private property in a city is not exempt from being a part of the safe zone unless the owner specifically buys this space from GAIA.]

"Wait so if politicians or rich assholes are hiding money or defrauding the public does that count as an illegal activity?" I asked with bated breath, imagining those smug assholes getting their comeuppance with a violent gleam in my eyes.

[Enforcement of any punishment depends on one of two factors. The first is that the offender poses direct harm to another individual or restrains their ability to access GAIA either by threats or force. The second is that an individual has obtained a certain amount of tangible evidence to prove that the offender has committed a crime. The burden of proof for any criminal or civil case is 51% as judged by GAIA, which has the ability to look into the past and objectively determine who is correct. However, accusations without the least bit of evidence, regardless of how true they may be, will not be accepted by GAIA.]

With a renewed understanding of the world I would be stepping into I braced myself and said, "Palu can you send me back? I'm pretty sure the people in the hospital are freaking the fuck out over my sudden disappearance."

[There is no need for any concern on that front. Our entire conversation has only taken the span of one second and has taken place entirely in your mind. Your body is sound asleep and no one can tell the difference but sure since you wish to leave, I will recommend that you prepare both your mind and body for GAIA. Goodbye.]

And then everything went dark.


Author's note:

I'm aware that this was a super heavy info-dump chapter but I honestly couldn't be bothered to slowly introduce them as I kinda want to blitz through MC's real life and then finally get to GAIA, where there will again be a small info-dump with him discovering his advantages and just adjusting to the game in general. I know a lot of readers are probably used to a familiar setting of a vr game or being transported to a game world but I am writing this with the intention of introducing the world and the setting to the reader for the first time. If you have already read a novel with a similar setting or know game elements of a vr game, I recommend you skim the chapters that introduce the stats as I have slightly tweaked them and what they do for my novel instead of being like agi boost speed go brrrr...

This is my first novel so I welcome any and all feedback and criticism but please don't just spam some dumb reviews like those I've seen on other books on this site. Please be respectful in the reviews and the comments not just to me but also to other reviewers and commenters.

Also, power stones or whatever... do what you want.