
The Sword of the Fearful

Shimizuosdreams · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Why did I kissed him?

Dyrroth's look was showing that he wasn't happy to see her like that but he also couldn't understand how she survived that. 

Megumi looked at him and tried to remove her hand from his hand. The look was still holding her hand with brute force and she couldn't remove it. It seemed like he didn't want to let her go.. 

Dyrroth looked at her wedding dress that is torn and dirty. She also saw her hands , filled with blood. 

He saw her wounds and he also saw that her feet was bleeding. Megumi looked at him...The moment between was really tense. They were both silent and they didn't know how to react. After a minute of silence, Dyrroth spoke again with his demon voice. 

-Megumi, did someone hurt you?..Who did this to you? 

Megumi didn't say anything. She was still trying to remove his hand from hers but she couldn't. 

-No one... 

There was a tense moment between them. It seemed like neither of them wanted to say something that was important. 

Dyrroth was holding her hand but he didn't know what to say. He then spoke again. 

-You are lying to me Megumi and we both know why. Tell me if someone hurt you. 

Megumi started to tear up again but she knew that he will never understand. She needed to tell someone the truth... She wanted to tell him the truth. 

-I.. I just fell. No one hurt me... 

-I don't believe you. 

Megumi didn't speak. Her silence was the answer. Dyrroth's eyebrows was raised and he was thinking. 

-Why did you ran away from your wedding ? 

Megumi was silent again and she was looking at the ground. She was trying to remove his hand but she was still unable to... 

Dyrroth suddenly looked at her face and her eyes. 

-Did someone hurt you? 

-I told you... No one hurt me. His look was cold towards her... 

Dyrroth looked at her and he could see that something is wrong. There were tears in her eyes and it seemed like she really want to tell him the truth but she was scared for some reason. 

-Megumi...Just tell me...Who hurt you? 

Megumi's lip started to shake again and she was trying to remove Dyrroth's hand but he was too strong. His strong arms didn't allow her to move her hand. 

She looked at his face...His eyes were so cold right now... 

-Please... Let me go... 

Megumi was shocked. She tried to pull away but she couldn't , she was also feeling something. It didn't seem like she wanted to push him away...She didn't say anything but his arms around her made her feel safe and something she never felt... 

Dyrroth wasn't moving but his hold was still strong. They were standing a little more than a minute until finally he spoke again , this time with his deep voice. 

-Megumi?.. What did I do? How could I hurt you? I just wanted...I just wanted...To... 

She was silent for a minute as tears was falling from her eyes. It was a confusing way of comfort. She could feel the heat of his body , it was warm and she felt safe...She was scared but..she also felt..different. She didn't understood why she was feeling like that... 

She wasn't pushing him or anything. She wasn't sure why she was staying like that. Her head was on his chest while he was hugging her tight again. He smelled good...She couldn't explain what was happening... 


She looked at his eyes and they were soft and warm. She saw that he is not angry or mad at her. Instead, she felt..safe?.. 

Megumi was lost , she didn't know what to say . 

He took her chin with his hand. He lifted her chin but he was careful. He looked at her , his eyes were gentle and they were showing empathy for her. 

Megumi was frozen in his grip. She didn't expect him to act like that but she never felt this safe before... 

She was still looking at him and her eyes were filled with tears. Her lips was moving. She wanted to say something but she was scared. What if he doesn't care? Maybe it's just a trick? She thought... 

She looked at his eyes again. She was close enough to kiss him but she had to be sure that it isn't a mistake... 

She looked at his lips and then back to his eyes...She had to do something...She couldn't waste her last chance... 

She was moving her head and she was about to kiss him... 

He saw that Megumi was going to kiss him and didn't move. He didn't want to kiss her back. He looked at her and for a moment felt like he had made a mistake.

She wanted to go back. Maybe she shouldn't kiss him but... He was already so close and she had to kiss him...

Her lips touched his for the first time and he felt his heart racing. 

Dyrroth's lips were cold... He didn't respond...He didn't even...She looks at the ground and she felt so sad. Dyrroth didn't respond. He just let her kiss him and he did absolutely nothing. He just looked at her. His expression wasn't telling what was going through his mind. He seemed surprised as he stared at her.

Megumi slowly pulled away and didn't know what to do. Did she made a mistake? Was she supposed to leave and never look back at him?

She began to leave but she heard him calling her.


She didn't stop and she kept walking until she heard his voice again. This time , the tone was more serious and he sounded angry.

-Megumi... Turn around.

She was a little scared but she didn't wanted to make him angrier. She turned around and looked at Dyrroth.


-I said turn around. His face was cold , his eyes were empty and he also looked angry.

Megumi was scared but she just did as he said and turned around to leave again.

He spoke again and it was his demon form's voice this time.

-Why did you kissed me?...

Megumi was ashamed. "I'm so stupid" she mumbles to herself.

-I..I just wanted..to..

Dyrroth stared at her.

-Is that your answer?


She couldn't finish the answer because she was ashamed. Dyrroth was staring at the ground while his face was more serious. He seemed angry and she feared what he will do. He spoke again in his demon form's voice.

-Just tell me why.

The situation turned awkward. She was thinking about the answer but she was scared that he would kill her if she says anything that he doesn't want to hear.

She didn't knew what to say now...

 -You... You kissed me just to say goodbye?

Dyrroth was still looking at the ground and his eyes were cold. His facial expression was empty and it was hard to think that he is still Dyrroth in there.

Megumi was scared and didn't know how to act right now. She wanted to go but...she was wondering...Why did he make her stay?...She was supposed to leave...She was supposed to be gone and not see him again but...he didn't let her go yet...

-I regret kissing you, says Megumi pushing him away

His face suddenly changed. His eyes became angry and he grabbed her arm. He was furious. He was looking right in her eyes , his voice was deep and angry.

-You regret kissing me?

Megumi was scared. She didn't thought that it would escalate so much. She took a step back but his grip on her was strong.

-Dyrroth...I..I just..

She didn't know what to say , she wanted to leave but the more she tries the worse it got...

He was about to shout at her but he suddenly stopped. He let her go and stepped back. He had a serious look on his face now and he was breathing heavily.

He didn't understand why but he was furious. His fingers were shaking but he took a deep breath and calmed down , but his voice was serious.


He was staring at Megumi and he was waiting for an answer. His eyes were so cold right now.

Megumi didn't know what was going on inside of him...His change of behavior just made the whole situation weirder and Megumi was scared right now...

- I hate you... says Megumi running away with tears in her eyes. How stupid was Dyrroth to not understand that he meant something to her?

Megumi keeps running until she reaches the bottom of the hill, she has to jump off the hill into the waterfall to escape him.

He called her but she didn't stop. She didn't care. She was running and she didn't even looked back, she didn't even wanted to see his face again right now because it was all so confusing. Dyrroth ran behind her, he almost reached her but she jumped off the hill before he could touch her. She landed hard in the waterfall. She thought that it might hurt but.....she didn't felt anything. Dyrroth just stood there. 

His voice sounded desperate as he jumped after her. She just didn't wanted to see him again but if she saw his face right now , she would be heartbroken.

Dyrroth just kept calling her name...