
the sword galaxy random stuff

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J_Wyvern · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Record of the End

log date :12 15 2020

???: This is the first log of the in Project I don't know how well this will go this was done out of an audio recording your single text file so we have started the testing for what we have called project end the in Project is something that was in the works for a long time we had to get the funny from a head organization we are many based in a reactor that we were not conclude this reactor will be powered by the raw energy output of these children that we have scientifically May these children have been enhanced in fields and such they have higher intelligence higher speed higher everything but they don't know Jon B these children have just been born we have their code names we have the code names sloth greed lust Envy a rathe we are rats work-in-progress we used to have gluttony but he became a failed project infile