
The survival of the last hunter in the magical world

A young soldier is trapped inside an old fortress with a mutant monster chasing him everywhere, and the only way to survive is to escape from this world.

High_castle · ファンタジー
219 Chs

The Corrupted knights (2)

This was not the first time I had encountered this type of entity 

 These distorted entities are known as Corrupted Knights

 The basis of the path of corruption was to control other rational beings

 Just as the Path of Metamorphosis was able to harness monsters to serve them, the Path of Corruption was able to control humans and other intelligent races.

 The difference is that the Metamorphosis' path is much easier because it often depends on controlling unintelligent monsters, especially at low levels 

 That wasn't a problem, all they had to do was lead the beast into submission, taking advantage of its primitive instincts

 But as for the path of corruption, it was not that easy because it required controlling rational beings who had strong awareness and the ability to think independently 

 The lower levels of this path are forced to try to control intelligent beings, which was more difficult than anyone might imagine, so the success rate of this process was low. 

 Therefore, the path of corruption depended on the person's ability to manipulate his victim emotionally and psychologically, and thus he could direct his victim toward certain actions. 

 With advanced levels of this path, a person would gain amazing abilities 

 They were able to control people absolutely and turn them into living puppets that did what they commanded

 After the victim is controlled, an unbalanced amount of Vitae will be pumped into the victim's body, causing the puppet to gain some superior physical abilities, thus making it possible to create a powerful entity called the Corrupted Knights.

 I encountered many corrupted knights and that was not a problem for me because I was at a high level

 In the end, they are just puppets. All they do is follow the orders given to them, and they can be dealt with if you have an appropriate strategy

 But right now, with my low level, facing the corrupted knights is a real challenge

So all I can do is buy a few seconds to find a loophole

 "This was a joke, my friend. You know I was joking, right?"

 Even with my attempts, he did not stop and continued to move towards me with steady steps 

 The distance between us was gradually decreasing 

 I knew the collision was imminent, so I raised my blade, mustered all my strength, and rushed towards him

 My goal was to cut off its head and thus separate this claw from the main body

 While only two meters away from him I moved the blade towards the head

 But suddenly I felt a deadly danger surrounding me, which prompted me to change my direction and jump to the side

 A huge explosion occurred as a result of that claw hitting the area where I was previously 

 "So fast..." I stuck out my tongue when I saw the deep hole created by this blow

 It was clear that he was physically superior 

 The claw extended, rushing towards me very quickly 

 I dodged this blow without a problem


 The huge claw hit the wall behind me, shattering it into pieces

 "Now this is definitely a problem..." I couldn't help but swallow hard as I thought about what I should do

 The presence of a corrupted knight in a residential area full of ordinary people was a disaster on every level 

 If the Corrupted Knight goes on a rampage and starts killing people randomly, many will die in this attack

 I moved towards the hole that the knight had created in the wall and jumped from it onto the main street

 I must warn the residents and make them evacuate this area before it is too late



 A huge explosion occurred in a medium-sized house in a neighborhood in the eastern region of the Varyag city 

 Small pieces of stones fell and dust spread in the nearby areas 

 Passers-by stopped and looked at this event from afar, keeping a safe distance 

 Some of them quickly informed the police as soon as this explosion occurred 

 Suddenly a person jumped out of the hole resulting from the explosion and fell onto a truck that was parked opposite the house

 This person was of medium build and wore a robe that covered his head along with his upper body, and a distinctive white fox mask on his face 

 Some people could recognize this mask immediately

 "Isn't this mask similar to Robin Hood's mask?" A girl who looked to be thirteen years old whispered as she held up her phone to photograph him

This girl had dark purple hair arranged in two tails with clear blue eyes and a charmingly delicate body

 " Robin Hood...?" An old man next to her asked in a monotone voice with his hands behind his back. Despite his old age, his body was trained and his back was straight, retaining a vitality that even young people do not possess. 

 "He is the bandit who was robbing the nobles in Cairn City." The girl explained to him as she quickly took a picture, then turned to the old man, "Are you going to intervene to arrest him, grandfather?"

The old man did not answer her immediately and instead stared at the shattered wall with narrow and worried eyes

 Alexander jumped into the middle of the street, away from the truck, and while everyone was wondering if this masked man was the famous Robin Hood, a giant black claw came out at breakneck speed from the hole in the wall of the house, crushing the truck and flattening it.

 Everyone was taken by surprise by this strange thing that suddenly appeared

 Immediately after that, a man came out and descended to the ground using the claw that was supporting him

 Everyone began to realize that the place was not safe, which prompted them to withdraw away and wait for the authorities to intervene

 While some curious people hid in safe places to watch the fun

 The bald man picked up the crushed truck with the claw and used it as a weapon against Alexander 

 Alexander did not run away from the confrontation. He ran his hand over the blade to cover it with Qi, and it began to emit a charming and attractive purple glow.

 Then he rushed towards his target without retreating, activating the hunter's eyes

 Although the Corrupted Knight is just a controlled puppet, he still retains some consciousness and thus it was possible to influence him using the Hunter's Eyes.

 The Corrupted Knight immediately fell under the influence of the Hunter's eyes and froze for a second

 That second was enough for Alexander to push the blade, which cut through the metal body of the truck like a hot knife through butter.

 After the blade passed through the truck, it headed towards the head of the Corrupted knight 

 When the Corrupted knight regained his ability to move again, it was already too late, so Alexander's blade reached his neck and cut him instantly.

 The knight's head and the huge claw emanating from it fell to the ground 


 Alexander stood in the middle of the dust storm left behind by this high-speed attack 

 The people who were hiding nearby looked at the outcome of this confrontation in amazement

 "The hunt is over..." Alexander raised his blade proudly

 While Alexander was immersed in the euphoria of victory, the body of the Corrupted knight suddenly began to tremble

 Alexander actually noticed this and turned to the corpse while keeping an appropriate distance

 He didn't know what was going on with this body

 Supposedly, the matter ended with the beheading of this corrupt knight 

 He thought that this body was designed to explode if it was defeated, so he left a safe distance so that he could withdraw in case of emergency.

 But it took several moments for the body to stop shaking 

 While everyone thought that the matter was over, the body began to move and rose to its feet 

 Everyone held their breath, including Alexander 

 An explosion occurred in the neck area and a sticky black liquid began to flow from the severed neck like a fountain

 This sticky liquid soon began to form into the shape of three medium-sized tentacles

 On the other hand, the severed head began to shake violently, and the giant claw moved erratically and began to reshape itself again into a new pattern.

 Then more black sticky substance began to emerge from the eyes and mouth of the head and from the lower part of the head that was separated from the body 

 Several long legs began to form around the head in a pattern similar to a spider

 Does this thing have a second phase?... Alexander's expression twitches under the mask as he looks in shock at this terrifying transformation.

 "That's not fair, you fucking cheater..."