
On Again

To my surprise, only one guard was standing outside Godric's office. Maybe now that the business is handled with the rogues and the initial shock of a new Alpha has worn off, security won't be so tight in the house.

As I approached, the guard moved to the side giving me space to enter. Alpha's words from my last office visit probably still ringing in his ears. I remember how angry he was to see me waiting on the ground. That was only a week ago but so much has changed in such a small time.

I knocked once and Godric permitted my entrance. His voice was loud and clear from the other side. I was excited to tell him how happy I was to receive the dresses.

But as soon as I pushed the door open, my smile was gone. Her giggles filling the air were almost stinging my ears. When the door was fully open, I could see Godric sitting behind his desk with Sophie comfortably nested in his lap.