
Dresses For Everyone

The ride back to the Alpha's house was a quiet one. Godric and Alex rode in front, with me and Anna in the back. No one saying anything.

Somehow, our lives had all changed. Mine more than anyone else. In a week or so I would be property to a rogue leader.

My life would no longer be my own. Alex and Anna kept their eyes towards the window, avoiding my gaze at all costs.

Godric, whose eyes should have been on the road, kept glancing at mine. Normally I would have avoided his intense stare. But something in me wanted to keep looking until there wasn't anything else to see.

As soon as we got back, both Godric and Alex gathered with a few other men while walking inside the house. Their mouths were moving but I couldn’t hear what they were saying. The world around me went silent as my mind tried to calm itself.

Anna tried to grab my hand and lead me into the house, but Godric requested her presence. And once again, I was left alone with my thoughts.