
Anything I Want

I pushed through the crowd, making my way back to the bonfire. The unknown girls’ words were still on my mind. ‘Masters new pet.’ I wasn’t his new pet.

Evander’s and Mason’s eyes landed on my shirt when I cleared the crowd and entered the circle of logs placed around the bonfire.

“Oh. Looks like the baby had an accident.” Mason teased. I ignored him.

Evander asked, “What happened to you?”

I decided not to make things worse by ratting on Mia. Instead, I responded. “Nothing. I had an accident.”

Both of the guys burst out laughing.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms across my chest. “I’m ready to go Evander.”

“Well, I’m not.”

“Well, I’ve had all I can take for tonight. I’m ready to go.”

For a moment, I forgot where I was and who I was talking to. I was frustrated. My short was soaking wet. My jeans were dirty from hitting the ground and now Evander was refusing to leave.

He slowly approached me. How towered over me as he stood inches away.