
The Supreme Wolf

Agility, Strength and Cunning teamwork. Those traits make up a Wolf, but, what if there was a Wolf that had more? What if it could see things others did not? What if it could understand the forgotten? What if it had an ever growing intelligence that would aid it many a times in the future? Wolves are Leaders. Wolves are the rulers of the Forest. Wolves are Cunning. Created by Ancients, defying fate, fighting if he so desires, watch him fight and rise! Also, here is the link of a drawing of a friend called 'The Tempest', it is the drawing of the base form of the MC. I think that it looks really good. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/469201063551959060/505890662747734027/20181027_194800.jpg Our discord serv: https://discord.gg/Mja6jam I do not own the cover as it belongs to the artist that drew it.

Wolfy_Charles · ファンタジー
21 Chs


There was a Wolf cub running around in a forest near two gigantic corpses, of whom only gods and a selected few knew what they once were since the origin of those corpses was of ancient times which nearly none survived. It seemed like there was a huge barrier around the 2 corpses which had a radius of more than 1000 km.

The Wolf cub was trying to eat the meat of the corpses after it got hungry from running around so much. It tried to eat the corpses because there was nothing to eat aside from vegetables and fruits which it already got sick of since it didn't like the bitter taste. The barrier like thing surrounding the corpses didn't allow any other living being to get near the corpses, only the cub could for some reason. The corpses were very big and sturdy. They also weren't rotting at all, even after 1 week, they didn't show the slightest sign of rotting .The Wolf cub took a very long time just to tear the meat apart from the corpse he was trying to eat. As for chewing and digesting it... that went on even longer...

The Wolf cub's stomach was full after it ate a bit of the corpses flesh. Surprisingly, even though it was very hard to eat, it made one full after a few bites. That wasn't just because the wolf cub was small right now and couldn't eat as much as a full grown one, but, because the flesh had some kind of energy that would spread in ones body once eaten. It also seemed like the cub was getting stronger after it ate the meat since it could rip the flesh easier away from the corpse with each bite.

The cub was there, thinking of what it should do now that it was full and didn't have an empty stomach anymore. It was bored, so, it ran around the corpses and drank some of the water from the nearby river until it was tired and just went to sleep.

After the cub went to slumber, two lights appeared above the corpses, one of the lights was red like blood and the other was of a bluish white color. Those lights were looking at the cub with many kinds of emotions, of whom the strongest were longing, hope, relief, sadness, the desire to protect him and most of all; love. Those two watched over the cub for a bit before slowly dissipating.

The cub woke up again and firstly ate some of the flesh which it found very delicious but kinda sad to eat. It didn't know why, but, it had this feeling of sadness when it chewed the flesh. It was delicious though, so it didn't mind it any second thoughts. It once again ran around until it was tired and went to sleep with the two lights appearing and watching over him again, the lights seemed to dim though as their shining wasn't as strong as before.


This process repeated itself until the flesh of the two corpses was completely digested in the cub's stomach. The cub was wondering what it should eat now that the two mountains of meat were gone. It decided to leave the barrier like thing and search for food since it was very hungry. It has to be said that the capacity of the stomach of that cub was five if not six times the size of that of an full grown man's after eating so much meat over the last week. The cub had grown very fast in that week and could hardly be called a cub anymore since it was nearly the size of a normal wolf already.

The Wolf ran for what seemed to be an eternity for it and finally got out of the barrier. It was surprised to say the least. That was already an understatement to be frank, it was more like the Wolf was gobsmacked because there was no forest anymore. Just a wasteland with nothing but sand in sight.

The Wolf wondered why there was no green anymore and found out that he couldn't return to the forest since it wasn't there anymore. The barrier was also gone. It seemed like it was never there in the first place…

The Wolf was saddened by this because he couldn't go back to his "Home" anymore. He was truly sad. He cried and howled for a whole 3 hours before stopping and looking at his surroundings once again.

There was truly nothing but sand, it was also clearly early in the morning since the sun had just started to rise.

The wolf just walked into the direction of the rising Sun. He didn't know what he should do since he was so hungry and nothing was in sight. So, he just walked and searched for anything to eat while regretting not eating the vegetables, regretting to have been so picky and regretting to have left the forest. He knew he could have adapted to the taste of vegetables and fruits fast because Wolves adapt fast to their food selection and are normally indiscriminate feeders.

The Wolf sighed in his mind and just continued walking and searching for food. After three long hours hours of starving and walking, he seemingly saw an oasis. Oh, how happy he was, how satisfied he felt and how teary his eyes were.

That oasis was very small and just had a bit of water and a bit grass, nothing else. But, he was happy since he got to drink something after three hours of walking. He also began to think more during those three hours.

He had thoughts such as „Where am I? Who and what am I? What should I do now? What were those two mountains of meat? Why did the everything disappear after passing that wall-like thingy?" He just sighed in the end as he had no answers.

He continued walking after stuffing his stomach with water to the brim, in search of food since he only gets hungrier with time, like every being does.

This is my first Novel. Please tell me any loopholes I may have overseen in future chapters. (I wanted to try and make a more familiar tone with the MC by changing from it to he/him, please tell me if it was good or weird) This chapter was a bit short, but, I will try to make future chapters longer. I will not drop this novel.

Have fun reading it and enjoy. (¬ω¬)

Wolfy_Charlescreators' thoughts