
The Supreme Vampire King

YugiohGx/RosarioVampire Crossover!!! Ten years ago, monsters revealed their existence to humanity. The monsters who believed they were superior beings, declared war on the humans with the intent of turning them into slaves. But the humans weren’t planning on going down without a fight. Duel Monsters, which used to just be a popular game and sport, has now become the humans main line of defense against their more powerful enemies. By harnessing the power of duel spirits, duelists can now summon their favorite cards into the physical world by using the new and improved duel disk created by Kaiba Corp. Duel Academy is still in operation but has turned into a military style school which trains duelists how to use this new technology as well as teaches them how to fight. One of these students at Duel Academy is named Jaden Yuki. He is known as the school’s ace because he has a special ability. Jaden can summon duel spirits without the use of a duel disk! But he has a secret that no one knows about. Jaden is actually a monster himself! But not just any kind of monster. He is an elite S-class monster called a vampire, but his true form and his powers have been sealed away due to the Rosario he wears around his neck. Where does the source of his strange powers come from? And what is the truth he is hiding about his mysterious past?

LilacDream · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Blooming Hatred

"What is all the racket in here?!" Yelled Professor Crowler as he burst into the classroom. "Class is about to start! So everybody, get in your seats at once and-" He started to say before he cut himself off, and swallowed a big gulp. Jaden looked over at the door and winked at him mischievously. "Oh hey, look. It's the tranny. You got here late, teach. I'll let you do what you have to do right after I finish dealing with these punks." The silver haired teen said as he cracked his knuckles. If it was any more possible, Professor Crowler's already paper white skin turned more pale as he bolted out the classroom and started running down the hallway. "AAAHH! IT'S A VAMPIRE! CHANCELLOR SHEPHERD! HEEEELP!" He said as he ran away like a coward.

Jaden chuckled as he shook his head and turned his attention back to the unruly Obelisk student who continued to glare at him. "Since you're the only one acting like a tough guy while everyone else is scared, I'm starting to get the feeling that you're the one who's causing all this trouble?" He said as he walked even closer to him, and they were now face to face. He leaned forward, and instinctively, the ringleader flinched and shut his eyes tightly, preparing himself to get punched. But nothing happened. When he opened his eyes, Jaden had his cheek turned to him with a cocky smirk as he pointed to his face. "Go ahead. I'll give you one try to slug me in the face. Come on, don't be scared. I won't bite." He said playfully as he smiled on purpose to show off his elongated canines, trying to toy with him.

The ringleader gritted his teeth and balled up his fists tightly. "You don't scare me… I know you're still feeling weak from the water. Just because you change form doesn't mean a damn thing! I'll show you what happens when you try to mess with us humans!" He said before he belted out a battle cry and swung his fist at Jaden who continued to look unphased. In fact, he looked like he was having fun. Before his fist connected, the younger vampire easily caught his hand and held onto it tightly, refusing to let go. The Obelisk started struggling as he attempted to pull his hand free. "H-hey! Let go of me you freak!" He shouted desperately.

"Hmm… No. I don't think I will. I still need to teach you a lesson. I said I'd let you try to hit me, but I never said I'd make it easy for you." He said as he started to squeeze with only a fraction of his power but still strong enough to easily crush all the bones inside his hand. The sound of his splintering bones vibrated within the classroom making everyone flinch as the ringleader screamed his head off in pain. "STOP! PLEASE! YOU'RE HURTING ME!" He begged as he tried to stop himself from crying. "Where was my mercy when you guys were beating me senselessly on the ground? I'm still sore by the way… It honestly pisses me off that a mere human would dare lay their hands on me in my weakened state. So I think I'll give you a little repayment!"

He pulled him in by his arm and swiftly headbutted him in the face, effectively breaking his nose and causing his blood to splatter out as he fell onto his ass after Jaden released him. With his good hand, he clutched his face as blood continued to pour out from his nose. "You are a fucking psycho! You broke my hand and my nose!" He said as his friends ran over to check on him. Jaden shrugged his shoulders as he felt some of the Obelisk's still warm blood spray onto his face, and he used his thumb to smudge it and wipe it away clean. "Stop your whining , you big baby. I actually went easy on you. If I wanted to, I could have gone harder and totally smashed your skull in."

He looked at the blood on his thumb and licked it clean but grimaced at the flavor and quickly spit it out onto the ground by the ringleader's feet. "Ugh! That was absolutely putrid. Your blood is as rotten as your personality." He hunched down so that he could look at the cowering human before him straight in the eyes. The ringleader by now had lost all of his confidence and was equally as terrified as the rest of his peers. "Have you learned your lesson yet? Look, I'm a nice guy. Or at least I'm trying to be. I have no qualms with you people, but if you give me good enough of a reason then I will not hesitate to put you back in your place." The Obelisk and his friends started shaking as they felt Jaden's increase in murderous intent, and they slunk down to the floor, bowing to him as they begged for forgiveness.

"Okay! We're very sorry for what we did to you! Now please, let us go! We promise not to do this ever again! You have our word!" They said pitifully. Jaden smirked as he turned around and started walking back towards Alexis who was too stunned for words. But before he reached her, he looked over his shoulder to say one last thing. "Oh. And before I forget, you all better leave the rest of the monsters alone. I'm taking it upon myself to ensure their safety from the likes of you scum. They're my people, and as their superior, I won't let a single bad thing befall them. If you so much as try to start another fight with us, I actually might end up killing you. So keep that in mind." He said as his red eyes started to glow as he glared at them, and they couldn't even muster up enough courage to speak, so they only nodded their heads to respond instead.

As the situation was finally settled, Chancellor Shepherd as well as Tsukune came into the room with a handful of guard's to help back them up in case they were needed. Jaden sighed as he saw them rush into the room, and he put his hands up as a precaution when the guards surrounded him with their guns pointed at him. "I'm starting to get a bad sense of déjà vu here… Look, before you start accusing me of shit that didn't happen, you should turn your attention to the real culprits. Believe it or not, I'm the victim here. Just look at my face!" He said as he gestured to the bruises and scratched still lingering on his body, albeit they were already starting to heal.

He then pointed his fingers to the trio of humans that started the whole damn fight, and even attempted to kill him. "Those are the guys you should be worrying about, not me. Just ask anyone here, they were all witnesses to what happened." He said, and on Chancellor Shepherd's command, the guards lowered their weapons. Shepherd sighed before he started to speak. "Considering that I know what you're capable of, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. If I just accused you right away, I would be setting a bad example for my other students. It's not always going to be a monster's fault when situations like this occur. So boys, please escort these three to the detention hall so that I can deal with them later." He said, and they immediately started grabbing the culprits and confining them in handcuffs.

"Headmaster! You can't be serious right now?! You're going to believe his words, just like that?! He's a vampire for Christ's sakes! His kind are beings of pure evil!" Tsukune shot him a glare, which made the student start to sweat. "Hey, I'd watch your mouth if I were you. Or did you forget that I am a vampire too? You should learn how to not discriminate. And if I recall, you've been acting up since yesterday, spewing your hateful talk. It's about time we dealt with you troublemakers anyways. You dug your own graves." They were then quickly hulled off, with Jaden smiling and waving at them as they were dragged out the door. "Shows those assholes right." He said as he chuckled, and Tsukune walked over to stand next to him with his arms crossed, and an annoyed look on his face.

"How are you even unsealed right now? Did you bypass the seal again? Jaden, if you keep doing that, then eventually it's going to break, you do realize that right?" He said concerned, while also disciplining him. "Not this time. Check it out." He said as he pulled his collar down and revealed his choker, with the Rosario missing. "I found my key. It was unexpected, but it couldn't have happened at a better time." Tsukune smiled and sighed with relief. "That's comforting to hear. Because if you had bypassed your seal, Moka would have thrown a fit for sure. So? Who was it?" He asked curiously. Jaden smirked as he pointed at Alexis, who was standing off to the side with Syrus. "Her. The pretty girl." He said confidently, which made her blush.

Tsukune made an audible sound which showed his surprise, but quickly his surprised expression turned into that of reminiscence, as he thought back on how he and Moka met. So, the person who ended up becoming Jaden's seal is a female? And one of his best friends, no less? He didn't want to make comparisons between their situations, but it looked like love must be blooming, at least within the girl. Because that's how it was for him when he found out he could remove Moka's Rosario. It wasn't an exact science, but he figured that romantic feelings were a component in becoming a key. Jaden looked at him with a disgusted look as he stared at his brother in law. "What's with that dumb look on your face? It's creeping me out. Stop smiling like that before I wipe that grin off your face myself." He said as he scoffed.

Tsukune laughed nervously as he looked at the younger vampire. Without a doubt, he truly was Moka's little brother, because their personalities almost matched to a T. He was just as rude, callous and blunt as Moka was at his age. Was it perhaps that Jaden hadn't realized the truth himself as to why Alexis ended up becoming his key? "Oh don't mind me. I'm just thinking about something, is all. Now then…" He said as he started approaching Alexis and she tensed up due to her nerves. "Hey. I can relate to what you're going through right now. So… Promise me that you'll take really good care of my brother, won't you? It's a big responsibility to be a keeper of the Rosario, so keep it safe. And no matter how much of a handful he is, promise me that you will always stay by his side." He said with a friendly smile.

Alexis returned his smile and nodded in response. "Of course sir! You have my word!" She said as the two had a flowery atmosphere surrounding them, and Jaden almost physically gagged because of it. "Hey. I can hear you guys you know! I'm not some little kid… I can take care of myself. So don't go making her feel that she's obligated to take care of me. She's just a human after all. What else can she actually do for me besides taking off my seal when you guys need me to kick someone's ass?" He said with an uninterested look on his face as he scratched the inside of his ear. "I don't need some chick feeling like she's got any control over me." He said callously, which made Alexis's face burn with anger. What the hell was she blushing about earlier?! This guy was nothing compared to her sweet Jaden besides his good looks. Apparently he's just a jerk!

"And here I was about to fall for your charms… but you can't fool me now. You're just some pompous jerk with a power complex who thinks he's better than everyone, don't you?! I can't believe that even for a second I thought you were attractive! But I was wrong!" At first, Jaden glared at her but smirked playfully and strode over to her. He leaned forward with his face right in front of hers, and once again she had a nervous tingle in the pit of her stomach. "Oho. So you found me attractive huh? You might think I'm a jerk, but I'll agree to be your eye candy for you since you like how I look so much." He said with a wink, which somehow only infuriated her more. "Become my eye candy?! Why you… You are such an asshole! Just hurry up and put your seal on so the better version of you can come back! Because I'm sick of looking at your stupid face!" She yelled with a huff.

"Huh?! What did you just say to me?!" He said as he gritted his teeth and glared at her. It was like you could almost physically see the sparks of electricity shooting between them. Tsukune chuckled underneath his breath. "Looks like you guys are already having your first lover's quarrel huh?" He said playfully, but his joke only received their distain as they focused their heated gazes on him instead of each other. "WE ARE NOT LOVERS!" They shouted simultaneously, which only made Tsukune chuckle more. "Whatever you guys say. I was just joking, so chill out. You both need to learn how to laugh more." Jaden sighed with aggravation as he snatched the seal back from Alexis's hands. "Whatever. I've had enough with all of you anyways. Don't think that me putting this back on is me submitting to you, princess. I'm just tired, and I want to go back to sleep."

He reattached the Rosario to his choker, and soon enough his features started fading back into his human form. Jaden fainted and then collapsed within Tsukune's arms, who grabbed ahold of him before his body hit the ground. "I'll take this guy back with me to get some rest. I wouldn't be too worried about his injuries since his healing factor seems to be taking care of the worst of it, so we'll be taking our leave now." He said as he easily scooped Jaden up in his arms and started walking towards the door. "Wait!" Said Syrus as he stopped him before he could leave. "Yes Mister Truesdale? Did you have something you needed to say to me?" He said as he addressed the short, blue haired Slifer.

"Well, Jaden's secret has been fully revealed now. I'm just worried about his mental state when he wakes up and realizes that he's going to be the student body's number one enemy. He's sensitive when it comes to stuff like that. And after everyone witnessed him in his vampire form, I'm worried that he'll start stressing about it. Usually, everyone loves him because he's such a great guy, but now, I'm scared people will only see him as that terrifying vampire instead of who he really is." He said with a deep frown. Tsukune thought hard about how to respond. "Hmm, well which is the real Jaden to you, if you don't mind me asking? Because to me, both versions of him are the real Jaden. The vampire him and the human form him are still the same person, regardless of what you might think. Just like how you learned how to accept him, I think the others will learn too as well." He said as he smiled down at the sleeping boy in his arms.

"I've known him a lot longer than you guys have. He might seem like a bad mouthed and inconsiderate person, but he's also got a heart of gold somewhere in there too. He might not show it openly, but he does care about people. You guys have witnessed it firsthand how he wouldn't hesitate to protect you. You're important to him. And I know this school is important to him too. When he's needed, he'll show up. And he will surprise you in ways that you wouldn't even expect. So don't go bad mouthing his inner self too much… If only you knew what he's been through, maybe you and everyone else can understand why he acts so cold." With that said, he finally left and headed to his room so he could lay Jaden down to rest.

Even though the monster's had run out in a hurry after Jaden's seal had become undone, Chazz didn't leave fully. He was standing on the other side of the door when he heard Jaden declare his alliance with the monsters and even offered them his protection. He was surprised to say the least, because the last time he encountered Jaden in that form, he thought that he was going to be killed for sure. He felt ashamed, because Jaden really didn't need to do that for them. While he was getting beat, they all just sat back and watched as it happened. Chazz was pretty sure that he wasn't the only one who was selfishly thinking, 'I'd rather it be him than me.'. But even despite all that, Jaden still chose to stand by their side. That guy was just a total enigma to him. He comes off as unapproachable, but yet he chose to stick up for them? What's up with that?!

He saw Tsukune leave the classroom with Jaden in his arms, who was now in his human form, and he watched as they faded away in the distance. "I'll never understand you, Slifer Slacker. But… maybe I was wrong about you. You're not as bad as I thought you were." He was lost in his thoughts and failed to notice when Syrus appeared behind him with a mischievous grin and tapped him on the shoulder, which made him jump up like a scaredy cat. "What did I just hear you say Chazz? That Jaden's not as bad as you thought he was? Hmm?" He said playfully, which earned him a glare from the startled werewolf who had once again poofed into his semi werewolf form. "Shut up! You didn't hear me say anything you idiot!" But Syrus continued to tease him which made him snarl, and he followed him and continued to tease him even when he started walking away. He wanted to take it all back, he said to himself. Because being enemies with that vampire was a lot more peaceful than being friends with these imbeciles.

All the way in a distant land, Issa Shuzen sat at his desk in his estate with a file that he was shuffling through. He had collected a lot of evidence on Jaden's survival that confirmed that his son was indeed still alive. And he was clearly upset that Kahlua still hadn't returned to report back to him yet. It was a simple mission that he sent her on and thought that she was fully capable of bringing him back. All she had to do was kidnap him, maybe rough him up a little if he refused to comply and bring him back home where he belongs. But now one of his top assassins was missing and even worse, his greatest chest piece still evaded his grasp. Because without him, his plans would become unfulfilled. "Did that insolent girl end up betraying me as well? I knew she had a few screws loose, but I thought I had her on a tight enough leash to keep her in line. Perhaps I underestimated the power of sibling love."

"But it doesn't matter. I still have other pawns at my disposal. If sibling love is going to be a problem, then perhaps I should send in a real professional to bring that boy back here." He picked up the phone and started dialing a number and made a call to his advisor. "I've reviewed the files and have come up with a consensus. It appears that my one and only son is still alive. But he's not making it easy for me. Why must he continue to be so disobedient? Is he not satisfied that he's had his fun for the last ten years? Well I've had enough of these childish games!" He said as he slammed his fist down onto the desk. "Kahlua has failed me, and because of her failure, I won't make the same mistake twice. Tell Aqua that she's off the next mission. I want someone different to take the lead. I want you to send… him. You know who I'm referring to." He said before he slammed the phone down.

Not even a few moments later, a black, misty tornado started swirling in his office and when it settled, a man was standing in the center of the room. He was tall and lean with light brown hair. He wore a long black trench coat and black trousers and shoes to match, with a duel disk attached to his arm. On his face, he wore a black masquerade style mask which obscured the view of fifty percent of his face. "You summoned me, my lord?" He said with a smirk. Issa leaned back in his expensive leather chair as he brought a hand up to his face. "Yes. I'm counting on you to do what Kahlua has failed to. I'm assigning you the mission of retrieving my son. I don't care what methods you use, just bring him back here. Alive, Nightshroud." He said with power booming in his voice. The man known as Nightshroud kneeled before his master and lowered his head. "Yes my lord. Right away." He said before he disappeared in that same black tornado.