
Chapter 1818: Unbeatable Below the True God Realm_1

When they returned once more, no one dared to rebuke Yang Chen again.

If in the beginning, they could consider Yang Chen's victory a fluke or by luck, now they were well aware of how powerful he was and not to provoke him.

He had defeated Zhang Fu and Luo Xing through his own strength. Who would dare to provoke such a genius?

Many people had even thought about how to apologize, hoping that Yang Chen would not hold grudges. Otherwise, many of them had spoken ill of him behind his back, and they couldn't help but worry about their future.

Those who regretted were not few, such as Zhang He Fei. He couldn't help but regret when he thought of how close he was to Yang Chen when they arrived in the team. He not only failed to forge a good relationship with Yang Chen but also offended him.

Now that Yang Chen has demonstrated such formidable fighting abilities, Zhang He Fei felt like crying, hating himself for being so short-sighted back then.