

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · ファンタジー
79 Chs

The Trial of Yinleth's Miracle

Chapter 68 The Trial of Yinleth's Miracle

"What's your purpose, human…?"

The red-overcoated woman asked me in a cold tone.

I know this is the first phase of recitation for reaching Yinleth's Miracle, so I'm not intended to answer it with my mind.

I keep my mouth shut and focus on the magical strings from my Soul's Spirit that gradually link with any 'invisible clues' here.

As far as I am concerned, I sense the soul's resonation on anything colored red in this area, which comes from the gate and the Temple's foundation and the overcoat that woman wears off.

The resonation feels cold and hot simultaneously on my body.

It somehow tingled and made my nerve and muscle weaken at some point.

Even though I felt like I was in a high fever, I still couldn't grasp the meaning of this resonation.

I looked around toward the Temple's Gate and foundation of the Temple, but there was nothing to detect in the beautiful design of the Temple.

But after I see the red color of the woman's overcoat, I'm guessing that the red color of that clothes is because she wants her clothes the same as the Temple's Gate and Foundation.

Why does she want the color changed?

I don't know yet about that.

It could be a sign of her resonating with the Soul's Spirit in this realm.

Suppose the invisible magical string had given me this fever on my body.

In that case, I should sulk more deeply to reach this resonation's meaning.

I kneeled with panted breath because the hot and cold sensation on my nerve and muscle almost made me stumbled.

I took a breath for a while and exhaled to calm my mind grasping what the invisible magical string was trying to do to my body.

Even my breath feels suffocated; I can't understand the reason for this resonation process.

All I know is my hand is now filled with a red line of Magic that gradually spreads and engulfs all my body parts.

Is this place only trying to torture me slowly?

Is this woman trying to manipulate me in this Trial?

Am I dying in this nerve-wracking magic spell without questioning it rationally?

In the end, it's about the Miracle.

I'm no longer thinking rationally or intuitively when it comes to hope on Miracle.

It just goes on without putting much thought into it.

In the middle of my contemplation, I just realized the woman barely stood right before me.

She is pointing out the spear in my left eye without hesitation.

"What's your purpose, human…?"

The woman repeated her question with threatening tones.

I'm guessing she wants a direct answer right now, or she will end my life.

'I need the limitless on my patience.'

I said it with full belief.

It's not my mouth that spoke it.

It's purely come from my heart.

"The truth had been spoken. But it is the act that we had to pass the Trial."

The woman replied to it with a flat tone.

I was surprised when Yinleth's Iron Spear thrust into my left eye without sound or blood.


I feel my ball eye just getting ripped directly by that Iron Spear.

Even if there's no blood, the pain attacking my head feels like cleaving my head into pieces.

I grasped the spear, but it didn't make the mysterious woman keep the spear thrusting more deeply.

If blood spilled, sure enough, I'm going instantly to death.

However, I just gritted my teeth and swallowed all the pain with tears.

The moment I almost fell unconscious, the woman grabbed my hair and closed her face to me.

"Aren't you the one who needs limitless patience…?"

The woman whispered.

"…bear this. With all your strength and what's left on this abolition."

"…only patience that could lift our heart from destruction."

"…only patience that could protect our sanity from loss of mind."

"…only patience that could be limitless, on the heart of strong being."

Those women's constant whispering is heard like a gentle noise that vibrates in my Soul's Spirit.

The red line of Magic that spreads randomly on my body gradually diverts on the left side of my head.

Even if it's just a vibration of the soul, I can sense that resonation of Yinleth's Iron Spear now reaching into the Ice Seal curse on my left eye.


Now my left eye feels squeezed by the hand of flames, forcing it out, so the Red Dragon Eye formed properly on it.

I stumbled because my head felt like cleaved with a blunt knife.

However, before I fall to the ground, the mysterious woman holds and hugs me.

"…only patience that could lift our heart from destruction."

"…only patience that could protect our sanity from loss of mind."

"…only patience that could be limitless, on the heart of strong being."

The woman repeatedly whispers that message near my ear.

Again, I gritted my teeth and swallowed this bittering pain that felt ripped off my head and anything inside of it.

The Yinleth's Iron Spear that struck my head miraculously dispersed into a magical blue fragment that drained inside my soul.

Amidst my gasping, the red dragon eye on my left and right eye gradually back faintly.

The red line of Magic that gathered on my head also drastically spread to every part of my body and then disappeared like into thousand fragments of magical red light.

The mysterious woman releases her hug on me to let me barely stand by myself.

I don't know if this is over, but everything I see now turns red.

The floor, the sky, and even the mysterious woman.

As I look deeper, it is not the place that turned red, but my vision that became red.

Even the pain in my head gradually diminished; this red vision made my mind feel dizzy for a moment.

I can't even fathom what the woman said in this disturbing red vision.

I closed my eyes for a moment and then breathed to calm myself.

If this is connected with patience, then I should accept this change.

No, not only accepting it but also striving on it.

I put my hand on my chest to maintain my breath to ensure calmness in my mind and body despite all the pain and suffering.

I accept all of it.

And I strive for it.

Even it would tear me apart.

I keep striving for this undefined message.

As I opened my eyes again, I saw the red vision gradually turning into normal.

I can see the Temple, and the woman that I know is the mysterious soul on this Yinleth's Miracle looks normal without red vision.

I clenched my right hand and then concentrated on it until the magical blue fragments that emerged on it formed into Yinleth's Iron Spear.

Now, it is my turn to point back the Yinleth's Iron Spear toward the woman's neck.

"This is proof of my patience. I'm not giving up, yet I'm not letting myself surrender being stepped on."

I said it confidently.

"Hold that belief in your heart, human. As we know, only that way could we grant you the Miracle."

The mysterious woman bowed her head once as a sign that the Revolution Phase of reaching the Miracle had just been finished.

I pulled my spear slowly as I knew the victory had been declared.

"So…. Those five halflings that previously used Yinleth's Miracle. Do they pass the Trial?"

I asked in my curiosity.

"Those Halflings only offering thousands of Blue Magical Gemstones for forcing the Miracle of Yinleth. We could only grant it partially as they are not capable of learning the core message on it."

The mysterious woman answered flatly.

"Even if it's just a partial Miracle, it managed to tackle the Venharice's Miracle completely for a moment. So thankfully, they only had some power from that Miracle."

"Any intention with force and greed only leads to partial power of the miracle."

Well, because of those five cursed halflings, I somehow 'force' myself to reach Yinleth's Miracle; even at the end, I just do it without putting much thought into it.

If there's a great reason that drives me to do this, it's because of the Demon's insane plan.

I grasp the spear firmly, not to release my anger toward the demons but to reveal my spirit that has proven strong on their 'game.'

Despite the fact that Yinleth's Miracle has forced me to break the Ice Seal on my left with its Magic Reinforcement, I can feel the Ice Seal still blocked me at some point.

It could be risky if I force myself to cast a fire magic spell while utilizing Yinleth's Miracle.

However, looking back at the Demon's intention, I know precisely that this is the direction he wants to see as he thinks it's more entertaining for him.

Even though I hate to admit the Demon's crazy idea, I think only Fire Pillar Great Magic Spell that had been granted with Yinleth's Miracle could penetrate the magical barrier of Hexta Temple to free Raenisa.

"Thank you for your blessing."

I said to the mysterious soul after long contemplation.

When I close my eyes, everything I see becomes dark, and anything I hear becomes voiceless.