

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · ファンタジー
79 Chs

The Questionable Peace

Chapter 40 The Questionable Peace

"Amdarais, come on! Finish the Magical Gate already!"

I yelled to Amdarais while maintaining my sanity because of the pain of the remaining frostbite on my body.

"Shut up, dumbass! I already told you to escape, but you insist on fighting her like a moron!"

Amdarais replied angrily as he concentrated on the Magical Gate near me.

It took a few minutes since Amdarais formed the Magical Gate in the Ice Queen's arena, blocking some of his spells.

"What?! I'll choose to run if you stop yelling at me and form the Magical Gate completely, you brainless skull!"

"The Daredevil became an imbecile! It's you, the one who is dumb enough to force yourself to fight the Ice Queen!"

"What else should I do to face those dreadful Ice Dust, stupid?! Standing and waiting to be frozen into a snowman?!"

"Just guard it, stupid bastard! What the hell is confusing about defending the Magician Attack?! You're just too panicky over this!"

"Gaah! You talk so highly as you only can casting that Magical Gate spell! Stop acting like you're the Supreme Magician and focus on that Goddamned Magical Gate before everything is destroyed!"

"Dear Lord, the frostbites are ruining your brain, eh?! Remind me to slap and punch your retarded head after we escape from this!"

Amdarais and me cursing each other because of our impatient emotions under this chaotic pressure.

Those slandering stopped when I saw the Ice Queen lift her Ice Scythe with her left hand.

Soliana walks closer to me, slowly dragging her Ice Scythe.

Her annoyed face shows the pain in her broken right hand.

Even though the pain forces the Ice Queen to grit her teeth, it isn't enough to stop her madness.


Soliana shouted her anger toward Amdarais and me.

Her threat became impactful after I last spent my mana energy for Soul's Spirit enhancement.

I can't fight back since I need extra time to recover the Magic Endurance due to this stupid numbness caused by the incomplete Ice Seal.

It would be impossible for me to hold her with a magical bullet while waiting for Amdarais Magical Gate to finish.

I forcefully aim the Ice Queen's head, then let the Soul's Strike flies toward her.

Unfortunately, the Soul's Strike gets crushed by the slashes of Ice Scythe.

The Ice Queen would back off if I could cast my shooting stars massively.

However, my magic endurance still needs time for recovery.

My remaining magic power that I had been using for casting The Soul's Strike ended only for holding the Ice Queen for several seconds.

In the middle of depression over hopelessness, I hear a fainting male voice behind the door.

"There's none to seize

On the airless world

The flow is your path

Stream, O Water Realm!"

The male voice became firm when he was doing the magic spell recitation.

I have no idea about the magic spell, but Amdarais looked astonished when he heard it.

"This spell…! It's a Water Magic spell casting…!"

Still focusing on the spell casting, Amdarais looked at the ice cube that covered the floor and wall around the Ice Queen's room.

Seconds later, the magical blue line suddenly crawled over any sides of the floor and wall in this room, making the ice cube melt into a flood of water.

Even the Ice Scythe melted into flowing water.

"T-this Water Magic Spell?! I-it can't be?! Vaeral…?!"

Soliana glared in disbelief when seeing the flood of water slams her on any side.

All the flood of water flows simultaneously to confine the Ice Queen into an enormous water sphere of prison.

Soliana is trapped in the water prison, like someone just getting chained to the closed pool.

She tries to swim to escape the water prison, but it's useless.

Every time she does that, the water flows randomly with high pressure, tossing her around inside the water prison.

The swift flow of the water inside the water prison forcefully Soliana to stay inside it.

The Ice Queen shouted at me with rage but stopped immediately after the water filled her mouth in a second.

The moment I think that hope suddenly emerges when I see the Ice Queen trapped in the water prison, my head suddenly gets dizzy.

I'm getting staggered with a blurry view and can't hold much longer to keep my legs standing still.

The seconds I fell, the door behind me opened quickly.

The man from the opened door hurriedly holds me for not falling.

Looking at his long silver hair with pointy ears, I know him even though my sight is still blurry.


I called the man who still held me.

The man nodded while smiling briefly.

Vaeral took his attention toward his wife, still trapped in the water prison he had just cast on her.

As I gradually sharpen my sight using the Soul's Spirit, I notice something different on Vaeral's body and face.

There's a burn on half of his face and body, which I believe comes from my Fire Explosion spell because nobody can use the Fire Magic Spell in this Ice Palace beside me.

So Vaeral chooses to free himself from the 'Eternal Peace'?

To be honest, I never thought he'll choose it even if it cost the burnt on his body and face.

Surprisingly enough, those decision is saving my life.

Perhaps it's luck, or it might be my saving grace.

I'm still trying to figure that out.

It would be better if I shouldn't overthink about that kind of luck or miracle or anything similar with that.

"Whoa… you almost getting become a snowman, Rezvan. Better be careful with my wife. She's probably the scariest Magician woman that you've ever met."

Vaeral told me with a relaxed and comforting tone.

"Vaeral, no time to waste! Come with us to my Clock Tower! Just wait for a few seconds!"

Amdarais shouted while concentrating on the last layer of his Magical Gate.

I can hear his mumbling over the Ice Palace's restriction on his Magical Gate spell casting.

"Yeah, my water spell magic is not perfect yet. I can face her properly like this."

"We could utilize the water spell magic if you come with us!"

"I know… I know… geez… just let that Magical Gate prepared already before my wife froze all of us again."

"Good! Don't worry! We'll help your wife later!"

Vaeral simply nodded, answering Amdarais' last shouting.

Vaeral looks engulfed by sorrow as he stares at his wife trapped in the water prison with a suffocating face.

However, the sadness on Vaeral's face changes into a panic when he realizes the water prison is gradually frozen by the Ice Queen's breath.

The floating water prison falls to the floor because a large part of it is already frozen.

I grasp Vaeral to stable my stand because I can feel the enormous murderous intent from the cracked ice cube of water prison.

"Amdarais! Hurry up, man! Can you see my wife had broken the Water Prison?!"

Vaeral said anxiously, but Amdarais still focused on perfecting the last layer of the Magical Gate.

I felt the same anxiety when the ice cube of the water prison collapsed, creating a way of freedom for the Ice Queen, who still gasping for breath with wetness all over her head and body.

"Vaeral… I don't believe it… are you betraying me…?! Your own wife…?! How dare you…!"

Solina shouted with a shaking voice.

The water that made her face wet was from the Water Prison and her tears.

"Soliana, I'll be back to fix everything that went insane. I promise."

Vaeral tries to persuade Soliana softly.

But it didn't work.

Soliana continued her crying with grinned her teeth in anger.

"You promise me to not leave the 'Eternal Peace' that we had built over hundreds of years…! Why do you leave like this, Vaeral…?! Don't do this….! Do you forget your oath on our marriage…?!"

"For better or worse, I will stay with you until death takes us apart. I still clearly remember my oath, my dear… But as a man, I must fix what had gone wrong in our marriage… Just give me some time to do it…."

"What are you want to fix for?! Is this our home, right?! Our Eternal Peace that everlasting without any disturbance from those scoundrels!"

"The problem is not on those scoundrels, Soliana. It's on us."

"Vaeral…! Stay here or I froze you into a statue! This is the last ultimatum!"

Vaeral and I were suddenly alerted by the gleaming blue light on Soliana's left hand.

Despite the Ice Queen's threat, we can hear the Magic Gate by Amdarais barely activated.

Without any hesitation, Vaeral lifted me and then ran into the Magical Gate.


Soliana yelled with tears.

The blue light on her left hand formed lots of floating sharp ice cubes, ready to penetrate all of us.


Vaeral replied in the middle of running while lifting my body.

He immediately jumped into the Magical Gate and then disappeared along with Amdarais and me.

Even briefly, I can hear Soliana cry and curse simultaneously when the Magical Gate is quickly closed by Amdarais.

As the blue aura of the Magical Gate covers all of us, I know we're on the way to escaping to the Amdarais Clock Tower.

Even though we managed to escape, the damn numbness felt like gradually cleaving my head.

Due to these painful frostbite, I closed my eyes to let my body rest for a moment.