

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · ファンタジー
79 Chs

The Mysterious Dark Elves

Chapter 26 The Mysterious Dark Elves

"There! I can see it!"

I dashed faster when the mysterious man I see about one mile in front of me.

The mysterious man is tall, almost one and a half taller than regular adult humans.

He has long blonde hair with tapering ears.

The dark green-colored cloak he equipped to feel similar to the brown cloak that the blue-eyed Halfling had equipped before.

It's just a glance.

I know the mysterious man is a Dark Elves race.

Strangely enough, I can't see any weapon or magical equipment he equipped.

"Be careful, Rezvan. It's a Dark Elves. He had various kinds of dangerous skills and spell."

Despite the Dark Elves' looks and not bringing any weapons, Amdarais warned me in a concerned tone.

When I was a Knight, I haven't fight with the Dark Elves during Dungeon Raid.

I heard from other Knights that the Dark Elves have only seen it on the S-rank dungeon.

The Knight Association also consider the Dark Elves as S-rank Monsters because of their intelligence for snaring the Knights.

I must be cautious for facing this kind of Monster.

He immediately stopped when I pointed out my right palm to the mysterious Dark Elves for shooting The Soul's Strike to beat him.

I just realized I had cornered him in one of the edge hallways in the center Temple.

The Dark Elves quickly turn back with shaking faces while cursing at the damn wall that blocked him.

"Wait… please…! I mean no harm! I-I can explain it to you!"

The Dark Elves begging.

However, I'm not buying it.

I stopped my step from keeping my range far from these mysterious Dark Elves.

My shooting stars flew fast and penetrated the Dark Elves' both shoulders.


The Dark Elves scream while grasping his shoulder, that covered in blood.

I'm not intended to kill him instantly because I want to dig for what he is searching for.

"Good. Stay on this range."

Amdarais warns me again to keep my sharpness.

He immediately forced me to wear the magical coat we had looted from the blue-eyed Halfling.

Indeed, I wear it before I continue my attack as a cautious act.

The sudden emerging Soul's Spirit inside me shows Vitality growth into 37+10.

I feel more confident in defeating the Dark Elves from this strengthened defense.

But everything changes when Amdarais and I see the Dark Elves suddenly grasp something invisible out of his pocket.

As the Dark Elves' grasp becomes more robust, the blue crystal on his hand becomes visible.

We see the blue crystal cracked because the Dark Elves squeeze it into pieces.

As the blue crystal broke, the magic blue formation formed abruptly behind me.

A wave of cold waters emerged from the magic blue formation in just a second.

"Run! It could freeze you!"

I had already run forward at the time Amdarais warned me.

The cold wind breezes as the wave of water behind me suddenly freeze into a thick ice wall closing the hallway.

I was forced to face the Dark Elves in very short range, and I just realized he stood and unsheathed something invisible.

As I focus on my sharpness, it shows at a glance that the Dark Elves are carrying his invisible short sword.

The Dark Elves, swallowing his pain, press the blade with his palm.

"Their downfall is not eliminating you.

It is you who remains intact in the deep of destruction.

Your being who is always along with the universe.

Come to me, Soul's Spirit."

I almost stumbled when I heard the Dark Elves casting Soul's Spirit spell.

His blade is now covered by a blue aura, making it into a long magical sword imbued with Soul's Spirit power.

I rushed to shoot the Dark Elves' head.

But the second I aim him, the Dark Elves already facing directly in front of me because his speed is increased.

This ridiculously short range also help him to tackle my aim easily.

The moment I tried to penetrate The Dark Elves' head with my shooting stars, he stabbed my stomach with his aura blade.



Amdarais panicked after I was vomiting blood.

"It's too late, human. Be regretful for choosing the Rioter Magician as your lifesaver."

The Dark Elves whispered arrogantly while waiting for my fall.

If I'm not wearing the Magician Coat and activated the Magical Barrier, this deadly stab would bring me to an instant death.

But I'm still breathing in anguish.

I had a slight chance of surviving in these remaining minutes.

Since I couldn't cast a magic spell properly in this very short range, I immediately spent almost all my remaining Diamonds to increase Strength to 25 and Agility to 25.

The Dark Elves are aware of my rise in physical Strength and Agility.

He pulls his aura blade immediately from my stomach, staring at my neck with murderous intent.

Thanks to the agility improvement, I can sense the Dark Elves slashing horizontally to decapitate my head.

I hurriedly duck, evading the deadly slash that rips apart some ice walls behind me.

It was just one step forward, but I felt my body dash like a breezing wind.

Enhanced by the Soul's Spirit, I clenched my fist until it finally landed roughly into the Dark Elves' face.


The Dark Elves pushed into the wall hard with a broken nose.

He almost fell but held himself to the cracked wall behind him.

I know my current state of Strength now can break the Dark Elves' Magical Barrier.

But the fight is not over yet.

I'm preparing my fist for the second attack to finish this bastard.

However, it got messy when the pain in my stomach forced me to kneel.

I gasped and breathed a lot of air because my heart beat so fast that the pain almost made my body crumble.

As I held my severe injury in my stomach, I heard enraged voices.

"You… Insane Rioter…!"

The Dark Elves swore, with his face flooded with his nose blood.

He took one step and lifted his aura blade.

The moment he tried to cleave my head, I knew I couldn't evade it since the pain forced me to kneel.

My instinct crept, making my hand parry the slash in an instant.

It surely hurt to parry it, I forced myself to squeeze the aura blade until it broke into pieces and the Souls diminished.

"H-how…?! W-what brutal Strength you Magician have?! I-its impossible!"

The Dark Elves went hopeless with a pale faces after seeing his aura blade getting destroyed.

In the middle of his distraught, I stood and moved forward.

My second punch, enhanced by the brightness of Soul's Spirit Blue Light, penetrated the Dark Elves' stomach.

The Dark Elves' blood spread drastically into my body.

He even can't hold his sword correctly due to his suffering.

"Amdarais… for Heaven's sake… The Dark Elves clan will never forgive you for this humiliation…"

The Dark Elves look at Amdarais behind me.

"Whoa… even I'll never forgive your clan's hypocrite. Calm down for a while. You make my heart almost stop because of what you have done to my dearest Dare Devil."

Amdarais replied mockingly.

"Everyone… will know you're coming… the death of Mother Dragons… the destruction of Temple Dungeons… It's all done by your filthy hand… not by those pitiful Knights…. "

The Dark Elves almost lost breath.

He is vomiting blood again because the injury is too severe.

"I had sent the message to the King…. This time, we'll seal you in the deepest hell…."

"Go ahead. Tell the pathetic King: The Dark Elves clan must pay their betrayal with blood by my hand."

"Malicious bastard… I swear on my family name… you'll get tortured eternally in that seal!"

"Your weak family? Your arrogant clan? Look at you. Relying on these blue gemstones is like a dumb, lazy warrior who is unwilling to learn about true magic. No wonder the Ice Queen is isolating herself. She sick of all your incoherent request of maintaining your clan position."

"Don't bring our Heroic Ice Queen… to this mess…!"

The Dark Elves coughed heavily as his breath became slow and tiny.

It's a matter of time before he falls since the regeneration magic couldn't help his severe injury.

"Nobody… will dare to touch the Ice Queen…! I had warned…the King…! Mark…my words…!"

"She is tired of being your clan's slave. It is me who will change her life."

"You, damn-"

The Dark Elves suddenly screamed as I pulled my fist from his stomach.

He collapses with a hollowed body like a fall of a broken statue.

His eyes were still wide open, longing for the air that quickly disappeared and left him breathless.

"My, my… that's the brutal way of Magician to finish his enemy."

Amdarais celebrated my victory with a grin.

But I just feel annoyed with his sarcastic tone.

"Shut up. Let me rest for a moment. It's damn hurt."

I sit back on the wall while holding the hole in my stomach that is still recovering from regeneration magic.

Even though the bleeding has stopped, I can feel nausea and dizziness because of the blood loss.

"Regardless of that brutality, I congratulate you on your persistence, Rezvan. Your fast decision succeeds in tackling this manipulative Dark Elves."

Amdarais kneel, attempting to entertain me.

I keep silent because I'm still busy and catch my breath while holding the pain in my body.

As my body gradually recovered, I stared at Amdarais.

"You must explain to me about the Ice Queen…."

I asked in a cold tone.

Amdarais chuckled like he already predicts this kind of request from me.