

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · ファンタジー
79 Chs

The Fortress Strategy

Chapter 30 The Fortress Strategy

"Rezvan, those damn Halflings are planning something."

Amdarais know my suspicion toward them.

"The Dark Elves and the Dragons return to the Fortress, not continuing the attack. Is it preparation for Great Magic Spell?"

I whispered to Amdarais.

"Great Ice Magic is a difficult spell to cast. Even with Blue Magical Gemstones helps, I doubt those lame Halflings could do that."

It is true at some point.

Then again, why are the Halflings busy with their recitation?

Is there any grand scheme behind all of this?


The loud Dragon's scream that made the Fortress shake in seconds came in the middle of my questioning.

There's only one Dragon, but it had about two sizes larger than the usual Dragons.

I see one Dark Elves riding the giant red Dragons from a distance.

Compared to any Dark Elves I had met, the one at the Giant Dragon had a muscular and tall body with full armor and a long cape.

The Dark Elves cold stares toward the Knight, full of murderous intent.

From the scar on his face and neck, I know this Dark elf is a persistent bastard when it comes to fighting.

"Damn! Rezvan! Beware of that Dark Elves!"

Amdarais suddenly alerted when he realized the scar of Dark Elves.

I can feel the pressuring of his stare as a sign that he's not an ordinary Dark Elves.

The blue light shines brightly on his body as the Dark Elves grasp the blue gemstone pendant.

I had assumed the Giant Dragon's Fire Breath on their first appearance, but the Dragon is not doing that.

There must be another purpose.

'It's the Great Ice Magic Spell.'

I know it's still a hunch, but all their strange movement made me believe this was their attempt to hide their great magical attack.

I hurriedly strengthen my magical Barrier and aim for the Dark Elves with a scar still flying with the Dragon.

The moment a magical blue formation suddenly formed on the floor of the Knights, I knew it was too late.

"Conquer all blazing grudges

Incarcerate every malice

For the everlasting peace

Scatter, Ice Dust!"

The muscular Dark Elves yells, his recitation completely clear and sound.

All Halflings on the top of Fortress raise their magical rod to utilize each magical blue gemstone.

As the Dark Elves' blue gemstone on his pendant is destroyed by his grasp, the enormous magical aura comes like a heavy wind that blows all the Knights.

There's no sign of a magic attack, but the magical blue formation is still bright.

The Knight Tankers finally realize the strange things that occurred when he sees the Dark Elves on the Giant Dragon in a glance.

But they all try to focus on continuing their step because they believe the Green Magical Barrier would protect them from anything dangerous.

I can't agree with that.

Not after seeing a massive piece of Ice Mountain falling like a meteor toward all the Knights from the sky.

"W-what the hell is that?!"

"Meteor Magic?! H-how?! I-I thought this was an A-rank dungeon!"

"Calm down! Stick to walking until you arrive near the gate!"

Some of The Knights mumbled panicky; even the Knight Leaders forced them to keep moving.

There's no option for them to run except to move forward to the Fortress.

As the Ice meteor crashed into the Green Magical Barrier, it became a great earthquake that made all the Knights stop their steps because they almost stumbled.

"L-look! The Ice Meteor is cracked!"

"A-are we won?!"

"Stop talking and keep pushing!"

All the Knight's hope grows stronger as the ice meteor crumbles into pieces like snowflakes.

But the disaster just begins.

Those Ice Dust penetrate the Magical Green Barrier easily without destroying the Barrier that holds them.

Millions of Ice dust rained the Knights until it became the dreadful freezing wind that breeze like a tornado.

The Knights fall as their body gradually freezes because of the Ice Dust.

The road that we had stepped become hard and slippery because it was frozen.

Our hope for reaching the Fortress gate was entirely gone.

The Fortress' gate that we almost reached from our position became an Ice Cube due to the spread of the Ice Dust.

The Raid Team feels like a turtle who just stumbled and lost its shell.

All the Raid Members sprawled like a broken Ice Statue, making them lose their focus on maintaining the Green Magical Barrier.

In the middle of freezing death, I kneeled while hugging Fenris.

Fenris almost lost consciousness because of the deadly cold.

Of course, these damn colds also make my heart almost stop.

Before it gets worse, I cast the Flame on my body to warm Fenris and me.

It's safe for me to cast it since all the Knights still suffocated with the damn ice, not caring and realizing about any magic that I had used.

Even Fenris's trying hard to stay awake near me.


Fenris mumbled in a blank stare.

Her groans were similar to those Knights around me that passed away in this freezing weather.

I know it's a slow recovery, but at least my magic Flame would tackle the damn ice that would take her life like other Knights.

I stood up because my magical Barrier, combined with magic Flame, was recovering me faster.

But as I heard someone had just landed about one mile behind me, I realized the enemy aware of my survival.

"Rezvan! It's the Dark Elves!"

My right palm instinctually aims at that Dark elf after I heard Amdarais yell about it.

Unfortunately, the Ice Dust's freezing death almost numbs my body entirely.

As I cast the Soul's Strike, the Dark Elves already dashed and enhance his blade with Blue Aura Blades.

Eight of ten of my shooting stars were crushed because of The Dark Elves' Aura Blade slashes.

Only two of my Soul's Strike penetrate his left hand and right shoulders.

I hurriedly aimed at the Dark Elves' head since those two strikes were not slowing him down.

The last Souls' Strike flies, almost penetrating his head, ending slightly slashing his right cheek.

Only by a glance, I immediately jump back.

Evading the horizontal slashes of his blade aura that almost cut my head off.

As I landed, my hand automatically continued the barrage of shooting stars.

Almost all of my Soul's Strike could be countered by this damn Dark Elves with his fast aura blade slashes.

But I'm pretty sure it will have eventually hurt him because some of my shooting stars now penetrate both his legs.

This time, I'll avoid repeating the same mistake I made when fighting the first Dark Elves in the Temple Dungeon.

Regardless of its slippery and cold road, I can freely move on this spacious road.

This is a better place rather than being trapped in the narrow alley of Temple Dungeon with an Ice Wall on it.

Suddenly, he took a weird direction as I constantly shot massive Soul's Strike.

His position has become far from me.

Isn't the Dark Elves going insane?

Doesn't he understand that when you took a long-range when fighting the Magician, then it is your doom?

I smiled optimistically when realizing these Dark Elves' dumbness.

However, my heart suddenly beats fast after I look from far away.

The Dark Elves are not aiming at me.

He wants to slash Fenris, the one still lying down and holding the freezing cold.

From his malicious stare, I know he wants to kill helpless Fenris and use her body as a live shield.

"Wait, Rezvan! Don't stop! Focuses on your shooting stars!"

I don't give a damn about Amdarais yelling!

There's no freaking way I'm ignoring Fenris just for my victory!

Since the Dark Elves become near Fenris, I run to close my range.

I was forced to shorten my range to bait the Dark Elves' attention and ensure the repelled shooting stars are not flying wildly into Fenris.

I run closer as I throw my shooting stars more cautiously.

In the middle of the sparkling blue magic explosion between the Dark Elves' Aura Blade and my Souls' Strike, a mysterious blue gemstone has just been thrown.

The blue gemstones dispersed into a fragment of sharp ice that struck some of my rights and left shoulders.

I grinned my teeth at that random magical attack.

I took a heavy breath to maintain my shooting stars.

Even if just a few seconds passed, I was surprised because The Dark Elves had already jumped and landed in front of me.

When I realized I was late for stepping back to avoid him, I knew I had lost all the opportunity to fight back.

The Dark Elves had stabbed my stomach with his aura blades.



Amdarais shouted in anguish.

God damn it.

It's the second time the Dark Elves stabbed my body with its curses Aura Blade.

The Dark Elves staring at me right in front of my face.

The cold stare and suffocating murderous intent feel like crippling my body.

I vomited blood because of intense nausea in my head and stomach.

"My name is Gremenor, the commander of Ice Queen protector. Remember my name, human. Because it's me, Gremenor, who will kill anyone who sold his soul to the cursed Amdarais."

The Dark Elves threatened me with its monster language.

Of course, I damn know its meaning.

Surrounded by the Ice Dust, my body feels hot because of the blood spilled from my mouth and stomach.

My consciousness feels dizzy now.

But as long as I'm still breathing, it is not the end!