

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · ファンタジー
79 Chs

Planning for the Future Battle

Chapter 27 Planning for the Future Battle

"So, what do you want to know, Rezvan?"

Amdarais asked me while draining Monster's Diamond from the dead Dark Elves near me.

Besides the Diamonds, he also loots the silver ring from the Dark Elves.

"It's called 'Secretive Ring.' If you use it, you can make anything you use invisible."

Amdarais' explanation answers my curiosity when the Dark Elves can hide his weapon and armor appearance.

Indeed, lots of questions in my mind.

But I can't ask it quickly since my head still feels like spinning.

Even though regeneration magic fully recovered my body, I can feel the frailness because of the fatigue.

"Who is Ice Queen?"

I asked after a long pause.

"She is one of the great magicians in the Monster's world. She is mastering the Ice Magic spell."

"She's a magician, huh…."

"A cold magician, if I could say. Among the Dark Elves, she is the best magician."

I frowned when I heard it.

No wonder the Dark Elves I previously fought seem to have high respect for the Ice Queen.

"She might be a Dark Elves, but she has no intention of helping them invade earth."

Amdarais noticed my thought.

"How about the Halfling, then? I remember the Blue-Eyed Halfling also praised her deeply before his death."

"No, she also doesn't care about The Halflings. Halflings and Dark Elves only exploit her magical power to create the magical blue gemstones."

"Wait… The Ice Queen is the one who created the Blue Magical Gemstones…?"

"She is the foundation of it, to be exactly… Her enormous magical power is spreading in her Ice Palace. In that place, it consists of a raw blue gem that would be developed into magical blue gemstones by The Halflings and Dark Elves."

I nodded slowly, grasping Amdarais's explanation.

As the tiredness gradually diminished, I stood with a clearer mind.

Now I understand both races' reason for respecting The Ice Queen.

The deadly Ice Storm, the annoying Ice Arrow, the gruesome Ice Shard rains, and the irritating Ice Wall.

All those Ice Magic spells are very challenging.

But on the other hand, I can feel the urge to master the Ice Magic Spell because I believe it would help defeat other Monsters.

I need that Ice Magic Spell to enhance my Magician power.

Of course, I had no interest in the Blue Gemstones because it felt like a temporary solution for me to conquer the Ice Magic for the long term.

If the Ice Queen is the Grand Magician on Ice Magic Spell, she can help me to achieve that.

"So… can The Ice Queen help me to master The Ice Magic Spell?"

Amdarais suddenly stared at me intensely.

"Well, well…. my Daredevil is very impatient with anything that would make him stronger, eh? It's a remarkable spirit, I would say."

"I bet it's not easy to have Ice Queen's help for that."

Amdarais snapped his fingers.

"Exactly. The Ice Queen is fed up with the war between Monsters. She doesn't want to be involved in the Monster invasion of the Human world. So she created a raw blue gem in the Ice Palace to ensure the Dark Elves and the Halflings are not disturbing her again."

Amdarais placed his finger on my chest.

"We must liberate her from the stupidity of Halflings and Dark Elves. If we can give her freedom, it's a step closer for her to share her knowledge about Ice Magic Spell."

I quiet for a while, remembering how I learned fire spell magic after I read the book about it.

I remember those books only can be read after I drained the red Dragon's Eyes Soul.

If Amdarais said the Ice Queen had the knowledge, does that mean she had her own books for studying the Ice Magic Spell?

"Do you mean she had the book that I needed?"

I asked for confirmation.

Amdarais quickly nodded.

"Yes, but you know what'll be blocking you, right?"

It would be The Halfling and The Dark Elves.

I heard from Amdarais they both seem 'lazy' for learning the genuine Ice Magic Spell and prone to utilizing the blue magic gemstones.

I still do not understand enough about the Ice Queen's problem with the Halfling and the Dark Elves.

But there's no other way than facing those Monster races for the sake of Ice Queen's freedom.

"I know my enemy, Amdarais. My only concern is how we defeat them."

Amdarais chuckled.

He smiles satisfyingly because of my initiative.

"There's much to discuss to strategize our step further."

Amdarais suddenly activate the magical gate near me.

"… that's why we need to rest, Rezvan."

I exhaled for a while.

He is right about rest time.

I should rest and plan my strategy for the next battle.

"Yeah, you're right."

"Here, catch."

Amdarais throw the Secretive Ring to me.

As I took the Ring, I could feel the Soul's Spirit shaken for a moment because it tried to resonate.

"Use it when you need it. Very helpful if you want to deceive your enemy. Heheheheh…"

I just shrugged, then used it on my left finger.

After that, I move through the Magical Gate to go home.

Dungeon Hunting is very exhausting and death-life threatening today.

I planned to have long bed rest after I prepared breakfast for my sisters.

Luckily, it's a weekend, so it's a school holiday for my sisters.



I yawn even after a long sleep.

I stretched for a while because my body still felt sore.

A long sleep in the morning may not be suitable for me.

If I choose to sleep again, my head feels dizzy, so I leave my bed and wash my face.

"Just sleep if you're still tired."

Amdarais whispered behind me.

"Nah, let me just sit and contemplate for a while."

Walking toward the seat near me, I heard Serena and Citra laugh outside.

Probably they're playing with the neighbors.

"Where is Rezvan? Is he still sleeping?"

I heard Mister Dendi's voice.

It's rare for him to look for me this morning because he usually knows I'm sleeping in the morning after I'm done 'online food delivering' at night.

Of course, it's just a pretending since I spent my time hunting the Dungeons in the night to strengthen my magician power.

"Still sleeping! He snores so loud!"

From the giggles, I know it's the sound of Serena.

"He still on rest, Miss. He usually has a long rest in the morning at the weekend. So you can meet him later in the day or afternoon.

"No, no, no. Don't worry about it. I'm not in a rush. I just want to spend my weekend in here, Mister Dendi."

Wait a minute.

The sound of an adult woman talking with Mister Dendi seems familiar.

I hurriedly stood from the chair and went outside.

My hunch is correct.

It's Fenris from the Knight Associations.

"Miss Fenris?"

"Oh, Mister Rezvan!"

Fenris and I stared at each other briefly while my sisters and mister Dendi laughed at my sleepy face.

"Hahaha, here's come the hard worker. Barely wake up?"

Mister Dendi welcomes me with a laugh.

I just nodded and answered it with a sheepish smile.

"Emm… I'm sorry if I'm disturbing your weekend rest. I sent a message yesterday because I want to meet your sisters here."

I haven't read the message because I haven't checked it yet.

"It's alright, Miss Fenris."

I'm scratching my head for a second, unsure what Fenris wants for coming to my house.

I thought the Astray Knights had been dead, so her case had finished.

It was my first time seeing her wear a long skirt and blouse covered with a jeans jacket.

I consider that clothes are casual compared to when she wears full suit clothes as Knight Associations Representatives.

Does she solely want to see my sisters?

Before the question is answered, Serena and Citra suddenly hold my hand.

"Miss Fenris said she wants to hang out with us in Theme Park!"

"Please, brother. We want to play in there…."

I can feel Serena's enthusiasm and Citra's wishfulness from their stare.

"Be careful. Fenris's a Knight. She might be trying to investigate you by manipulating your sisters."

Amdarais whispering makes things more complicated.

It might be true, but I can feel Fenris' genuine intention for playing with my sisters.

There's no use for me to overthink this.

I should find out to confirm Amdarais' hunch.

"Ah, sorry, Mister Rezvan. Girls, you can't force your brother if he needs to rest. We can do it later."

Fenris apologized with a smile.

"Are you sure you want to play with them, Miss Fenris?"

I asked.

"O-oh…yes, if you are allowing us to."

"Then let me clean myself for a while. After that, we'll go together."

"Hooray! We'll go to the Theme Park!"

Serena and Citra jumped in and happily danced.

Mister Dendi also looks satisfied because of my sister's enthusiasm.

The moment I stare at Fenris, she heaves a sigh of relief.

I never thought there'll be someone the same age as me who wanted to spend time with my sisters.