

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · ファンタジー
79 Chs

On the Way to Kota Tua

Chapter 75 On the Way to Kota Tua

"Brother, stay with us…"

Citra and Serena grip my hand tightly as we arrived at my home after long rush hour.

On the way we back to our home, lots of people move from around the Sea World since it's near the location of Monster Invasion.

That's why my sisters know there are Monster Invasion and don't want me to go as a Knight, even I'm still well known as a Weakest Knight.

With my hand getting hold by Citra and Serena, I sit on living room while watch the television.

Initially I planned to turn on the cartoon channel for kids so my sisters could turn their attention to it.

However, every channel turn into breaking news about the Monster Invasion on Kota Tua.

Since the Monster had miraculously invaded the Human World without Dungeon System, it become a massive news all over the world.

Of course, destroying those Dark Elves and Halflings who penetrated the Human World is my priority since they located hundred miles from my home, which could spread easily and threatening my sister in here.

The challenge is, I need ensuring my identity as Magician would not reveal by anyone in this Human World.

Well, conveniently, the Blue Pendant Necklace from Raenisa surely could hide my identity when I battle with those Dark Elves and Halflings.

But I forget that my sister aware of this threat and need me to stay in the house because they afraid I would gone into hospital.

I sit beside Citra and Serena who still holding my hand firmly for reassuring me going nowhere.

Looking from their trembling voice and body, I know they both fear about anything the chaos that had been making lots of building in Kota Tua burnt and crumbles.

In the middle of my train of thought, Raenisa suddenly come to me while holding a lotus flower.

"Here, it's a beautiful flower, isn't it?"

Raenisa showed to Citra and Serena with smile.

My sisters touch the Lotus Flower in curious without realizing Raenisa is casting her magical spell.

"Nothing to fear

Nothing to be regretted

As this death blink of an eye

Comfort us, Ice Touches."

The lotus flower immediately changes into an ice, spreading its cold wind in glance to my sisters until they feel sleepy and slept all the way in my lap.

As my sister went full sleep, Raenisa immediately grasp the ice lotus flower into hundreds of blue fragments aura.

"Are you forcing my sisters to sleep with Ice Magic Spell?"

I asked with frowned face.

"Yes, honey. Even without words, I know you want to defeat the Derberos and Halflings who invaded your town. You can't do that if your sister holds you, am I correct?"

Raenisa looks confident and proud.

"Well… yes…."

"Ah, don't be shy, honey. Admit it that I'm better than Fenris."

I'm awkwardly smiled when heard that.

Since my sisters had full sleep, I took both to the room so they could have a good rest rather than sulk into the chaotic news about the Monster Invasion.

The moment I'm done placing them in their room, the opportunity for me to strike those Dark Elves and Halflings had come.

"Honey, look at this."

Raenisa call me while showing the half-face mask that formed by ice.

"I will use this for hiding my face so nobody wouldn't know me."

She said with pride.

"Oh, right…. Wait a minute, you want to help me defeating those Dark Elves and Halflings?"

I asked immediately.

"Yes, honey. I'm one of the best Yinleth's Magician when it comes to Ice Spell! I will prove that I'm far more useful to you than Fenris!"

"Ermm… You don't need to do that. Just stay here. I could tackle them all by myself."

"Don't underestimate them, honey. Derberos and Halflings who had went through the Human World must be the one of the most dangerous among them."

Raenisa point out the television that show the recording one of murdered Knight by the Dark Elves and Halflings.

Those record showed the Dark Elves shouted on the burned building around him.

Even the Dark Elves said it with Monster Language, I know the meaning of those shouting.

"Where are you, Amdarais?! Come at us if you don't want see all human burnt into crisp!"

The record stopped.

I quickly turn off the television while calming myself for reassuring I'm well prepared to kick their asses for threatening me like these.

If they dare to touch my sister, I'll kill them slowly and painfully.

"So, they chased us, huh…"

Amdarais said it casually.

"The Demon had helped them to reach here, which I found too much risky for them since they would face lots of Knight in here."

I replied.

"The Knights also clueless with this kind of surprise attack, which already happened when the Mother Dragon come to your town, Rezvan. The Derberos and Halflings might want to revenge on us since we had destroyed lots of their army. I took it as a challenge."

"Whatever that is, I would strike back for the safety of my sisters. We should go now."

"I'm come with you, honey."

Raenisa suddenly walk toward me.

"No, no. Don't come. Stay here and help watch my sisters, okay?"

I reject her offer.

Surprisingly, her face looked annoyed after hearing that.

"I want to come with you! I'm the best magician on Yinleth! Is it strange that your wife could not help you on your battle?"

"You are not my wife and I'm confident on defeating those scoundrels. Just stay here, princess."

"What? No! Don't make me lost my opportunity for proving my best than Fenris!"

"But you-"

"It's not a choice, Rezvan! It's a requirement since I helped you for calming your sisters! It's your fault since you talk too intensely with Fenris! I see all of that!"

Raenisa suddenly yelling to intervene with pouting face.

I guess she see me and Fenris chattering back when we're in the Sea World.

Is she jealous of that?

My God, I thought this complicated woman business is over.

Now it's Raenisa turn, and I can't fathom what my mistake I had done.

"Alright, alright… you can come."

I said it with long exhale.

However, Raenisa still pouting and throwing her face out of me.

"What's wrong? Is this you want, right?"

I asked her for confirming.

"Yes! 'This is I want'!"

She repeats some of my statement with mocking tone.

I understand from that kind of tone, she still upset.

Man, what should I do?

Probably I shouldn't go soft when it comes to women.

I understand she still had her feeling on me, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't act impatient on her.

"Raenisa… can we go now?"

I asked that repeatedly but Raenisa still throwing her faces on me.

Why is this getting complicated?

Before I am going nuts on this, I walk closer than her then patting her head gently.

"I'm sorry, Princess Raenisa. You had helped me so much to my sisters. Now, can you help me for defeating those Derberos and Halflings?"

I'm whispered near her pointy right ear as gentle as I can which made me sounded like a half ass noble.

Raenisa suddenly blushing and look down.

"Y-yes… o-of course…."

She said while smiled sheepishly.

I'm not sensing any anger on her so I'm considering it's already done.

I hurriedly look from the window, there's no single person out there.

Even my neighbour fully closes their window since they afraid the Monster Invasion would go there.

There's an area of evacuation underground the town that is created for people to protect themselves on there.

But since it's a surprise invasion from the Monster, many people choose to stay at their home because afraid of getting attacked the moment they went there.

Me and Raenisa locked home key and then run thorough the alley for reaching the main way.

As I clenched my right palm, the Blue Pendant Necklace activated its blue armour, covering my face entirely in a full face helmet formed with white skinned human mask with long nose and thin moustache that well known as a face of wayang in my countries.

In the back, Raenisa also covered her face using her half-face ice mask.

With this appearance, I believe nobody would know our identity.

As we arrived on the main way, there's no moved car or motorcycle since everyone had went hide on safe place.

Some of them had left their car on the way.

It's a golden opportunity for me because there's no obstacle for using this main road.

I concentrate on my Soul's Spirit for Water Casting Spell.

""There's none to seize

On the airless world

The flow is your path

Stream, O Water Realm!"

The water on the ground suddenly emerges like a great wave of sea that cracked the road.

Raenisa immediately hug my back from behind so we both stay firm for standing on the water surface.

I pointed out at the east where Kota Tua located.

Even it's still far away, I could see the smoke engulfed from the east area, which indicate the burning of building in Kota Tua.

As I snapped my finger, the wave of sea moves to the east.

Both me and Raenisa feels like ride on the wave of water magic spell, moving our way to the Kota Tua.

Let's get it started, you damned Monsters!