

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · ファンタジー
79 Chs

Infiltrate Mission (IV)

Chapter 63 Infiltrate Mission (IV)

"Vaeral! Give me some time!"

I shouted as I concentrated my Soul's Spirit with a clenched palm on my chest.

"Got it!"

Vaeral replied while casting dozens of shooting stars toward the Giant Gorilla aimed at him.

Lots of Soul's Strike hit the head and chest of the Giant Gorilla, but it is not penetrated since there's Magical Barrier that covers the Mystical Beast.

Even Vaeral forced his casting spell into thousands of shooting stars, the Magical Barrier of Giant Gorilla only cracked, not entirely destroyed.

It only took a few seconds after the Giant Gorilla jumped forward and slammed his fists on Vaeral.

Fortunately, Vaeral immediately rolled sideways, avoiding the heavy slams that made the ice surface almost crumble.

Vaeral stopped casting the spell to continue his run far away from the Giant Gorilla.

However, Vaeral's sprint easily clashed when the Giant Gorilla constantly jumped faster and slammed another hammer fist.

Vaeral rolled forward and bounced because the Giant Gorilla Hammer Fist was faster than expected, forcing him to land heavily on the edge ice wall.

He held his back injury pain but almost stumbled since the Giant Gorilla surrounded him.


The Giant Gorilla's wild shouting emerges with its hammer fist toward Vaeral.

My casting spell of Soul's Comet is prepared well in that second moment.

"Diving the unlimited sky

Reaching the unachievable heaven

Grasping the untouchable stars

Strive, Soul's Comet!"

As the blue aura that had converged into the blue magical sphere on my right palm, I pointed out the top of the tunnel.

The blue magical sphere floated into the top of the tunnel and then gleamed brightly until it dispersed into a thousand rains of Soul's Strike.

The murderous intention of The Giant Gorilla on its fist suddenly engulfed by the rains of Soul's Strike that hit its magical Barrier tremendously till it goes bust.


The Giant Gorilla stumbled quickly as the thousands of Soul's Strike penetrated every part of its body and head until it cracked like broken ice, revealing some Halflings inside.


The Halflings roared in pain when my Soul's Strikes finally reached some of their body brutally.

Even if they had another Magical Barrier on them, it was not strong enough to guard the massive rain of Soul's Strike that penetrated their body into a bloody mess.

The Giant Gorilla is not my only target.

I also spread the Soul's Comet to penetrate the Magical Barrier covering the Iron Spear in the center.

Surprisingly, even though the Magical Barrier is cracked heavily, it is not yet getting destroyed.

The scream of agony in halflings, the thunderous sound of the plummeting wall, floor, and body, and the fall of the Giant Gorilla emerged simultaneously as the rain of thousand's Soul's Strike stopped from the top of the tunnel.

I took a breath to let the magic regeneration recover my magic endurance after casting a Souls' Comet.

In the beginning, I planned to destroy the Giant Gorilla using Soul's Brandish.

However, the Giant Gorilla is extremely fast, and Vaeral can no longer restrain that damn Mystical Monster.

So, choosing the Soul's Comet with moderate magic damage but faster casting than Soul's Brandish is wise.

As I look at the fallen Giant Gorilla, I see two wounded halflings inside that Gorilla's body.

I don't see another three Halflings because they are still under the Gorilla's body part that had not yet been utterly destroyed by my Soul's Comet.

However, Vaeral does not take this opportunity to slide on him.

He aimed at the two injured Halflings, then cast his shooting stars, so they struck down their head simultaneously.

Those two injured Halflings were instantly dead.

"Rest assured! I finished the other three!"

Vaeral shouted at me while aiming for another part of Gorilla's Body that he knew the remaining Halflings still hiding there.

I just nodded, hearing Vaeral's intention.

As I think the battle is already over, I sense something strange.

The Ice Iron Spear planted in the center suddenly released its blue aura, fastening Giant Gorilla's recovery until it became fully normal.

"What?! Vaeral, move! Don't stay in there! Its-"

Amdarais yelled at Vaeral since he also realized the blue aura that emerged from the Ice Iron Spear was helping the Giant Gorilla recover.

However, before those yelling reached out to Vaeral, the Giant Gorilla raised its roaring.

The distance between Vaeral and the Giant Gorilla is too short, making it succeed in landing its gigantic fist that slams Vaeral into faint.


I am shouting at Vaeral, who crashed the ice wall behind them until it cracked heavily.

Vareal stumbled with panting breath and a crushed body since the Gorilla's punched him really hard that his Magical Barrier was destroyed easily.


The Giant Gorilla arises again by punching out its chest as an intimidating gesture.

Looking at the Giant Gorilla' staring toward Vaeral, who passed out, I know the damn Mystical Beast wants to end Vaeral's life by slamming it into pieces.

Before that happened, I calmed myself to look more thoroughly to decide what action I should take.

I might counter the Giant Gorilla's attack with my Soul's Strike, but that would lead me into difficulties if the Giant Gorilla changed its target to me.

I can avoid it in two or five sequent of that Mystical Beast, just like Vaeral.

However, it would only last a short time since the Giant Gorilla's movement and attack are extremely fast.

Casting the Soul's Comet spell might destroy it entirely like before.

But it took time for the recitation process that would bring Vaeral death if I chose that spell.

As soon as I glance at the iron spear and realize how it has impacted the Giant Gorilla's power previously, I immediately know what spell I need to use.

"By the grace of your flow

Be formless

Be shapeless

Dance on, Noble Water!"

The emerging blue aura hurriedly glowed into a magical blue line on my body, simultaneously reinforcing tremendous power over my muscle and nerves.

I dashed quickly toward the center of the ice floor, threw my punches, and repeatedly kicked to widen its Magical Barrier crack.


Because of the grace of Noble Water's magic spell, dozens of my punches and kicks flew only in a few seconds.

The Magical Barrier of Ice Iron Spear gradually cracked.

I know it only took a few seconds more of constant rapid melee attack before it completely broke.


As I predicted, the Giant Gorilla hurriedly turns its body back and leaves Vaeral to chase me since the iron spear is threatened.

The earth feels shaking since the Giant Gorilla scamper wildly to reach me quickly.

I know precisely the Giant Gorilla distance is becoming closer, but that doesn't make me stop my punches and kick toward the magical Barrier of Ice Spear yet.

As the Giant Gorilla slammed its gigantic fist on me, I stopped my last punch immediately.

My body instantly somersaulted to the back to avoid the great hammer punch that broke the ice floor in front of me.

The Giant Gorilla continues to attack wildly.

He spread his palms on my body to grip my body into pieces.

I jumped out easily in one step, then landed on his head.

I grasped some of his hair as a handle since the Giant Gorilla going rampage while twisting its body to shoo me.

To make this Mystical Beast panic, I repeatedly stomped his head as vigorously as possible.

The Giant Gorilla surely panicked over that, making him try to reach me with his hand.

But that's hand movement slow because I can sense it faster than the Mystical Beast expected.

In the middle of its downturn, The Giant Gorilla moves his head to pound the nearest ice wall.

I quickly jumped higher to avoid it.

The Giant Gorilla dashed wildly and then screamed in pain since its head struck the ice wall, but it did not succeed in taking me along with it.

I landed and then rolled down smoothly until I arrived again in front of Iron Spear.

I took a long breath and then exhaled it to relax my muscles.

Since the Giant Gorilla still stumbled over the wall debris barely destroyed by his headbutt, I had enough time to break the Iron Spear's Magical Barrier.

I clenched my fist and relaxed my feet, then started throwing a massive punch and barrage of kicks on the Iron Spear's Magical Barrier.

Twenty-five elbow punches.

One hundred punches.

Twelve knee kick.

Ninety-five kicks.

I count all my punches and kick that go rapidly over and over.

During that time, I simultaneously maintain the Giant Gorilla that slowly gets its consciousness.

The cracked Magical Barrier covering the Iron Spear becomes wider and frail from each punch and kick.


The Giant Gorilla's roaring shows his recovery is finished.

The shaking ice floor following the heavy voices of his stomps indicates The Giant Gorilla is nearby for kicking me out from the Iron Spear.

There's still a remaining Magical Barrier, and the Giant Gorilla moved faster than I expected.

"Let it go, Rezvan! Beware of that Mystical Beast!"

Amdarais warns me immediately.

I agree with Amdarais, so I'm not forcing myself to continue the attack.

Once again, I quickly ducked since the Giant Gorilla tried to grip me with its palm.

I crawl fast, then slide forward between the Giant Gorilla's foot.

In the seconds the Giant Gorilla turned back and slammed its fist simultaneously, I aimed my palm at the cracked Magical Barrier of Ice Spear.

My Soul's Strike flew fast when I deactivated my Noble Water Magic Spell until it landed successfully on the cracked Magical Barrier.

The Magical Barrier broke into fragments of Blue Aura Magics, which obliterated all the Ice Dust Spell that froze the wave of the sea from my and Vaeral's Water Magic Spell.

The Giant Gorilla falls into the deep-sea wave without even being capable of floating on the water since his body gets tossed around by the deadly flow of the sea.

Despite all the ice crumbles, only I and Vaeral stand still on the water's surface because of our Water Magic Spell.

Looking at the deep sea, the Giant Gorilla helplessly stretched his hand to reach me.

The wild roar that previously shook the tunnel suddenly became quiet because The Giant Gorilla gulped too much water under the sea.

I grasp the Iron Spear easily, so it no longer creates a Miracle blocking our Great Water Magic Spell.

"Nice try, you a bunch of cursed Halflings. But I'm far better than all of you."

I said it confidently to declare my victory.