

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · ファンタジー
79 Chs

Infiltrate Mission (II)

Chapter 61 Infiltrate Mission (II)

"Hurry up! More Gemstones, you lazy, useless Magician!"

The Dark Elves' guardian, covered with full armor and a cape on his body, shouted loudly at every miner inside the cave.

As I move forward with Vaeral, bringing a pickaxe, we walk through the tunnel on Hexta Cave.

Looking around, I see some Dark Elves and Halflings mining a crystal blue stone with their pickaxe until it crashes into crystal fragments.

They collected all those crystal fragments into the nearest cart so they could carry them to the Pyramid for the next process of forming them into Magical Blue Gemstones.

As far as I remember, after Raenisa had been 'offered' for the Forbidden Ice Magic Spell in the temple at the top mountain of Hexta, there was a lot of growing crystal blue stone inside the cave.

No wonder the Derberos families cooperated with Halflings to make a tunnel on this mountain so they could be mining all those Crystal Stones to create many Magical Blue Gemstones.

"Hey, hey! Come and help me, will you?"

Vaeral diverts his look when there's someone behind us chasing and calling for us.

Vaeral and I stopped because the Dark Elves, who wear the same suit as us, came with his two friends.

"Which area you up to, eh? You guys seem in a rush."

The Dark Elves said calmly.

I'm not sensing any strange or evil intention in him, so this Dark elf is clueless about us.

"We want to go to the north edge, my friend."

Vaeral replied to it casually.

"To the north? Wait, are you getting ordered by the guards? Oh, so sorry to hear that, friend! It must be tough and cold, of course."

One of the Dark Elves seems to pity on us after hearing Vaeral.

"I heard Elidyr needs a break after mining on the north edge. His hand becomes numb because of the frostbite, even though he wears full equipment. Poor him."

Another Dark Elves adds the reason why they become pity us.

"I hope Lord gives me strength for all of this, friend. Unfortunately, it's the Guardian Order, and I don't have any choice."

Vaeral replied with a surrender tone, even though I knew he was bluffing.

He continues his walk slowly with me while inviting those three Dark Elves to accompany us.s

"Yes, yes. I pray that the Lord Heaven gave you and your friend great strength for the mining at that deadly place. Ah… I never thought I choose this life of mess like a slave, my friend. We're all the same victims. I regret throwing away my Magician Path on Venharice's family just for surviving on this…."

One of the Dark Elves sighed.

"Yeah… it had been chaos after Prince Vaeral married Princess Soliana. The Venharice and Yinleth fight each other endlessly, making us leave them because we don't see any reason for becoming Magician."

Another Dark Elves added the grumble.

Vaeral just nodded for replied.

Perhaps, he's on the verge of regret when he heard it directly from the ex-Venharice and Yinleth Magician.

"Everything changed, my friends. Surely Venharice and Yinleth is a great pure Magician on Dark Elves races, but it's all history now. I'm now happy with the Derberos family, who make everything easy. Being a pure Magician is torture; you'll never get anything from it shortly. Let's just embrace the change."

Well, I'm surprised that among the three Dark Elves, there's one Dark Elves who defend Derberos families.

Perhaps it's a pleasure for him to have this kind of life.

Vaeral coughed for a moment, then looked at the Dark Elves, who barely pleaded with the Derberos family.

"Are you being sarcastic? Or… I don't know, just making things funny on this condition."

Vaeral asked with a heavy tone.

"No, no, no, I'm serious. I'm really serious about my statement. By utilizing Magical Gemstones, we could improve ourselves into a Magical Warrior variety of Gemstones! How convenient is that?! Even the Halflings could improve their Magical Beast summoning with the help of Gemstones! Everything could be attained in a short time! It's a great revolution! Venharice and Yinleth are getting destroyed because they care too much about their silly pride!"

Whoa, I'm not expecting that long explanation from that Dark Elves.

He's honest about his pleading with the Derberos family, which could enrage Vaeral.

Hopefully, he's not getting irritated for ensuring our execution.

"My friend doesn't hear him. He's just like those Dark Elves and Halflings in here that want easy life from Derberos Family. But some part of us regrets our decision until now. So, you know… It might be hard for you to get ordered by these damn guardians for mining on the north edge. But don't feel alone because we suffer the same thing."

"Yeah, yeah. Don't listen to him!"

Two of three Dark Elves show their disagreement over that one Dark Elves who constantly praise the Debroras family.

Only from this brief conversation do I understand there's a lot of perception among these ex-Venharice and Yinleth Magicians that work in this Mountain of Hexta.

As we continue our walk, I'm not hearing Vaeral speak or chatter with those three.

But I heard he's mumbling recitation.

The Great Water Magic Spell recitation: Noble Water, to be exact.

A few seconds passed without conversation; I looked for about half a mile left for us to walk through the tunnel to reach the north edge of the cave.

Almost all Crystal Stones in this tunnel area are already mined.

The remaining left is on growth, so the miner will collect it if it becomes a big Crystal Stone.

About a quarter of a mile forward, I can see lots of full-armour Magical Warriors patrolling.

I already know from the map that the north edge area is well-patrolled because it leads to the stairs inside the cave toward the top of the mountain.

In the middle of my contemplation, Vaeral suddenly stopped his step, making me and those three Dark Elves stop.

"Anyway, my friend and I had some materials I had collected in the cart. Do you guys want some?"

Vaeral took some raw material gemstones from his pocket toward the three Dark Elves.

The three Dark Elves staring Vaeral and went speechless.

Probably they are getting confused over Vaeral unexpected offering.

"My friend, keep that. You and your friend need that because we can only have a break if we have collected enough raw material."

"Yeah. I know you're being kind, but it would be a burden for you and your friend. Keep it."

The two dark Elves I know are not pleading with the Derberos families and seem confused over Vaeral decision.

"That's tempting…. But aren't you realize the consequences? You're weird…. Too weird if I had to be honest…."

The remaining Dark Elves loyal to the Derberos Families suspect odd things about Vaeral and me.

However, that does not make me move first since Vaeral already faces him with the emerging Soul's Spirit on his body.

"No, of course, it's not weird. For us, Venharice, we should help each other. Not like you, Derberos lapdog…!"

"W-what…! You-"

The Dark Elf stammered as Vaeral's hook slammed his face until he instantly passed out.

Sensing the strength of the Vaeral's hook, I know the Noble Water casting spell has already been completed.

"I-it's that Water Magic Spell…?!"

"I-it can't be…! Only Sundamar Venharice is capable of doing that…!"

Answering those two Dark Elves' confusion, Vaeral opened his full helmet to show his face.

Those two went speechless since they know well Vaeral's face.

"P-Prince Va-"

"Sssshhh…. Speak no more words."

Vaeral immediately intervenes, so those two Dark Elves hold their amazement.

He pulled one of those Dark Elves' hands and put the raw gemstone material on it.

"Hexta Mountain would be destroyed along with the cursed guardians in this place after my friend and I finished casting on the Great Water Magic Spell."

Vaeral whispered, which made those two tremble in fear.

I glance at the raw material gemstones, which are already filled with magical watermarks that show the message that sounded the same as what Vaeral had just said.

"If you want to stay alive, spread the news and escape from here. Because this Great Water Magic Spell cannot be controlled easily by those lame guardians."

Vaeral added his warning.

Those two nodded quickly in panic.

Before they ran to spread the news, they stopped and then looked at Vaeral.

"P-prince… is there any hope for the returning of Pure Magician among Dark Elves races?"

"Y-yes, prince…! I really hope I can return to become Pure Magician! I'm sick and tired of doing all those meaningless chores!"

Those two Dark Elves asking for the hope that Vaeral knows it lifted his motivation to fix the chaos he brings with his wife.

"Of course, my friend. Just run and save yourself first."

Vaeral answer it briefly, which seems enough for them.

They now dashed back to the cave, saving others and themselves before this place was obliterated by the Great Water Magic Spell.

As they had gone, Vaeral now staring at me intensely.

"It's the time, Rezvan. Thankfully it's smooth, but we should not be careless since this is the crucial part."

Vaeral said to me while pointing at the top, which is a sign that we should cast the Great Water Magic Spell in here.

I took a breath and exhaled it to calm myself first.

"Okay, I'm ready, Vaeral. Let's do this."

I said it confidently.