
The Supernatural World

The World of Supernatural is full of mysteries. Humans, Demons, Monsters, or perhaps even higher beings such as gods. No one knows what is going to happen but keep in mind, anything can happen. After all this is The Supernatural World. Follow Rey through his journey and cheer him on.

AirHeadMan · ファンタジー
2 Chs


Not having a good sleep, Rey gets up in the middle of the night to study as he was supposed to do earlier.

'I feel so tired but every time I close my eyes, I can't fall asleep.'

Deciding to study and do as much school work as he can in order to pass the time.

The night passed and it was 6:20 on Friday. The final day of school before the weekend. Knowing that his parents aren't here, he goes to wake up Andy.

He lightly touches Andy and poked him.

"Don't forget that we are going to eat ice cream today. If you don't get up then I will have to eat it all myself."

Andy's eyes opened up immediately and jumped up from the bed and went to the bathroom.

Rey laughed and went to the kitchen to make breakfast for Andy and himself.

Looking at the time, Rey starts to panic as his bus comes at 6:45 and he has to walk over to the bus stop.

"I am going to have to drop Andy at Carol's before I go to school."

Hearing footsteps down the stairs, Andy goes to the table and sees a bowl of cereal. "Cereal again?" He complained.

"If we want something different then we will have to wake up earlier. I need time to make a good breakfast and besides, what's wrong with cereal? I love cereal. It's the best breakfast in the world."

"Whatever. Am I getting dropped off at Carol's house today?" Andy asked.


Andy groaned. "Her kids have too much energy and always beg me to play with them before I go to school."

"You are also a kid, you know. Act like it."

"Hard to say that when our parents keep leaving to travel and we have to take care of ourselves. I wish they were here more often."

"I know but we don't need anyone but ourselves. I have to go to the bus stop in 10 minutes so finish your breakfast and get ready."

"Don't rush me. You always say that cereal needs to be eaten with calmness and not rushing."

"Don't bring my own words into this boy."

Andy finished his breakfast and got everything ready.



They walked across the road to Carol's house since she was a neighbor. Rey knocked on her door and two kids were the one who answered and Carol followed behind.

"Your parents are gone again?" She said,

"Yeah. Can you watch Andy again until he goes to school."

"Of course. Please come in, Andy."

"Thank you so much."

"Of course. I just feel sorry that someone as young as you has to take care of yourself and your brother." Carol wanted to say something about his parents but held back as she believed that Rey also knew and didn't need someone else telling him.

Rey turned to Andy, "I won't tell you to behave since I know you will do that so I will just say to do well in school, stay out of trouble, and I will pick you up when you get out of school."

Andy nodded and gave Rey a hug while Rey reciprocated the hug.

"Alright, See ya."

"Bye." Carol, her kids, and Andy both said bye.

Walking toward the bus stop and waiting until it arrived, minutes passed and the it came. When Rey stepped on the bus and was going to choose a seat, he blinked and all the people in the bus were gone and blood replaced them.

So much blood.

He looked at the driver and saw a headless corpse. He looked at the girl who always sits at the front and saw her lifeless eyes wide open filled with terror and her limbs dismembered.

The quiet kid who always reads a book who sits at the back, his eye sockets popping out with blood dripping down from all seven orifices.

Rey gagged and covered his mouth to prevent him from throwing up.

'This isn't real'

'This isn't real'

'This isn't real'

Rey shut his eyes and held his breath.

"Hey kid. You alright?" The bus driver asked.

"Huh?" Rey opened his eyes and saw everything went back to normal. No blood, limbs are where they are supposed to be, and the heads are attached as well as other body parts.

His eyes darted around the bus until he nodded at the bus driver's words and went to take a seat.

"What is going on?" He wanted to cry but it would be humiliating to cry on the bus where it was so quiet, you could hear if someone was crying.


Going into school on edge expecting something like the hallucination that happened on the bus to happen at school, Rey went straight to class.

His first class of the day was English and Rey's teacher, Mrs. Kallenbury. The scene from yesterday was still in his mind from the shock of the relationship with Mrs. Kallenbury and Principal Carver.

Mrs. Kallenbury was a teacher who had dark brown hair and brown eyes and it wasn't an exaggeration to say that most students in the school think she is beautiful.

"Alrighty students. The test will be on everything you learned in the past unit. I hope you studied."

She handed out the test and everyone began working.

Rey also began working but his mind wasn't focused. He had too much to think about and an English test wasn't even on the surface of his mind.

Ultimately, he got a C+.

After English was study hall. He asked his teacher to go to the library and do work and he accepted.

He basically ran to the library, signed himself in, and immediately went to the computer.

[ | Search ]








[ Search Complete- Wendigo]

A multitude of hyperlinks explaining Wendigos appeared.

[Guide of Supernatural]

—Known also as a windigo, wiindigoo and witiko, the wendigo was a mainstay in Native-American folklore.

—The first wendigo was said to have been a warrior who made a deal with the devil.

—In exchange for the fearsome skills and stature to outfight his enemy, and therefore save his tribe, the warrior gave up his soul.

—When the battle was over, the successful warrior -- now a full-time wendigo -- was banished from his tribe and forced to live as an outcast. To add insult to injury, he was cursed with cannibalistic desires.

His eyes scanned between many different sources and the one thing they all have in common about Wendigos was that they are cannibalistic.

"Whatcha doing?"

Rey heard a voice behind him and his eyes blanked out as he remembered the event from yesterday.

—You thought you could run away from me?

Turning his head slowly to meet the person behind him, he saw blond hair, and blue eyes that seemed to reflect an ocean.

Rey let out a huge breath of relief.


"Why did you look so scared, haha?"

"It's--It's nothing."

"Wendigos, huh? Did you know Wendigos get stronger and bigger the more they eat human flesh?"

"What? How did you know that."

'Could he be a hunter or maybe... a monster?'

"Did you forget?" Chase felt hurt that his best friend forgot such an important detail about him.

"I have a PHD in Supernatural." He raised his chest high and fix his imaginary classes on his face.``

'Shit. How could I forget that. I even used to tease him for that.'

"So, d-do you believe in the supernatural?" Rey hesitantly asked.

"Of course! I have so much knowledge that if I ever ran into one of those monsters, I would know how to kill them."

"Then how do you kill a Wendigo?"

Chase raised his eyebrow, "Are you serious right now? I thought you weren't interested in the supernatural."

"I changed my mind so tell me. What can kill a Wendigo?"

Seeing the serious and tired face of Rey, he thought something was wrong but he didn't know what.

"Hmm, well, you can kill a Wendigo by piercing its heart with silver or decapitation. However Wendigo's bodies are usually so tough that silver to his heart has less of a chance to kill it other than decapitation."

'I remember that guy killed the Wendigo by taking off its head.'

"Hey Chase. Don't make fun of me from what I'm about to say but I swear on everything that I have."

"Okay, tell me what it is."

"I saw a Wendigo yesterday."



Silence surrounded the atmosphere and Rey held his breath in nervousness.

Seeing my serious face not even changing, Chase's eyes widened.

"Oh shit, you are serious?"

"Would I look this serious without actually being serious?!"

"How am I supposed to know?! You change moods like a girl during her month!"

"What th---"

"Quiet!" The librarian shouted.

"I'm serious, okay? I really am."

Chase looked at Rey and sighed, "I believe you."


"No, not really. BUT! Would you believe me if I said this to you without proof?"

Rey couldn't say anything as he would laugh if Chase told him this.

"I have proof of the blood that's on my clothes."

"Blood on your clothes? Wait, tell me everything that happened."

Rey retold the whole story and then Chase went back to class after saying they will meet after school. Rey kept researching not just Wendigos but other creatures.


Hours passed and it was now the end of school and it was time for Chase to see the blood on his clothes that Rey left in his hamper.

Arriving at his house with Chase, they both went to his room and looked at the hamper that smelled like a rotting body.

"Green blood?" Chase said, astonished.

"Green blood. It was even worse yesterday when I had it all over my body. You know that green blood doesn't exist and you would think it was from those big oval headed green aliens but I am telling you it was a Wendigo."

"So, all kinds of supernatural creatures exist?"

"According to what the man said, yes."

"That is so cool bro!" Chase shouted with his eyes shining.

"I would say the same thing but you weren't the one getting his ass chased and almost eaten by the damn monster."

Chase pinched his nose, "Not going to lie though, that looks disgusting and it smells even worse."

'Does this guy not get that I was in the aftermath of all of that disgusting stuff.' Rey rolled his eyes and ignored his comment.

"Believe me now?"

"Only a little since I have never seen green blood before but it doesn't really make me believe in Wendigos and supernatural creatures."

Chase said but he wasn't finished, "But! I am willing to put my all in this."


"Of course. What are best friends for and who is better to believe and find supernatural creatures than me who studied them."He said brightly as if the danger was nothing.

"You also want to find one do you?" Chase asked with a smile. "I know that you have a bigger curiosity for things than I do. I even once told you, 'Curiosity kills the cat' and you always retorted...

"But satisfaction always brings it back."

"But satisfaction always brings it back."

They both said at the same time. They looked at each other and gave a smile but Rey's smile seemed more hopeless.

'I'm so screwed. I always do this!'

It's like you know you are doing something wrong but you can't help it as you believe the outcome you find would outweigh the risk.


Rey and Chase went to pick up Andy from the bus stop and on their way there, they talked about how to find a Wendigo or a different supernatural creature.

If anyone heard their conversation, they would think that they are just two kids who are playing despite us both being 16 years old.

"What if we do run into one then? What are we going to do?" Rey asked.

"Well, I guess it differs between which supernatural creature we find. Maybe we can take a picture and post it and then become famous people who discovered that supernatural creatures are real!" Chase said excitedly.

Rey facepalmed, "You know we can't post a picture even if we do find a supernatural creature."

"What? Why not? Don't tell me you don't want to become famous."

"I don't want to become famous. I just want a good life. Also, if you post a picture and people begin to discover that it real and the off chance that the supernatural is real, its not us who are screwed but also the world."

"The chaos of the discovery of the supernatural would get too many people killed."

Chase groaned and accepted what Rey said and moved to another subject. "Why do you just want to have a normal life? Normal life is boring and knowing you, you wouldn't like boring. You would just get bored with your boring life."

Rey shrugged and looked up at the sky, "I just feel like...I would rather have a boring life so my brother can live better than he does and my parents can be home more often. This life isn't right for a 9 year old."

"A life where he has to live alone a lot. Where he barely sees his parents and the fun memories he has with them is basically nonexistent. Why should he live the life I lived and I continue to do so just like this. I rather take up all the problems my brother has just so he can be happy."

Chase silently looked at him and sighed, "You know that is lonely, right?"

"Like I always say, 'Better I than you.' Being alone is something I'm used to."

Chase's expression turned serious for a moment and then smiled, "Then that leaves me no choice."

"No choice for what?"

He put his arm around Rey's neck and looked at the sky with him. "I guess I just have to be lonely with you."

Rey's eyes widened, "What?"

"Don't forget, Rey. Andy isn't your only brother. I'm your brother too and speaking as your older brother of course, I would have to bear the loneliness with you."

Rey smiled, "Who the hell made you the older brother? It should be me!"

"Damn it. I thought I got it past you by saying that cool speech."


After picking Andy up from the bus stop and going home, Chase called his parents that he was gonna stay the night and also called someone else asking for things that he wouldn't tell me. All he said was, "It's a secret."

The sun fell and night rose. A duffle bag was dropped off at the front of my house and Chase began running to get it and bring it inside.

He put the bag on top of my dinner table and slowly opened the zipper.



"Is your brother asleep?"

"What? Yeah, of course."

"Go check just in case. This always happens in the movies when you think someone is sleeping but they are really awake."

"Shit, you're right."

Rey went to check on his brother and saw that he was still sleeping on his bed. He hurried back to the dining room.

"Maybe we should move this to your room."

"Why? Just what are you hiding?"

"Yeah, I'm moving it to your room." Chase decided not to leave any mistake that happens in movies and books to happen here.

Rey groaned and complained, "My god."

After all the things had been settled, Chase started to slowly open the duffle bag.

"Wait." He suddenly said,

"What is the problem now?!" Rey felt like he wanted to cry from the tension.

Chase laughed, "Nothing, just wanted to piss you off."


"Okay, without further ado." Chase opened up the duffle bag and the items inside made Rey's eye sockets pop out.

"What the F--!"

Chase covered his mouth with his hands, "Shhh."

"You! What the hell are these?"

Inside the duffel bags were wooden stakes, salt, guns, knives, books that look satanic, and many other things.

"This is all the stuff we need to be prepared for if we really do run into a supernatural creature."

"All of this? It looks like we are devil believers."

"We kind of are if you think about it since we are hunting monsters with some satanic items." Chase chuckled.

"Not helping."

"You got this from your dad, yes?" Rey asked.

"Umm, more like my butler but since he reports to my dad, it's basically the same thing. I told him that we were playing a fun game and hunting things."

"And he just gave you all of this? Even these real guns and knives?" Rey felt tired.

"You know, it's not the first time asking for this. I did this a couple times trying to hunt monsters and now we are really trying to catch one!" He squealed.

"Right...I totally keep forgetting your family is rich with the way you act."

"I take no shame in it."

"Yay, good of you."

Couple hours later, Rey had a belt on his waist carrying a knife and a holster carrying a black gun. He was wearing a black coat with gloves on and also a mask to cover his lower face on the nose and under.

Chase was also wearing a belt with the same items as Rey and his gun was silver instead and he wore the same outfit as Rey.

"Why do we need these masks?" Chase asked.

"I told you already, monsters are intelligent. If we do find one and on the really good chance they escape, they might remember who we are and come after us or our families. I can't have that. The mask is just a precaution. It doesn't do any harm and even helps us."

"Oh boy." Chase let out a heavy breath. "We are really doing this for real."


"I'm nervous as hell right now."


"Did you piss your pants?"

"Yep. Wait--no!"

Chase laughed. "Ready?"


"Let's hunt!"