
The SuperKids

Seven teens, different world, superpowers, and so many questions without answers. How will the teens deal with the new world after they are in a horrible plane crash? Will they ever be able to go home or are they stuck in this different place forever?

DerpyCharmader1 · ファンタジー
5 Chs

The beginning

I remembered only 3 things, my name, the names of the people who were on the plane, and then the captain lost consciousness or something like that. We started to descend very quickly, and my anxiety started going off so bad that one of the other people on the plane had to help me calm down, even though I usually am able to calm myself down.

"Are you okay Miss?"

"What is going on? What is going to happen? Are we all going plummet to our deaths?" I said as my hands were shaking, and I was breathing heavily, I felt like my heart was going to pound out of my chest.

"Everything is fine," He said trying to reassure me, "They are just having some malfunctions right now, we will be fine" I started to calm down.

"Can you get me my bag, it is right above us."

"Of course, Miss." He grabbed my bag and I unzipped it and got out my stuffed animal that looks like a red panda. I calmed down all the way as the plane started to hit some trees. One of the plane's wings had broken off and I gripped my seat tighter and tighter. The plane then landed right before a small lake, and everyone, there were only seven of us on the plane, because there was a event in our hometown that us seven won.

"Is everyone alright?" The guy that helped me asked everyone.

"I'm okay." A taller ginger woman said, "My name is Daisy, Daisy Mosingham, as a matter of fact." Then everyone else introduced themselves, except for me, I really wasn't comfortable with giving my name to strangers.

"Wait, where is Matsuno?" I asked, looking around with a worried expression on my face.

"Who is Matsuno?" Daisy turned to me, "Is he a ghost?"

"Matsuno is my best friend, who also happens to be a cheetah."

"Weirdo," Daisy said under her breath.

"A cheetah?!" one of the other guys chimed in, "You have a cheetah as your best friend?"

"Yeah? My parents rescued him from scientists and he has lived with us ever since. He has also been there for me when I have had my down times."

"Okay, then I will help you look for Matsuno, if anyone else wants to help, they can." The guy that helped me earlier said, "By the way my name is Vincent."

"Mine is Nozomu, it is Japanese, my parents are very big on Japanese culture and stuff that relates to Japan." I said as we were walking down the hill that we were on. I heard a cheetah cry from the back of where the plane crashed. "I hear him, he is this way." I said as I started to run towards the cry.