
The sun sets and I’m gone

A young woman find herself in a new world, alone and half starved to death she struggles to survive and find her purpose. She finds herself in the body a young man who had been abandoned. As he adapts to his new life he saves a mysterious handsome man. But will this man be his salvation or the reason he loses himself? (Btw- cover doesn’t belong to me~)

ilove_friedckake · 歴史
16 Chs

(1)New body who dis?

A chill seemed to permeate through her thick coat and scarf and into her bones when the fall breeze blew.

'I swear I had more yin than yang energy!' 'Oh, my God, I'm freezing!'

She hid her face deeper into her coat and walked a little quicker, wanting to get home as soon as possible.

The sky was a faint pink that gradually faded into a dark blue. She'd finished work and was on her way home. She leaned back fatigued after pulling up her phone and plugging in her earphones. She was pleased with her day's labor; she had finally finished that long-ass paper, and her supervisor had even completed her!

'When I go home, I'm going to make myself a cup of hot cocoa and some cookies.'


She laughed to herself quietly. Leaning her back against the trains seat she gazed out the window in a daze. Suddenly a terrible pressure came from the train, and with a harsh jolt that sent her tumbling the train seemed to stop. Without being able to think the situation through she subconsciously reached out only for the train to jolt forward again, this time so hard that pieces of metal and iron went flying.

Everything seemed to have frozen in time. People were screaming and fire was everywhere, she had been hit by something, probably flying metal. The last thing she heard was the faint sound of her music still playing.

"GASP! HuCk! Cough! Cough! Haaa hah Uuk!"

In the next second she seemed to had taken a sudden deep breath urgently supplying her burning lungs with air. She blinked and felt her vision spin, she wanted to throw up but felt nothing in her stomach.

Still unable to adapt she moved her hands to her head clutching it in pain. Trying to gather her thoughts she suddenly stiffened, she definitely remembered being hit by that bar…

She blinked again and her vision cleared a bit. She was alone in a old wooden room of sorts. Feeling a sharp stab in her stomach followed by unbearable hunger she realized she was starving. Her urge for food was so strong she couldn't sit still, struggling to sit up she froze when she saw her hands. Or rather…his? Hands.

Although they were very skinny and boney they definitely weren't a girls slender hands. She didn't have much energy to think about it, and could only prop herself up against the wall by the bed and shuffle awkwardly towards the sliding doors that lead out of the inner room she was sleeping in. When she entered she saw a room covered in a light layer of dust, no food in site.

Hit by a heavy bout of dizziness she struggled towards the sliding doors leading out of the outer room. Unable to pay much attention to her surroundings she moved stiffly down the wooden floor black spots dancing in her eyes. Finally she found a few pots sitting outside a room off to the side. Taking a bet she stumbled forward and into the room, and thankfully it was what appeared to be, a kitchen.

Looking at the old stone fire place and kitchen utensils, horrible thoughts swam around in her muddled head.

'Where am i? Was i kidnaped? This isn't my home..I want to go back. I don't want to be here any more…I'm so damn hungry!'

Pushing back the sudden soft and mopey feelings she shuffled over to a tall pitcher, unsteadily moving it aside she frowned at the inside. Empty. After going through several similar bowls she found similar circumstances. They were all empty.

The world kept spinning but her hunger kept her moving. She dragged herself over to the wooden counter and began opening the cabinet looking things mounted on the wall.

Finding some plates and cups she moved on.

In the next cabinet she found a few bowls of…spices, surprisingly, all well stocked. Unable to help herself she grabbed some rocky looking chunks and stuffed them into her mouth. Chewing down her face twisted, it was salt.

Moving on she went through the whole kitchen and found nothing.

'Who on earth is living here?! Where is all the food!?!'

Feeling hopeless she leaned on the counter. Unable to hold on much longer she shuffled out and finally took a look around, the wooden house she was in wasn't as run down as her room was, instead it seemed rather well taken care of. In the past that is. At this moment there was moss and dirt everywhere and it seemed kind of run down and abandoned.

She shuffled forward and began opening doors, finding several rooms almost completely empty except furniture and some bedding she sighed.

Finally returning to the room she originally was in she realized that there was a loaf of stale bread sitting on a plate covered in a thin layer of dust. Hidden from the bed on a low table to the side. Slightly nauseous she looked at it for a while before her rumbling stomach woke her and she slowly walked over.

Rubbing the loaf against her white robe she just realized she was wearing, she held it up inspecting it carefully. Splitting an edge off she chewed it, it was stale like a rock.

'Ug..gross… but i'm so hungry.' Her face twisted and after some brief hesitation she bit down.

Sitting right there on the floor she ate the bread greedily. Unsatisfied but finally able to calm her stomach for a brief moment she looked down at her body. Opening the white gown she looked at her flat chest and wanted to cry.

The 'her' had turned into a 'him'.

He closed his eyes and reached down to touch in between his thighs. Finding a lump of fat in between his legs he really began to cry.

"Fucking shit!!"

'Damn! Even my voice is rough! Waaaa where did my beautiful curves go! My full chest! Wait! This means…i won't have my period?! OH LORD OH LORDDDDD THANK YOU!'

As a person who suffered life and death cramps during 'her' period this was simply a blessing sent from god, and somehow it considerably lowered 'her' shock and resistance to her situation.