
The Sun God's Awakening

In a modern, bustling city hiding those with powers, our protagonist, Scion Bright, leads an ordinary life as a college student. However, this mundanity shatters when he suddenly develops an inexplicable connection with the Sun God, Ra. With this newfound bond, Scion gains the power to manipulate solar energy, but another side shows itself as Scion must survive in the hidden world of Mysticism as obstacles arise and mysteries reveal themselves. - Chapter length: 1100-1400 words - Release schedule: 7 chapters per week (Not necessarily daily)

Vacaar · ファンタジー
71 Chs

The Divine Revelation

Hours stretched on as Scion remained transfixed by the divine, golden flames dancing before him, each flicker presented a mesmerizing revelation. His gaze was locked in a trance, as though he had fallen under the enchantment of these radiant, celestial fires.

Suddenly, as though a spell had been broken, Scion snapped out of his reverie. His eyes locked onto the Sun God Ra, and a surge of determination coursed through him. The questions that had plagued his mind spilt forth with newfound confidence.

"So, I am your chosen champion, destined to unlock my full potential?" Scion inquired, his voice resonating with newfound clarity. "But, Sun God Ra, what is the essence of a champion's role? Why have I been summoned to this sacred place?"

The Sun God met Scion's inquiry with a profound, weighty gaze. Raising his hand, he made a sweeping motion, causing the divine flames to gradually recede, leaving Scion unscathed. Ra's falcon-like eyes gleamed with wisdom and power, the radiance of a deity's approval.

Ra's voice held an otherworldly gravitas, as though it carried the weight of millennia. "A champion is more than just a vessel for power. A champion carries the hopes of the divine and possesses the potential to reshape the course of history. Scion Bright, your destiny is to be a beacon of light, a guardian of balance in a world rife with chaos and Mysticism."

Scion absorbed these words, still awestruck by the divine presence before him. With each utterance, his resolve deepened, like a seedling finding strength in fertile soil.

"I understand, Sun God Ra," Scion declared, his determination ablaze. "Though I may have wandered aimlessly in the past, I now stand ready to embrace this new purpose. However, it feels like an insurmountable task. I'm only human."

Ra's falcon head inclined in acknowledgement of Scion's unwavering commitment. "You shall no longer be a mere mortal. You have been bestowed with the gift of Solar Energy Manipulation, the power to harness the sun's radiant energy, conjuring the unimaginable, and fortifying your being with absorbed energy. Other abilities will reveal themselves as you surpass your limits. Remember, Scion, this power is a stepping stone, not a shortcut in your journey."

A newfound surge of confidence surged within Scion, and his eyes gleamed with unshakable determination. "I won't make waste of these gifts, Sun God Ra. I will reach my full potential. Yet, there is so much I do not yet understand. What is Mysticism?"

Ra nodded, pleased with Scion's unyielding spirit. "You are not alone on this path, Scion. Mysticism is a parallel realm coexisting with your world, inhabited by individuals with unique abilities and ancient enigmas. Seek out the Mystic Alliance, a group dedicated to preserving the equilibrium between Mysticism and the mundane world. They shall guide you and impart the intricacies of this hidden dimension."

Grateful for the guidance but concerned for his friends, particularly Luke, Scion inquired, "And what about my friend, Luke? He stood beside me during the eclipse. Is he safe, or will he be drawn into this event?"

Ra's falcon eyes narrowed as he contemplated the implications of Scion's question. "The path ahead is shrouded in uncertainty, and Luke's fate is entwined with your own. For now, your focus must be on your journey, Scion. Embrace your role as a champion, and allow your actions to shape your shared destiny."

The young man nodded, comprehending the weight of his responsibility. "I shall, Sun God Ra. I am prepared to confront the enigmatic world of Mysticism and fulfil my role as your chosen champion."

Ra's falcon head tilted in an almost playful manner. "It is not quite as straightforward, Scion. You must heed the whispers of the desert and trust your intuition. Seek out Eve Sterling, a significant ally who will help guide you on your path. She holds the key to your journey."

Scion's expression shifted from curiosity to intrigue. "You mean the studious girl who often resides in the corner of the classroom, discussing tales of possessed individuals?"

Ra's smile seemed to convey a deeper understanding. "She may not be exactly as you envision her. Trust my judgment."

"If you say so."

With a hint of lingering curiosity and a plethora of questions still at the tip of his tongue, Scion realized the passage of time and the urgency of his situation. If his parents discovered him missing, he would need to return.

"How can I depart from this place? Can you return me to my origin, Sun God?"

Suddenly, Sun God Ra's countenance brightened with a smile, hinting at news that would provoke a reaction from Scion.

"You may indeed leave, but there is a condition—you must endure one of my trials. And rest assured, it will be scorching."

Scion, initially dismissing the notion as a jest, laughed heartily. "Hahaha! You nearly had me there. Imagine facing a trial devised by a god! That would be quite the ordeal. I commend you for your jest; for a moment, I was genuinely concerned."

For a long, measured minute, Sun God Ra remained still, studying Scion. The young man contemplated retracting his words, sensing an underlying seriousness in the god's demeanour.

"Scion, you did understand my jest," Ra finally acknowledged, his voice filled with amusement. "Indeed, the sun is scorching, and my trials shall be challenging. Your resilience and sense of humour please me. Yet, you cannot linger here much longer; you must prepare for the trial. I shall take my leave."

With that, Ra began to withdraw from Scion's presence, his divine form gradually dissipating and returning Scion to the endless expanse of golden dunes. Scion stood alone, surrounded by undulating waves of sand that seemed to stretch into eternity.

As Scion contemplated the trials ahead, a chill washed over him, and he realized the magnitude of the god's words.

*Wait, he's not going to leave me here all by myself, what am I supposed to do all on my own? Maybe this wasn't the awesome adventure I thought it would end up being.*

Scion scanned the desolate surroundings, searching for signs of the impending trial, for any semblance of life or purpose. Yet, all he encountered was the relentless wind, its whispers a constant companion in the barren desert.

Just as hope began to wither, a resounding chime echoed through the vast landscape.

[Scion Bright, Ra's Champion, an item for the trials has been bestowed.]

*I can't believe it, is it an op system!? With this, I'll become unstoppable; Ra's trial will be child's play with a cheat like that.*

[Item: Electric Scooter x1 has been summoned.]

Scion: ...