
The sun decays and I am forced to initiate the interstellar

Technology + Disaster + Interstellar In 2060, the Sun is about to explode with helium due to an unknown influence. The earth is about to be destroyed, and what will mankind do? It doesn't matter. I'll take care of everything.

Daoist1RuVT3 · SF
7 Chs

Chapter 1 Helium Flash

"Fellow citizens of the Human Federation Dungeon 1997, according to the latest observations, the Sun will explode with helium in 30 minutes."

"Human civilization has entered its final 30-minute countdown."

"We... Failed."

In the underground city, 500 meters below the earth's surface, a heavy female voice plays from loudspeakers everywhere.

There was an indescribable sense of suffocation in the heart of everyone who heard the broadcast.

Hao Chu sat impassively in front of a holographic projection.

In the hologram, a giant fireball burns quietly in the depths of space.

This is a picture of the sun at this moment.

Hao Chu took a deep breath, extended his right hand and waved a gesture in the air.

The hologram has suddenly shrunk in scale, revealing the full picture of the solar system today

Unlike the previous solar system, this one has already lost two planets.

Venus and Mercury have been devoured by the sun!

And the sun, turned into a crimson giant! In astronomy, it has its own name. Red giant star!

"Hao Chu... Shall we, nay, human race, perish?"

From the side came a slightly helpless female voice.

Hao Chu turned to look around.

A woman in a white lab coat sits in a chair staring dully at a hologram in front of her.

Hao Chu eyes slightly move.

As the chief scientist of the Human League Academy of Sciences, the woman, Qian Xu, is his partner and right-hand man.

"Yes, the human race is dying."

Hao Chu sighed gently and continued, "There are still more than 20 minutes, do you want to go to the surface?"

Qian Xi moved his eyes slightly, drew his eyes back from the holographic projection in front of him, and slowly rose from his chair.

She reaches out to uncurl her long black hair and faces Hao Chu with a radiant smile.

"Of course"

In the elevator of No. 1997 underground city, Hao Chu and Qian Xi wore heavy protective suits and looked at each other silently.

On the elevator screen, numbers are constantly bouncing to show the current depth.

Hao Chu's eyes flashed a few sigh.

In the year 2055 AD, the sun, on which human beings depend for survival, was affected by unknown factors and ended its youth period and stepped into old age in advance.

In just five years, the Sun entered the red giant stage, engulfing two planets in the solar system.

Cornered, the human race broke down all barriers and formed the Human Federation

And Hao Chu, with his excellent student status from childhood to adulthood, has successfully won the crown of chief scientist of the Human Union Academy of Sciences!

In his calculations, even if the sun entered the red giant stage early, it would still take hundreds of years for the helium flash to erupt.

Because the surface is no longer suitable for survival, under his call, the human federation established countless underground cities, all humans entered the underground city refuge, and began to build interstellar spacecraft.

But apparently, his calculations were wrong.

The Sun spans billions of years of the life of other stars in just five years!

Helium flash about to explode!

Earth, currently the closest planet to the Sun, will, unsurprisingly, melt into a magma ball.

Human civilization has come to an end!

"Dear Chief Scientist, I wish you every success in your research mission on the surface."

A crisp prompt sound awakened Hao Chu from his meditation.

He looked at the elevator screen.

518℃ This is the surface temperature outside.

The elevator doors opened slowly, and a wave of heat accompanied by twisted air hit your face!

Looking at the huge red giant star overhead and the churning surface of the heat wave, even with the existence of protective clothing, Hao Chu still felt a sense of heat!

"In one minute, the helium flash will explode."

Qian Xi's slightly cool voice came from the intercom.

Hao Chu did not say anything, and raised his head and looked at the sun through a mask with filtering capability.

As the only higher civilization on Earth, he didn't want to bow his head and die!

"Do you know how hard I worked to become your assistant?"

"Do you know why I did it?"

Perhaps because this is the last moment, Qian Xi's voice was full of relief: "Because, I love you."

Hao Chu pupil suddenly shrink.

Helium flash!

The most powerful white light is raining down on Earth from the red giant star!

Just for a moment, Hao Chu lost consciousness.

There was a glimmering green.

A white line extends slowly, creating a tree against a glowing green, empty background.

Hao Chu looked at everything in front of him with some confusion.

 What...what is this?

A faint flash of light lit up at the bottom of the tree.

Unconsciously, he cast his gaze on the bottom of the tree.

Nuclear power control: controlled nuclear fission.

A line of highlighted white letters appears.

The next moment, the white area begins to extend upward.

Nuclear power control: controlled nuclear fission.

With the original dim text of this line brightening, countless words and symbols instantly flooded Hao Chu's consciousness!

"Hey Hao Chu! wake up the professor is calling you"

In a daze, a low, familiar cry came to my ears.

The vision gradually came into focus.

A classroom comes into view.

Looking at the podium is frowning to look at his old man, Hao Chu pupils slightly shrink.

Professor James!

Didn't he die five years ago? !

"HaoChu! This is the first college physics class! Why did you sign up for the physics department as you don't like physics so much? "

There was anger in James's voice.

HaoChu looked puzzled, subconsciously stood up, turned his head and looked around.

A familiar scene. This is His college classroom.

If memory serves, it was his first physics class of his sophomore year!

He quickly took his cell phone out of his pocket and pressed the screen.

September 6th, 2040!

Weigh heavily on Born again? !

In an instant, Hao Chu's mind emerged countless complex emotions.

Confusion, sadness, loss and a little hope!

In his last life, he was at the top of the human race, but... because of his fault, human civilization completely collapsed.

In this life, he wants to make it right! But... What should be done?

"Hao Chu! Did you hear me?!"

Professor James on the platform flushed with anger.

In all his years of teaching at the university, he had never seen such a disrespectful student!

Hao Chu looked up at Professor James on the platform and the blackboard behind him, his eyes moving slightly.

Perhaps He needs a chance to make a splash!

At the next moment! A storm of formulas and words from the fluorescent green tree circled back and forth in his mind!