
The Summoner Witch

Myro Aras is just a gamer. In an online game, he was the best player there but while fighting a boss in the game and winning, Myro suddenly felt sleepy and fell asleep. He awakens as a baby in this world filled with unique powers and magic. A place where one's strength decides everything. Myro decided to walk the path of a mage and walked towards the top. Accompanied by the help of a system that gives him cheating by being able to bring Myro's power from the previous game. Look at Myro walking towards the top with the people who believe in him.

Rein_Majerov · アニメ·コミックス
56 Chs


Myro was currently walking around the forest and observing the surroundings. After finding a good enough spot, Myro sat under a tree and opened the pouch given to him in the hot air balloon. Myro started to pick up the dried meat and eat it. After all, he hadn't had lunch before so now Myro was very hungry.

While chewing the dried meat, Myro said "Shar, you there?".

Myro was currently not sure if Shar was coming with him. Previously Myro was teleported here by a magician. So, Myro didn't know if Shar was coming with him or maybe he was still in the hot air balloon right now. If Shar didn't follow him, Myro was sure that his life would be in danger. After all, Myri is currently not a magician. Just an apprentice magician isn't it, how can Myro face the monsters in this forest. So, Myro had to confirm where Shar was now.

Suddenly, behind Myro who was chewing dry meat there was someone who was bowing and immediately said "Yes, did young master call me?".

Myro glanced slightly and knew that Shar was still following him. So after heaving a sigh of relief, Myro immediately said "Shar didn't think you would be teleported here too".

Shar replied "Before you were teleported, I immediately entered your shadow so I could follow you too".

Hearing that, Myro nodded then started to take out a magic crystal from the food bag and said "Shar, do you know how to use this magic crystal?".

"Young master, you just need to absorb the mana in the magic crystal. Actually in the air there is also mana that magicians can absorb to increase their strength which is often called cultivation but the mana in the air is not as dense as the mana in the magic crystal. because of that, magic crystals can develop magician abilities more quickly", Shar immediately explained to Myro.

"Is that so", Myro nodded and said again "As for assassins like that, is it possible to also use magic crystals to increase your power?".

"Yes young master, in the end assassins can also develop their powers. Even I can be called an assassin who has elemental powers too. So I'm the same as magicians who use elemental powers but the difference is that magicians use their elements to form a magic spell while assassins use elements to eliminate bodies or even for assassination attacks. So I have a match with the dark element, therefore I was able to hide in your shadow while teleported," said Shar.

"Alright, I'll try cultivating now. Shar, I'll leave the surrounding guard to you", Myro said

"Yes young master, just leave it to me", said Shar then he started to disappear again.

Myro looked at the magic crystal in his hand and started to close his eyes and concentrate. At first, Myro couldn't feel anything. But after concentrating for about 30 minutes, Myro could feel something in the magic crystal. The things floated in the magic crystal and formed a steady stream. It seems that the flow in the magic crystal is mana flow.

Myro started to slowly try to absorb the mana flow in this magic crystal. Myro could only absorb that much mana flow in a minute. Myro felt that the absorption of mana was too slow because the flow of mana in the magic crystal had thousands of strands of mana which if Myro could only get one strand of mana for a long time, if he wanted to get those thousands of strands of mana then Myro probably wouldn't be able to finish it even if given a week. .

Myro tried harder to absorb the mana flow in order to absorb more strands of mana. As time passed, Myro was able to absorb the mana stream more and faster. It was unknown how long Myro had absorbed the magic crystal, suddenly Myro's whole body jolted. Thousands of strands of mana in the magic crystal were currently gathering on Myro's body and slowly spreading around his cell. Myro felt his body getting stronger and he could feel mana flying in the air even though the amount was very small and scattered so it was very difficult to absorb it.

Seeing that the mana flow in the magic crystal had run out, Myro slowly opened his eyes. Myro exhaled and the stream of exhaled breath was black as if the dirt inside his body had been expelled. Myro was slightly surprised and realized that his entire body was currently filled with pitch-black dirt and emitted a foul smell. Myro knew this from a story he read earlier that in cultivation, the body would be cleansed and the impurities in the body would also be removed. Therefore, Myro looked for lakes around the forest because he couldn't stand the stench on his body.

Luckily, Myro didn't have to spend much time and was able to find a lake. After checking the surroundings and making sure there were no monsters, Myro immediately jumped into the lake. Myro washed his body and washed his clothes which were also dirty and smelled bad. Then seeing that it was getting dark, Myro made a fire and hung his clothes around the fire to dry quickly.

Right now Myro was only wearing the clothes he made out of leaves and sighed "If I knew I was going to do a test like this, I would have brought a change of clothes that I left in the room in the hot air balloon".

Myro opened his food bag again and started chewing on the remaining dried meat. Luckily the dried meat didn't get dirty, otherwise Myro would be starving by now.

Shar emerged from the darkness immediately bowed and said "Congratulations to young master for becoming a first rank apprentice mage".

Myro was a little surprised at first but immediately said "How do you know I've broken through and become a first-rate apprentice magician".

"Young master, a magic crystal containing a thousand strands of mana after absorbing a thousand strands of mana then it will change and form one ball of mana which will form a stream. The requirement to become a first-rate apprentice magician is to have a mana sphere",. said Shar as he explained.

"You really know huh. In that case, how many mana orbs do I need to upgrade this first-rate apprentice wizard?", Myro said.

"If young master wants to reach the next level then young master must have 10 mana balls", said Shar.

Myro couldn't help but smile bitterly and said "Right now I only have one mana ball and it's still far from having 10 mana balls. Looks like I'll have to work hard to collect mana crystals from the other students. But it's possible they've also absorbed magic crystals. they have".

"Young master, you are actually too fast in sensing the existence of mana and absorbing it. You only need a day to sense the existence of mana and absorb magic crystals. Whereas people in general, can already be considered geniuses if they can sense the existence of mana within a week and to absorb it. their magic crystals and becoming a first-rate apprentice mage then they usually need at least a month", said Shar.

"Wait, how do you know so many things?", Myro immediately said strangely. After all, Shar is just like him in that he comes from another world. So how did Shar find out so much information about magicians in this world.

"Sir, I know it from this book which I took in one of the rooms in the hot air balloon", said Shar then took out a fairly thick book and handed it to Myro.

Myro immediately took the book from Shar and looked at it.