
The Summoner's Adventure!

Disclaimer: League of Legends are owned by their respective creators. Not me, lol.

Hide_on_Webnovel · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Chapter 2

The Capital had a population of over 5 Million. It is divided into Four Rings, the Military, the Outer Ring, the Middle Ring, and the Royal Ring. So you can just imagine how ginormous the Capital to be able to house that many people.

The towering walls that looked straight out of Attack on Titan surrounded the entire Capital. Even though the height of the wall receded by each Ring, it still gave Anthony goosebumps as he clumsily rode his War Horse.

The Royal Ring was exactly what the name suggests, the place where the Royal Palace, the Royal Family, and the High Ranking Nobility lived. Unless you are a High Ranking Noble, one had to pay 1 Gold Coin in order to enter or sightsee.

The Middle Ring prevails divided into two. Half of it is a residential area of Lower Rank Nobility and the other half is where all Academies are built. Unlike the Royal Ring, one didn't have to pay to enter.

The Blackthorn Kingdom believes that everyone has the right to education, commoner or not, you can still go and attend the academy. Of course, you have to pay the tuition fee.

The third is the Outer Ring. This is where commoners lived as well as the place where Guilds are established. It is also the most bustling place in the whole Capital.

Lastly, is the Military Ring. As the name suggests, it is where Military Facility is located. They protect all of the Gates and respond to distress calls as fast as they could. They also protect the farms outside the Capital.

Thanks to them, the safety of the people on the inner rings were safe.

Of course, deployment of troops to war against demons is in there too.


Although Anthony was amazed, it was actually only the towering walls that impressed him. These building designs could be called old in Earth's description, ancient even.

He knew too well that without Magic, maybe the Capital would not look as grand as this. It would probably look like Earth in a few centuries if there was no magic, full of technology.

The moment exited the gate of the Royal Palace, he was met with gazes of many people.

His hoodie and jeans are vastly different in how the people in this world dressed. Adding to the fact that he had a mighty Demonic War Horse and he came out of the Palace, it was safe for the High Nobles to assume that he is an important figure.

After all, only important people are allowed to enter the Royal Palace.

Anthony passed by many people that had those Western-like Nobilities full of etiquette and talked like hypocrites. Their smile looked so fake that Anthony wanted to smash their faces on the wall. It was disgusting to look at.

He clenched his teeth, suppressing his raging emotions and just went for the main gate of the Royal Ring.

Anthony wanted to reach the Outer Ring as fast as possible, find an inn and discover the true use of his own System.

As of now, money is not the problem, his hundred Gold Coins is enough for a small family to live well for over a decade.

According to the Royal Knight that accompanied him, 1 Gold Coin equals to 100 Silver Coins, and 1 Silver Coin amounts to 100 Copper Coins.

He would have to spend money to learn how it works.

Guarding the Gate, the two Silver Knights stood proud and straight. However, when they saw Anthony come over with his horse, one of the right Knight took out a Crystal Ball, in it was an image of Anthony.

He nodded to the left Knight and left Knight took out a Silver Token with the size of a palm out of nowhere. When Anthony was about to pass by, the left Knight spoke.

"Please wait, Young Sir! This is for you!"

The left gave the Silver Token to Anthony and added, "This is a Gate pass that will allow you to freely enter Royal Capital until the Middle Ring. Please have a good day!"

"Thank you very much." Nodding to the man, Anthony finally left the Royal Ring. It was then that he finally saw how to thick the wall was. It was about four meters and Anthony could only surmise that it was not made of the ordinary type of rock.

The pathway was wide enough for two trucks to pass through and the was without a question, high.

'From the looks of it, they must have a communication device. To think that the King would take care of me this well, I guess it was not a bad choice to leave after all.' Anthony thought.

In fact, he is right. If it wasn't for him being polite, the King would only have given him the Gold and left him be. Thankfully, Anthony made a smart move.

It was thanks to his acting and theater experience in school. However, due to an unfortunate event that made him quit school, Anthony was not able to continue his passion.

Anthony was a high school student whose passion was theatrical and acting. He joined the acting club hoping that it would land him somewhere in the entertainment industry.

His looks may be average, but he was still quite popular and had good acting and theatrical skills. It even landed him the role of Romeo from Romeo and Juliet.

However, halfway through the year, an incident that shocked the whole school destroyed Anthony's school life.

His partner who played as Juliet jumped off of the roof. She had committed suicide.

At that time, it so happened that Anthony forgot his script in the club room and had to go back and get it for practice. However, he tripped on the way and had his fist bruised.

He did not know that at that time, the girl already planned on committing suicide.

The next morning, the police came and started an investigation. And according to the autopsy, she had much blunt force trauma all over her stomach.

The police conducted an investigation and it led them to Anthony, her partner, and a somewhat close associate.

Seeing the bruise on his knuckles, of course, Anthony was sent in for questioning. They did not believe his alibi.

After all, there's no such thing as coincidence, if you get what I mean.

Thanks to that, Anthony was added as a suspect and was detained. However, two weeks later, the case was actually closed as suicide.

Police found out from a neighbor that her own father had beaten her so badly after he lost his job. With her mother dead, it made her father stressed out that he snapped. Beating her for a night and raped even raped her.

Anthony was finally allowed to go back to school, expecting that everything was well, the culprit has been caught.

But reality slapped him in the face, as hard as it could.

Gossips, accusations, and whispers reached his ears. He must have pushed her off the roof! He must have been bullying her.

For an entire month, he experienced hazing.

Suddenly, he was stopped on his way home. Then he got beaten by 3 of his fellow Acting Club members.

Anthony snapped! Hazing I could take, but beating?!

It was one of the things that he could not understand. The culprit was caught. Although my alibi was not proven, it still matches up with my story. It was proven that I was not even connected. How can you not understand?! Just how?! Just fucking HOW?!!

For the first time in his life... for the first time in his life, he wanted to kill!

Rage, hate, anger! It nearly took over him that he nearly got his father's hidden gun and massacre those fuckers and stomp over their heads.

But he didn't, he went home, showed his black eyes to his parents and quit school.

Anthony kept his emotions bottled up and released it through the internet.

He took care of his mother's store in the day and played League all night. It was not fulfilling, but at least, he avoided committing what would have been a great mistake. Not a sin, just a grave mistake. You destroyed my life, how can I become a sinner just by killing you?!

That is his mentality.

Thanks to his experience, attitude, and skills in acting, Anthony managed to fool the King. Not exactly fool, but deceive him into believing that he would not have any use.

He had played many roles such as a servant of a King to know how to speak with them. Otherwise, even if he was not killed on the spot, he would have been killed someplace.

Anthony passed by the Middle Ring peacefully as the Academy and the Lower Noble Residence was divided by the pathway with walls. So he only met a few people along the way.

He was also beginning to adapt to riding Black Tempest. However, his back was starting to hurt.

When he finally exited the Middle Ring, Anthony was met with a bustling scene. People went to and fro. He jumped down from Black Tempest, to ask for directions.

"Hey, man, can you tell me where fund a good inn to stay?" Anthony asked a man while holding the reins of Black Tempest who obediently followed him.

"Oh, just follow the main road and take the first right turn. That is where all inns and brothels are located." The man replied.

"Thanks, man!"

"No problem!"

The main road was full of people. Carriage, carrying goods would pass by and the side of the road was filled with stalls and people.

The delicious smell of food wafted through the air making the journey even more pleasant.

'This place is really not the same as the solemn atmosphere in the inner Rings. I like it! There's the first right turn.'

Unlike the main road, this block did not look as bustling. Anthony could see some people carrying stuff and entering the inns.

He and Black Tempest stopped in front of the building with a "Blue Rock Inn" sign and entered.

"Stay here first, buddy."

Because it was daylight, only two people were actually drinking beer and the other 4 costumers ate their meal.

A handsome but brawny middle-aged man that would only be described by ladies on the internet as "hot" was sitting behind the counter as he joined the costumers in their conversation. He wore a white shirt and brown pants that showed his muscles. Damn! He looked like John Cena with a beard.

"Boss, do you have a room?" As usual, Anthony asked politely.

"Yes, 30 Copper Coins a night, young lad!" The handsome boss replied with a huge grin.

"Then I assume it is 9 Silver Coins a month."

"What, you want to stay for a month? Then I will give it to you for 8 Silver Coins!"

"Thank you!"

"No problem! I am Brock, the boss of the Blue Rock Inn! What's your name, young lad?" The boss introduced himself. He looked silly with his smile but Anthony felt comfortable. At least, this won't make things awkward.

"My name is Anthony, you can just call me Tony!" Anthony grinned. It was how his relatives and called him.

"Haha! Hey, dear! Come here for a moment, we have a new customer!" Brock shouted and a woman came out wearing an apron.

"Take this young lad to an empty room upstairs!"

"My name is Lisa, this old man's wife!" Just like her appearance, her personality was bright as she led Anthony to his room.

"Here is the key, young lad."

"Thank you, aunty Lisa. I will come down the stairs to have a meal later. Please prepare your best dish! Hehe!" Anthony really liked the couple. It reminded him of his aunt and uncle back home.

"Of course!"


The room was quite simple. A well-made bed, a table, a chair, and a curtained window.

The quilt, blanket, and pillows smelled pleasant. So he only removed his flip flops and got on the bed, not to sleep, but to check on the System.

I did not experience bullying, I am just writing what would I feel and do if I was ever bullied to the point of explosion! So you can say that our MC has my character.

So those bullies out there, better stop now! You would not know when your victim might snap and blow up your head. Don't be stupid!

Hide_on_Webnovelcreators' thoughts