
The Summoned Hero

Andrew was just a normal boy with a boring life until he was a summoned hero summoned to stop an unknown threat. What is this threat? Who shall he face in the battle field?

The_Unforgetable · その他
17 Chs

The Hero in Despair

I run down the halls of the castle and charge into Katrina's room. I find her still sleeping and slowly waking up but I can't waste time now. So I shake her to wake her up and she looks at me confused and surprised.

"Eh? Andrew what are you doing?" Katrina asks rubbing her eyes.

"No time to explain get your gear ready and get dressed!" I yell running out the room.

I soon get Elaine and Minerva to go the same and we all meet outside the castle. They all seem gloomy and tired but I still stand tall. I know that they're tired but we can't waste time when a war can start at any moment.

"Sorry to suddenly wake you all up like this but theres something weird a few miles from the kingdom. A big aura and I saw a big blast of magic from my window." I explain.

"Ugh... Andrew if this is a joke then I swear that I'll kill you!" Minerva yells.

"Ehehe now now calm down I'm sure Andrew knew what he saw." Elaine laughs clearly nervous.

"Come on let's go quickly!" I yell walking towards the plain fields.

Minerva groans but follows along anyway I slowly feel a big aura as we come closer. The aura is as strong as the forests but I still stay strong and walk forward. As we approach I see a tall and formal looking man with long black hair in a tiny ponytail. He has a serious look and formal clothes and he's just standing there. I quietly approach but he turns around and looks at me.

"Just what are you doing trying to creep up on me?" He asks.

"I-I apologize but what are you doing here sir?" I ask.

"I'm looking for an old sword I used to own it's very sharp and has a golden handle." He says looking at me.

His glare feel like he's piercing through my heart without even moving! I quickly notice his description is very close to the sword I got at the forest suddenly it hits me. That's Micheal or should I say King Bael the hero in despair is what Sophie would say. Micheal looks at me and realises I have the sword he's been searching for.

"Another chosen one already huh?" Lord Bael says looking down.

"Are you... Micheal?" I ask hesitantly.

He looks at me surprised as if he hasn't heard his name in his entire life.

"So Sophie has already told you the story huh?" He says.

"Are you going to kill me and claim the sword for yourself?" I ask.

"I can no longer have the sword for I am now unworthy. You're the only person in this universe who can now wield that sword young man." He explains.

"S-So are you going to kill me?" I ask stuttering.

"If we met on different circumstances I would've killed you instantly. However it's no fun having a war with no hero. We'll battle soon enough Mr.Hero as they used to call me." Micheal says.

"As they used to call you?" Minerva questions him.

"I was a hero one too you know? I'm the hero that fell into despair and started war. I wonder if you'll have the power to seal me once more or maybe even kill me. We'll just have to wait and see. I wish I could meet Soh again and battle him once more but he likely went back to his dimension." Micheal sighs.

"Actually sir Soh is still here and he'll be fighting in this war too." I say.

Micheal falls silent and soon grins however his grin turns into an insane smile as he starts laughing sinisteringly. His laugh sends chills down my spine as when he stops laughing he looks at me.

"That's more then I could ever ask for in my life as a Demon King. Fighting two heroes such I delight I can't help but hope the war approaches soon." Micheal says as he disappears.

"Dammit... we need to get prepared guys." I say frustrated.

"Yeah we do! We all need to get stronger to protect our people!" Minerva yells.

It's nice to hear Minerva rant about justice but ranting won't do any good. I need to get into contact with Soh again and inform him on the events that happened. He's going to be important in this war so he should know about the sword too.

"Guys let's head back now I need to have a talk with Soh." I say.

"Yes let's get back as soon as possible!" Katrina says.

As we head back to the kingdom I think about the things that just happened. I need time to process all this information and I need to get better at fighting. That damn bastard Sanadu... I'll tear him apart with my bare hands. My hatred for Sanadu only grew as I learnt more about him and my hatred for him is definitely not pretty.

We enter the kingdom and spot Kei and Soh near the castle talking. I don't want to interrupt much and the girls haven't noticed him yet. I decide to walk slowly to him because his face looks serious as his conversation proceeds with Kei. I finally get closer to Soh and he turns and looks at me with a smile.

"Hey Soh I need to talk to you for a bit!" I yell running over.

"Hm? What's up Andrew is something wrong?" Soh asks.

"Soh.. please train me and my friends further!" I yell bowing.

"Jeez you don't need to bow of course I'll help you guys!" Soh says laughing.

"Thanks Soh." I say grateful.

"Ahaha! No problem kiddo!" Soh chuckles.

"Soh after you train with the girls I'd like to spar with you for training." I say.

"Hm spar? Ah sure you better give me everything you got kiddo!" Soh smiles.

"I'll go all out as I expect you to do as well." I reply confidently.

"Hehe I confident one we got here huh?" Soh chuckles.