
The successor: Secrets unravel

Can anyone truly remain sane when our view of our own little world crumbles before our very eyes revealing dark secrets that are dreaded and unraveling past mysteries When all dark secrets start to surface to the light what will Valentino Anderson do when the truth about her life is revealed. When she learns that her life was never hers to decide on. Will she silently surrender to destiny all will she try to break free from the shackles that bind her to Alexander Hart, the billionaire tyrant.

Claudy_Storm · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chapter 1

Valentino found herself adorned with luxury in a quiet corner of the magnificent hall in which the seeming banquet was held. She was dressed in a royal blue gown that hugged her curvy figure, a pair of heels and with her family heirloom to complete the look, THE LUNAR CRESCENT PENDANT. She quietly stood in the corner not knowing the reason for her presence there, at least that was until her attention was drawn to the man seating on the thrown and while she was still observing him, his gaze landed on her giving an exclusive view of the most beautiful eyes she had ever set her sight on.

The man's eyes were dark colored but after closer observations you would be able to notice the golden flecks of light that seemed to be dancing in his dark orbs. His captivating eyes were the least of her problems because he had a face that could lead any woman to her doom with a perfectly chiseled jaw, high cheekbones, a defined nose, thin lips and ebony black hair which covered most of his forehead. This man truly was a piece of art. Before she knew it she found herself making her way to him as if being pushed by an unseen force. She was at the foot of the thrown when the man stood from his mighty seat and made his way to her.

Before she knew what was happening the men pulled her into his arms before lowering his head so that his lips rested next to her ear before slowly whispering "YOU BELONG TO ME AND ME ALONE". The way he said those words made a shiver run down Valentino's back. She closed her eyes counted to three and when she opened them again she found herself in the comfort of her bed.

It was that stupid dream she thought as hurriedly got out of bed she was late for school. She quickly made her way out of the bathroom and went straight to the front door where she found Alfred, their family butler already waiting for her. Within five minutes she was already at the school and was also just in time otherwise a minute later and she would have found herself with a heavy duty punishment, to serve even on the first day of school.

But what could she do this was what she got for been the heiress of the Anderson family, one of the world's top companies. She smugly but hurriedly walked past Mrs Millers, the principal and as always she was wearing her signature smile as if reminding her of the hell awaiting her beyond the double doors that welcomed every student.

Valentino made her way to her locker where she took her books and headed to her first lesson which was Literature with Miss Jones. She went and sat herself in her usual corner awaiting the teacher's arrival. Despite coming from one of the world's most affluent families, Valentino was barely visible to anyone in the school except for the school higher ups who knew her identity but still insisted on making life harder for her which made her the easiest target to bullying among the girls.

She sat there looking out the window, with her dirty blond hair covering half her face. Her gloomy thoughts were interrupted by the screams of girls. I followed the sound of the girls only to be greeted by the strong muscular back of a guy dressed in a pair of black jeans and a white shirt. His jet black hair covered his neck. One could tell just by that broad back that this guy was a piece of art, but too bad she was so over men.

After that she returned her attention to the outside world that was her only escape from the real world. Just as she was about to drift away from reality a hoarse voice broke out of her revere. "Hey is there anyone sitting beside you", the voice said fluently in an Australian accent successfully catching Valentino's attention as she whipped her face back as the voice seemed oddly familiar.

And just then she felt her world spinning when her grey eyes made contact with the brown eyes of the person in front of her. She suddenly felt dizzy but still maintained her composure and resisted the urge to succumb to the darkness as she felt her eyes become hazy.

What is happening?

she continuously asked herself.
