Harry and Hermione end up growing up fast, right around the same time. Suddenly, Harry is a total hunky stud and Hermione is noticing. Meanwhile, Hermione has become a curvaceous, buxom young beauty and Harry has DEFINITELY noticed that. https://www.patreon.com/Cambrian
More and more, it becomes harder for Fleur to get to her feet and run away. What's she even running for, in the end? To prove that she can do it? To prove that she's not so weak as to be the first veela in hundreds of years to TRULY succumb to a veela hunt? But then, does she really think Harry is going to let her go at this point? No, the young wizard won't get exhausted. He will not tire, he will not falter. Fleur's fate is sealed and was sealed the moment she agreed to this. Now it's simply time to pay the piper.
It doesn't help that her allure is running wild. So is his magic, at least to her senses. In truth, Harry's magic is quite stable and fully under his control. He can see her allure, can see her in his mind's eye as he chases her through the Forbidden Forest. His strength and his force of will keep his immense power contained unless he needs to use it to persuade any of the forest's denizens to stay away from him and his quarry.
In the end, he continues to hunt Fleur down, time and time again, fucking her silly, making her cum repeatedly… and yet, the beautiful blonde continues to resist him. He can see that resistance crumbling, slowly but surely… but as Harry pins the blonde veela down, her legs wrapped around his waist as he fucks her face to face, he finds himself reaching out to 'grab' at her with his magic.
There's parts of her, of her very being, her essence and her magic… that are constrained. They look to be under a shit ton of artificial control, like she's subconsciously blocking them off from the rest of her, like she's holding them back. Frowning deeply, Harry continues to fuck the blissed-out blonde veela's cunt, even as he cautiously presses in with his magic, gently entangling with her allure. Then, he slowly starts to undo them.
As the last 'block' dissipates under his careful direction, Fleur finally notices, her entire body going stiff beneath him. Harry blinks at this, pulling back from her utterly changed sense of self, and is just about to say something, when Fleur abruptly throws her head back and screams. It's not just one of her normal pleasure-filled cries either. It's something far deeper, far more PRIMAL.
Harry's eyes go wide when massive wings sprout from Fleur's back, causing her to come up off the ground as she ends up in his lap. They make eye contact with one another, and Harry stares into Fleur's new eyes, gold and glowing, somewhat like the eyes of an eagle. Her hair has also changed, going from blonde mixed with slight silver highlights, to completely silver.
She's a new woman… more than a woman in fact, as it seems he's unlocked far more than he expected with his meddling. But Harry feels no regret over what he's done. No, in fact he feels quite a lot more of just the opposite. Grinning, a single word slips from Harry's lips in a reverent tone, expressing and summing up his feelings quite easily.
Slowly, the gold in her eyes fades, but what's left are a pair of startling, beautiful blue eyes with a permanent alluring glow to them, and her hair remains a waterfall of silver that seems to ripple with the slightest breeze, even as her massive, furiously beating wings vanish like they were never there. But they were, and an ecstatic Fleur happily thanks Harry in the one way she knows how, by kissing the ever-living hell out of him.
She's a pure, true veela now, and Harry can sense that something has changed, even if he doesn't know the details yet. But Fleur will have time to explain, eventually. After all, Harry isn't just a potential lover, he's her mate now. She's a Goddess made flesh, and his girls will be her nymphs, while he will be her Champion.
Of course, her 'Champion' is far, far more powerful than she'll ever be. As she begins to bounce up and down on his lap, Harry grunts and grips her by her big, fat bubble butt. He thrusts up into her cunt, even as he sits there on the forest floor. Fleur rides him hard, and while their fucking is as passionate and as primal as before, it's also a lot sweeter now. Their lips meet and they wrestle with their tongues, but the kiss presents a turning point as their arms wrap around one another.
They remain in that embrace for quite some time, until eventually Harry feels Fleur's tits lactating through her bra, and he finally removes the soaked through garment to get at her amazing, beautiful mammaries. Gripping and squeezing and drinking from her breasts only causes the gorgeous veela to express more joy, more pleasure over his actions.
They fuck until day break, until dawn comes and the sun begins to rise. They fuck until Fleur finally passes out, satiated and them some, happy with her previously flat belly now swollen with her wonderful mate's seed. Harry can't help but smile down at her as she curls into his broad, muscular chest. He watches her sleep for a long moment in simple silence, well-pleased with what had come of his long-term plan regarding the beautiful veela.
Hermione and Nymphadora had played their roles beautifully, and now Harry had a fifth witch conquered and his. Fleur Delacour… he would be lying if he said he hadn't lusted after her more than once since they'd met in his Fourth Year. She was absolutely gorgeous after all, and even if he was resistant to her allure, he was still a hormonal teenage boy.
He'd been weak back then, a bit scrawny and a whole lot of 'in over his head'. It hadn't been the time to pursue Fleur, not then. But then everything with Hermione had happened, and Nymphadora had become his, and so had Lavender and Daphne. Now was the time. Now, with him so self-assured, so powerful, so utterly confident in his ability to protect what he loved… now he needed to make Fleur his.
And he had, hadn't he? Grinning, Harry slowly stands up. He does so with Fleur still impaled on his cock, his massive member balls deep inside of her cunt. He's halfway inside of her cream-filled cunt at this point, pushed past the tight ring of her battered-down cervix. With her held in his warm embrace, impaled on his thick shaft, Harry carries his newest conquest back to the Shrieking Shack where the girls are waiting for him.
Needless to say, an entire day of fucking all of his women, followed by conquering Fleur throughout the night, had finally taken its toll on the powerful, strong wizard. Setting down the sleepy veela in her bed, Harry watches her curl up with a smile on his face for all of a moment, and then he turns to the bubbling hot tub and moves to sink into it.
Doing so fills him with more satisfaction than anything non-sexual ever has, and Harry lets out a happy sigh as every inch of his slightly strained, slightly sore body is enveloped in warm, bubbly water. His eyes lull shut, even as his girls move into the water around him, moving in and helping their love and master enjoy his break and his rest.
Nothing overtly sexual happens in the tub, and when Harry does pop a hard-on from their massaging hands and their rubbing tits, one of them slips beneath the water and sucks him off with a bubblehead charm on, before going back to helping him relax. To say Harry is happy would be an understatement. Surrounded by beautiful, lovely witches that he adores with all his heart… Harry is thrilled. More than that, he's feeling better than ever.
There will be more. But for now, he's happy to simply lay his head back, close his eyes, and enjoy the moment. His triumph fresh on his mind, Harry smiles as his girls' fingers press into his sore muscles from all sides.
By Christmas Day, things are back to normal… for a certain definition of the word. They're all in the Shrieking Shack again, as it's the place that Harry and all five of his lovely ladies ultimately decided they wanted to spend Christmas. Christmas Eve was fun… but Christmas Day promises to be even more so.
Hermione and Daphne are still struggling to contain themselves over Harry's conquest of Fleur of course. Both girls know far more about what it means to make Fleur bend to his will than Lavender or Nymphadora, mostly because of Hermione's reading and Daphne's upbringing. Regardless, they're both dazedly happy over the fact still, giggling every once in a while, and ruining at least one pair of expensive silk panties a day from creaming them at random intervals.
It was one of the only things the two could possibly agree on. Harry dominating and conquering Fleur was fucking HOT.
Of course, while Fleur did defer to Harry more than any veela had ever deferred to their mate in hundreds of years, she didn't call Harry her Master, nor was she completely subservient like the four human witches were to him. She was still a hot little piece of ass that begged Harry to fuck her daily, like they all did, but she did it with just a tinge of authority.
Perhaps that was why she was dressed up as Santa on this fine Christmas Day, while Harry was in turn dressed up as Krampus. The pair were currently arguing over naughty and nice lists while Hermione, Daphne, Lavender, and Nymphadora all knelt before them, heads down and completely nude as they awaited their 'fates'. Would they be naughty? Would they be nice?
"All of zhese girls have been VERY naughty zhis year! It only makes sense that I, Santa Claus, get to punish zhem!"
"Mm, but they've also all done some fairly nice things… I think each has earned a ride on ole' Krampus' lap."
And that was the other odd thing. Harry and Fleur were half-in character, half-out as they argued with one another… but for some reason they'd decided that naughty girls went to Santa, and nice girls went to Krampus. It didn't make sense to Hermione, but she wasn't about to speak up and question it. She was still hoping to get on the nice list so she could ride 'Krampus'.
"Hm, I suppose zhere is only one way to settle this! Zhe absolute naughtiest girls will go to me, Santa… and zhe nicest will go to you!"
Harry inclines his head in agreement, before turning to look at the four naked witches kneeling before them.
"Well, that makes it easy, doesn't it? Hermione and Daphne have definitely been the naughtiest, so they're all yours. I'll take Nymphadora and Lavender for the day."
"Zhat is zhe same conclusion I came to, yes. It is settled!"
Hermione and Daphne go rigid as they find themselves caught in the female French Santa Claus' glowing blue eyes. Both of them want to protest, both of them want a turn with Harry's dick… but as Fleur stares them each down, their words die in their throats, and as she beckons for them to join her on the bed, covered as it is with toys of delicious, sexual punishment, the Slytherin Princess and the Gryffindor Bookworm do exactly that, obeying 'Santa Claus' immediately.
Meanwhile, 'Krampus' takes Lavender and Nymphadora over to the hot tub, as his costume is basically a pair of horns and nothing else. In no time at all, the sounds of the blonde and the metamorphmagus enjoying their 'rides' fill the room. Soon enough though, Hermione and Daphne are giving those same sounds a run for their money as they fill the air with their own noises, mostly noises of pain and discomfort as Fleur plays with the whips and chains strewn across the massive ten-person bed that takes up an entire side of the room.
Needless to say, all six of them have a delightful Christmas Day, even Hermione and Daphne when 'Krampus' and 'Santa Claus' decide to switch halfway through, trading their naughty and nice girls for more fun and more toys to play with. Everyone gets a nice, long ride on Harry's cock, and everyone learns just what sort of role Fleur is going to take in the harem Harry's built. The veela still ends up on her knees, happily enduring a brutal face-fuck from her hung, handsome mate, but that doesn't change anything.
Fleur Delacour has come in and usurped the position Hermione and Daphne have been fighting over for months. The silver-haired veela's presence is mostly over-shadowed by Harry's own power and strength, but she can still be domineering when she wants to be. Whether she'll be able to maintain her position at the top of Harry's sluts is another matter entirely. But at least for now, Hermione and Daphne are too awed by the fully awakened veela to plot against her.
Meanwhile, Harry is just happy to be surrounded by all his lovely ladies. Christmas Day ends with 'Krampus' laying back in bed, all four of his witches cuddling into his sides, while 'Santa Claus' herself lays between his legs, licking and lapping at his cock and nuzzling and suckling on his balls. Life is perfect. And it can only get better from here.
If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com where I have over a thousand stories! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.
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