
Chapter 9

Belcalis POV

As we pull up to the mall complex which has about thirty stores

Barnes and Nobles, Simply Mac, McDonalds, Zales, Foot Locker, GameStop, and many more

But my personal favorites were Spencer's and Hot Topic

"Thank you daddy for bringing me here." I said appreciatively and she smiles

"You're welcome baby, but please be on your best behavior." Daddy says finding a parking space since the mall complex is usually crowded throughout the week days she managed to find one

She places the car in park and cuts it off getting out she comes to my side opening the door for me and taking my hand in hers

"I'm surprised the mall is so crowded today it's only Wednesday." Daddy says and I nodded agreeing with her as we walks towards Spencer's I look at Hot Topic

I saw the most beautiful light skin girl at the front

"Daddy I found her!!!" I said excitedly bouncing up and down

"Who did you find?!" Daddys asks confused

"I found the perfect girl to be our girlfriend c'mon!!" I said dragging her by the hand all the way to Hot Topic we walk normally through the door and the little bell rings signaling our presence

"Hey welcome to Hot Topic." She greets us and I drag daddy towards the counter

"See look isn't she pretty?" I ask daddy and she looks at the girl and smiles

"Of course she is, but baby girl I don't think she'll be into that kind of thing." Daddy says and I frown

"Excuse me?" The girl asks confused by what we were talking about

"I'm sorry I'm Katorah, but you know me as Young Ma and this is my wife Belcalis, but she goes by Cardi B." Daddy says introducing us to the girl who looks completely in shock

"Young Ma and Cardi B is our store!!!" She squeals causing another girl to run from the back

"Oh... My... God!! Young Ma and Cardi B is in our store!!!" The other girl shouted making me and daddy laugh at their expected reactions

"Hiya." I said and they both wave back

"Sorry for being so rude I'm Onika and that's my best friend Gabriella." Onika says introducing herself to us

"She has a pretty name daddy." I said looking at Onika and she blushes

"Yes she does love, are you by any chance single?" Daddy asks her and she kindly shakes her head no

"Sorry, but I'm-" her friend Gabriella cuts her off

"Yes she is definitely single." Gabriella says and Onika looks at her friend with a very upset expression

"Gabriella." Onkia says in a warning tone

"Just see what they want before you turn it down." Gabriella persists and Onika sighs looking back at us

"What are you guys looking for?" Onika asks and I become excited

"Well we're looking for a girlfriend of course someone to spoil and love." I said and she looks at me seemingly intrigued

"Yeah you won't have to worry about anything everything is on us." Daddy says and I nod with a smile

"Well I want to be independent and I'm in college I'm not dropping out." Onika says putitng her foot down

"That's fine you don't have to drop out or anything like that we can cover your college expenses." I said and Daddys nods backing me up

"You don't have to give up your normal life at all Onika we're looking for a princess to call ours that's all." Daddy says sincerely

"I'll have to think about it." Onika says biting her lip at us

"Well if you're interested than call us." I said reaching towards the printer thats prints out receipts and snatch a piece of paper grabbing her bat man pen I wrote both our numbers down in case she tries to get in contact with us

"Thank you." Onika says her smile so beautiful as her dimples pop out

"No thank you for your time." Daddy says as we took our leave going to Spencer's to get new merchandise