
Chapter 11 Punching Practice


Sitting at his desk as usual, the librarian half opened his eyes as he glanced over at Mo Xiaowen. Ever since he had begun taking care of the library 50 years ago there had never been a disciple who visited the library as much as him.

"Are you here to return the books?" The librarian asked curiously his eyes scanning Mo Xiaowen, seemingly looking for the books.

To this Mo Xiaowen shook his head. "No, I'll need the books for at least a few more weeks, I am here for..... another matter." He replied with an awkward expression.

"Hmm in that case have at it, I won't disturb you." The librarian said before closing his eyes. But Mo Xiaowen stood there unmoving. A minute late the librarian half opened his eyes once again, his gaze piercing Mo Xiaowen.

"Why are you still standing there?" He asked, after all who just stood at the desk in silence, it was quite weird.

"Actually I am not here for books, I'd like to ask for some advice from you." Mo Xiaowen voiced his problem. Hearing this the librarian's eyes flashed with a look of confusion. Unless it was book related who would come to this old librarian?

"Okay and advice on what?"

"Cough, by any chance could you teach me how to punch?" The boy asked as concisely as possible, his eyes darting to the side. It was quite embarrassing to ask the librarian to teach him such a basic attack.

"....How to punch? You do realise I am the librarian right, and this is the library? Why would you ask an old useless man such as myself to teach you how to punch?" The librarian replied, his expression that of confusion. Today this boy had truly perplexed him.

"Well, if you're not qualified who else is? I doubt you're a useless man even from a logical stand point. After all while the library is indeed quite decrepit it still contains knowledge, so you can't be useless. And on the point of you being old, well don't they say with age comes wisdom? If not you who else can teach me how to punch?" Mo Xiaowen analysed, these were his true thoughts.

He wasn't fond of sucking up or using flowery words. Could he say what he needed to when his hand was forced, of course, he had done so when dealing with Chen Fang but he didn't then continue to butter up the boy, he simply left.

"I've never heard flattery given in such a way before. Normally people would praise to the extreme, comparing others to Gods and Immortals, but yours seemed more grounded in reality. You're quite the interesting character." The librarian chuckled.

"Its wasn't flattery, that is my honest opinion on you. Case and point, how did you know I was standing here when your eyes were closed, and I made not a single sound? No ordinary old man could do that." Mo Xiaowen rebutted, he would rather make his stance clear.

"Hmm? You're quite perceptive aren't you? Well I'll teach you how to punch. Follow me." The librarian declared before getting out of his seat. This was the first time Mo Xiaowen had seen him get out of his sight.

He was actually quite tall, and although obstructed by his robes it was easy to see that the old man was quite muscular. 'He's definitely in the Qi Gathering Realm.' Mo Xiaowen noted as he followed the librarian outside the building.

They didn't go far from the library, merely standing about 20 meters from it. "What Stage of Body Tempering have you achieved?" He asked, while examining Mo Xiaowen. From the way he walked to the way he breathed.

"The 4th Stage." The boy answered as he held up 4 fingers. hearing this the librarian's brow raised ever so slightly.

"Not half bad, well lets begin, punch me." The librarian commanded standing merely a meter away from Mo Xiaowen. Hearing this, he took a step forward before releasing a somewhat sloppy punch.

Almost instantly the librarian caught the punch shaking his head. "You might have the worst punching form I've ever seen. Good thing you came to me." The librarian sighed before reaching towards Mo Xiaowen.

"First your fist should look like this, not whatever that was. Secondly your posture is completely off, see how I am standing? Lastly your breath, when you punch you have to exhale sharply." The librarian explained showing Mo Xiaowen what to do.

"So like this?" The boy questioned. While his form had indeed improved somewhat, it still looked unnatural. "Well its better, but far from acceptable. Still your punching power will be much higher than before. Try punch me again."


Once again Mo Xiaowen punched the librarian. Obviously his punch was still easily resolved, but he felt it this time, that thing his punch was lacking before. While it wasn't perfect, it was getting there.

"About as good as I thought. Watch me, maybe it will help you out a bit." The librarian said before taking a basic stance.


The old man then punched out, he used his entire body to support and increase the strength of his punch.


A tree about 10 meters away was left with a fist imprint from the librarian's punch. "Hmm, I'll admit my form was a bit sloppy, but you see the difference right? If you use your 4th Stage power to its full potential you can also do that." The librarian explained, the implication clear.

Clearly the old man had held his power back to Mo Xiaowen's level, but the effect his punch produced was many times greater than Mo Xiaowen's.

The librarian then continued teaching Mo Xiaowen how to punch and a few basic techniques for another 20 minutes before sending him off. "Remember, while the form is also important, how you breathe is about 70% of it."

Hearing this Mo Xiaowen nodded. "Thank you! Also I'll make sure to bring back the books soon." After saying this Mo Xiaowen then left. 'Who knew punching of all things could be so intricate.' He thought in wonder, he hoped one day he could punch as well as the librarian.