
The Struggles of a Hentai Actor

*sigh* I always wanted to be an actor you know. Star in big time movies, do interviews. I had this dream ever since I was a child, heh, I wonder how younger me would react if he saw this. "Kyah, harder senpai!" The actress above me shouted, she was completely unclothed, of course nothing was actually happening, just a whole bunch of smokes and mirrors. I layed there uncomfortably. You might be wondering why I even do this job. Well I have a basic face, one that you would expect from you average japanese male. "Faster, faster!" Shush I'm monologing.

Sarah_Johnson_7596 · 都市
3 Chs

No Babes for him

I'm lounging around on my couch. Such a beautiful day outside. Love the way the sun shines through my curtains. So lovely


It's such a shame such a beautiful day is waisted inside with this fool.

"Come on please, help me. I need to know how to get with this girl." My best friend said sulking on my lap. I shoved him off of me and rolled my eyes.

"Listen, Tetsuya, I hate your guts right now."

"What! Why!"

"You woke me up to complain about a girl."

He sat on the floor for a while before getting up. He slowly walked towards me and struck a pose revealing his collar bone for some reason.

"Listen, I can get a girl with my looks even a guy if I tried hard enough. So if you help me get a girl, I'll help you in return."

I sat there and lowered my book to reveal my face that showed absolute disgust.

"If your looks is so good why don't you get a girl on your own." I said to the artificial blonde.

He sulked for a bit.

"You're too cold you know. I saw many girls come in and out of your house. You obviously know how to get hoes so why won't you help me."

"Those are co-workers."

"Co-workers that look that good, if I wasn't your friend I would have thought you were shooting a porno."

You guys get your heads out of the gutter. Me and my co-workers only do that stuff in the studios. They only come over for a drink and some food, that's it.


I heard the doorbell ring. I checked my phone to see who it is.

Oh no

Oh no

Oh no

Pink hair

Thick thighs

Fair skin

Big tits

My co-worker is here!

"I'll get it."

Tetsu announced.

"No you won't." I shouted shoving him to the side. At that moment he accidentally grabbed me and made me fall on top of him by accident.

"I'm coming in okay." My co-worker said opening the door. So there I was straddling my MALE best friend, his collar bone still expose because he's a fool, and his cheek red because of the shove off the couch from earlier.

"My oh my, is this why you always decline my advances?" She asked, her voice as smooth as honey.

"What no, Roses you know I'm not gay, and if I was he wouldn't be my type!"

"What, heyyyyyy! I have you know that if you were gay you would totally date me."

"Ooooooo sounds like your charms even work on guys." Roses said covering her mouth to try and stop her laughter. I got up from this awkward position and stood in front of Roses.

"So let me guess you want to go out with me today." I asked.

"Oh yes! I was hoping we could go to this restaurant that just opened up."

"Aughhh fine." I responded before grabbing a coat to leave. My friend was left there, too stunned to speak.

"See, why can't you help me!"

And with that I left with Roses.