
The Strongest White Asura

John White was born with a weak White Aura, which subjected him to ridicule and scorn by his peers. Despite the jeers and sneering, John was determined to perfect his sword technique and prove his peers wrong. After a particularly defeating battle with a much more powerful opponent, John was overcome with doubt and frustration. However, with the encouragement of his family and their belief in his strength of heart, he sworn to keep pushing forward and strive for greatness. With the support of his family, John mustered the courage to stand tall against those who opposed him and his spirit shone with an intense white light, symbolizing his potential and strength.

Clien_John · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter 10 - Vanishing The Flames

John silently leapt down from the side of the mountain, his feet still making contact with the rock face until the very second he landed with a soft thud on the ground.

His heart raced as he scanned the area for any telltale signs of danger, but it seemed his luck was in; the only thing occupying the space was a fiery bear, off in the distance, busy munching a huge sabertooth salmon, unaware of the human's presence.

"This is it," John thought to himself. "My plan has to work; this is the last day for completing this hunt! I need to finish it today!"

John dashed across the uneven terrain, leaping over fallen logs and dodging low-hanging branches.

Knowing that his only hope of leading his plan to success was to immobilize the bear, he searched around until he found the perfect spot - a desolate clearing, situated at the exact right height to be a makeshift deep pitfall trap.

Gathering up the materials he needed, he got to work, constructing the trap with precision.

He piled the rocks atop one another, ensuring the sides of the pit were at maximum height, preventing the bear's escape once it has fallen in.

"Let's hope this works," John murmured.

When the structure was complete, all that was left to do was lure the beast inside.

Slinking away, back towards the edge of the wilderness and his makeshift trap, John felt a wave of relief wash over him - it wouldn't be much longer until his plan would either fail or succeed.

John gathered his aura and activated his light-based enhancement which boosted his strength and agility.

With a determined expression, he dashed back to the fiery bear's location to taunt it and lure it into the deep pitfall trap he made.

When he arrived at the spot, however, the bear was nowhere to be seen.

Quickly, he jumped up a tree to get a better view of his surroundings.

In the quiet distance, he spotted the trail of burned brush leading away.

John quickly followed the trail until he reached the end, to find himself in front of a large cave.

After taking a deep breath, he whispered to himself, "This must surely be the den of the mighty fiery bear! It appears I am your guest, then."

Treading cautiously, he ventured inside, searching for the creature.

After a few minutes, he finally saw the fiery bear, sleeping beneath the dimly lit walls.

"Oh, taking a nap? This will be easier than I anticipated." John silently chuckled

John cautiously made his way towards the bear, unsheathing his sword as he went. Infusing his aura with the blade, he prepared for the attack.

He was just about to launch a powerful thrust to the beast's eye when suddenly, he was stopped in his tracks by a loud roar from another bear.

He was shocked to discover that there were two of them.

Immediately he absorbed the aura back to his core and stepped back.

The sleeping bear had been awoken by the roar, and it quickly noticed John's presence. The bear charging at him relentlessly. He had no choice but to retreat, his mind quickly scrambling to plan of how to lure at least one of the fiery beasts into his trap before attempting to fight both.

He darted and dodged past trees, trying to split them up, but they stayed in perfect synchronization as if they were hunting him together. Eventually, he managed to lure them to the clearing where he had set his trap, no turning back now.

John faced the two beasts and brandished his sword, the glinting metal enticing them further. Before he leapt to safety across the pitfall, John gathered his aura to his finger and readied a finger snap.

As he jumped across, he flipped around and snapped his fingers, producing a dazzling flash that temporarily blinded the two bears.

John smirked as he watched one of the bear's fall into the deep pitfall trap and the other flew into a frenzy, smashing and slashing aimlessly.

John took his chance, he roared out a fierce battle cry as he leapt atop a nearby branch and leapt into the air, diving towards the restrained bear with his aura-infused blade in hand.

Intent on delivering a swift and powerful blow, he thrust his weapon into the bear's eye and all the way through its skull until the blade reached the back of its head.

John smirked as he watched one of the bear's fall into the deep pitfall trap, and the other flew into a rage, slashing and smashing aimlessly.

John pulled out his sword and let out a mighty roar, when suddenly he was hit from the flank by the last enraged bear.

He didn't notice the upcoming attack, and he was tragically hit by the beast's claw.

With all his might, he managed to block the claw at the last second, but the force from the impact threw him back with great force.

John stumbled back, desperately trying to regain his balance, but the force of the impact was too powerful.

He threw himself forward in a desperate attempt to stay upright, his arms flailing wildly as he tumbled forward and then managed to regain his footing, though he still felt a bit unsteady.

"That was really close!" John murmured as he place his palm to the damage area, putting a healing effects.

John knew that the fiery bear will luanch a sneak attack, so he hopped atop the tree branch scanning the surrounding.

John look for a trace of the fiery bear, when suddenly a burning tree logs thrown at him.

John quickly dive down to the ground, and loss his sword, he looked for it but he couldn't find it.

Then a powerful sound of rustle that quake the ground echoed through out the forest.

"S-shit! Where's the sword?" John asked himself desperately looking for something to use because the sound of rustle is getting really louder.

At the next moment, John's eye widen to see the fiery bear is about to attack with a powerful slash.

John quickly grabbed two pebbles from the ground, then rolled to the side and channeled his aura into them.

With a burst of energy, he propelled the pebbles through the air, aiming for the flaming eye of the beast before him.

To his surprise, he was able to maintain an intense control of the pebbles with only his mind, urging them to fly faster and more precisely.

The pebbles glided through the air with lightning speed, carefully weaving their way toward the raging bear's eye.

With an intense focus, the pebbles found their mark and pierced through with deadly accuracy.

The pebbles had gone right through its skull and vanished into the background.

John stared in awe at his handiwork, watching as the beast slumped to the ground and let out its last breath.