
Unexpected Surprises

"So, you were a Prince of the Gods?" Gohan asked with a wide-eyed expression... Shiro and his wives chuckled, while his children grinned, they both had the same experience, Shiro more a little nervous... "Just...I'll appreciate it if you don't treat me any different than you had been."

Gohan chuckled hallow, "I would not treat you differently Shiro-kun, you are still a good friend to me, it is just shocking, but I can see it..."

"I told you Gohan-kun." Naruko chuckled softly, Hela was staring at him like he was below her, Shiro noticed it and slapped the back of her head....

"Ow...Darling what was that for.~" Hela moaned slightly in pain, "You know he did house us, and helped take care of the family. I appreciate it if you did not look at Gohan like you were above him."

"B-but...he's just a foolish mortal...." Hela said, causing Shiro to raise an eyebrow..."Hela dear, we were all mortals at one point...even me...do you think of me or us, any differently because of it?

Hela seemed to pause....

"Well, no....but."

"He is not like the other mortals anyway..." Shiro smiled, kissing her softly on the lips, she couldn't help but melt into it every time...

Gohan raised an eyebrow at him..."Oh who is this...."

Shiro broke from the kiss, electing a pout from her, Shiro chuckled at her, before gazing at Gohan with a smirk, "She's my sister...well, Was my sister..."

Roku snickered as he saw Gohan slightly cringe. "Yeah, Grandpa, I had that reaction too when Dad told me."

The door was suddenly opened, and Gine the moment she saw who it is, rushed to give him a giant hug...Goku's eyes widened before he grinned and hugged his mother back.

Shiro looked around, and Saw that Bulma was there behind him, looking slightly nervous..

The two met eyes, Bulma smiled nervously...shiro's when the mother son duo broke, he was tackled to the ground, By Naruto and Himawari...Shiro chuckled, this is the second time it happened today..."

"Hey Goku Nii!" They shouted, "Hey Squirts..." Goku grinned as he hugged them tightly, "Your still the same as the last time I saw you..."

Shiro chuckled as he got up and slowly walked towards him, "Dad...." Goku said nodding to him, "Son..." Shiro smiled back at him, he gazed up and down at him, "You've grown...Goku-kun."

Goku smiled, "It has been a couple of months, dad..."

Shiro smiled, "Well it has only been a couple of days for us..."

Goku's eyes widened, and he pouted, "You've been to another universe without me?"

"Shiro chuckled, "Yes, but only for a little while, your siblings hasn't expire ended it, I wanted to make it even...but after gaining certain amount of information made me come back sooner..."

Goku looked concerned, as he gazed at the rest of his family...his eyes spotted an extra member, who looked at him with curiosity..."

"Uh...this is Hela...she's.`"

"She's our new momma Goku-nii!" Himawari said with a grin...Shiro sighed as Goku's eyes widened...

Shiro nodded, "It's a long story..."

Goku nodded, he trusted his father, and smiled at hela with a big grin, "Well, welcome to the family then...My name is Goku..."

Hela nodded to him."Hela Dear."

Gine's eyes landed on the girl behind him, and smiled, "Hey..." she said, "your Bulma Brief's right? You've made quite the impression last time you visited."

She blushed slightly, Goku smiled at her, and interlocked fingers with hers. Something that caught the family's attention, Shiro smiled wryly at his son, who now was his turn to blush...

He cleared his throat.

"Uh guys...as you all know this is Bulma Brief's." Goku introduced, "She is my girlfriend."

I am a man of my word...Please give me powerstones!

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts