A rerun of Naruto. the only difference is Naruto's personality and some slight difference in plot...
Chapter 62 - Success!
As they were travelling at full speed, Naruto was carrying a bag filled with meat buns as he bit one in happiness from the delicious taste "Ahhh… Meat buns are really good to eat when you're moving around."
Jiraiya asked, with a weird look at Naruto who was eating meat buns as they were traveling with chakra in their feet, "Isn't it bad to eat as you move? Can your stomach handle it?"
Naruto replied nonchalantly as he ate another one "Of course, my stomach can handle it. Kurama will take care of it if my stomach bursts."
"Why would I?" Kurama snarkily replied
Naruto simply ignored him and asked "Oh right! Perverted Sage, Do you know? Medical ninjutsu? There wasn't any in the library. I forgot to ask Jiichan."
Kurama shouted angrily "Don't ignore me!"
Naruto sighed in his mind 'Just shut up if you're gonna snap.'
"What'd you say! I'm gonna kill you, you brat!" Kurama shouted as he stood up from inside the cage.
Naruto rolled his eyes and replied 'Whatever.'
Continuing with conversation with Jiraiya, he replied "That's right, I only know mystical palm jutsu, though. Why?"
Naruto smiled, "Great, teach it to me as we travel. I wanna learn some first aid jutsu even if it's not full blown medical ninjutsu."
Jiraiya nodded as he raised his arms to show "Sure, here's mystical palm jutsu. It's a jutsu that raises the natural healing capabilities of the body.
The user applies their hand to a wounded part of the body and sends chakra into it, accelerating the body's natural healing abilities.
Although its most obvious use is as a way of treating external injuries, it can also be used for internal illnesses.
Users must be careful to only use as much chakra as is needed for the specific injury. If too much chakra is sent into the body, this can disrupt the body's circulation, putting it into a comatose state."
(A/N: I got most of it from Naruto wiki XD)
Naruto nodded as he observed the palm of Jiraiya that was glowing. He took a bite from the last meat buns he bought and asked "I see… Like this?" He asked as he raised his arm.
He perfectly copied the jutsu but it was a bit weaker than Jiraiya.
Jiraiya nodded and replied in astonishment as usual, "I can't help but be jealous of your talent! It's ridiculous as usual! But this can only boost the natural healing abilities of the body by 2 times. Mine is 5 times. Look how mine is focused on circulating the chakra it touches from the chakra of the target while yours stimulates it."
Naruto nodded as he gulped down the last of the meat buns he was eating and made a cut on his arm that caused it to bleed.
Jiraiya was flabbergasted, Naruto injured himself to test the jutsu he wanted to learn.
Naruto closed his eyes as he used the [mystical palm jutsu] on his arm that was injured. He stimulated the chakra in his skin first before trying to circulate the surrounding chakra around the injury. He smiled as he healed his arm and said happily "I did it!"
Jiraiya rolled his eyes and sighed at Naruto's monstrous talent "Yeah, yeah. Stop bragging about your talent."
Naruto chuckled but didn't say anything else as he tried to focus on the journey but Jiraiya asked one more thing.
"Made a breakthrough in your image training? What are you doing exactly?"
Naruto shook his head in disappointment, "I haven't yet. I'm trying to fuse natural energy of wind and water and it isn't working well."
"Whoa… since you can't fuse chakra natures without bloodlines you're trying to do it with natural energy? You're treading on uncharted lands again…"
"True… but I want to know if it's possible. Unlike with chakra natures it's not possible to mend well as that's the rules of the world but natural energy hasn't been tried yet but if I succeeded, it'll be quite strong."
"I agree, but even elemental natural energy is unheard of, so fusing it naturally hasn't been tried yet."
"Hehe… I'll give you the result of my research if you want."
"Oh really? I'd try it out if you don't mind."
"Give me 1 billion ryo."
Naruto and Jiraiya stared at each other's eyes before Jiraiya replied "Che… Money grubber."
"Hehe~ Thanks."
"That wasn't a compliment… hah… nevermind let's go. We'll arrive in 2 days if we keep up this speed."
"Alright." Naruto nodded. He hasn't really experienced a lot of traveling so he did so with Jiraiya. He could have used [Flying Thunder God Jutsu] to teleport to Jiraiya when he arrived but he pushed the idea to the back of his mind. He wanted to see the sights while traveling.
2 days later…
Naruto and Jiraiya were nearing the town where they were headed to gather information, Naruto suddenly asked in curiosity as he forgot to ask "What kind of person is Senju Tsunade?"
"Hm? Are you curious?"
"Hah… I wouldn't ask if I wasn't curious would I?" Naruto deadpanned.
"You're really uncute but I'll answer your question! Tsunade is a super babe!"
"Super babe you say? You mean really pretty? How can an old woman at the same age as you be pretty? Wouldn't she be an old hag then?"
"That's true but she invented a jutsu that let's her stay young until death if she has enough chakra stored."
"Woah… that's a cool jutsu. Maybe I'll learn that… What about her personality?"
"Personality? Well… she's kinda annoying… she's a compulsive gambler but really bad at it making her known all over the country for being called as 'the legendary sucker'"
Naruto's face twitched as he thought 'The legendary sannins are full of weirdos. One is a pervert, one is a snake, and one is a gambler. Is it because Jiichan, the sensei, is also a weirdo who's a pervert?'
"And… tracking her down wouldn't be easy as she was seen all over the countries being 10 years old, 40 years old, and other ages to run away from debts."
"Uwah…" Naruto had a look of disgust as he thought about the 3 legendary sannins more like 3 legendary weirdos.
Jiraiya chuckled but then said "Looks like we've arrived. I'll be gathering information after we check in. you do your business and I'll do mine. Try to have fun too and don't train all the time."
Naruto smiled seeing Jiraiya worry for him and replied "Sure, you be careful too, to not catch any sex related disease."
Jiraiya laughed and bragged "Hahaha! I'll be fine, how many years do you think I've been doing this? I'm a pro and I even developed a jutsu for it. Wanna learn?"
Naruto's face twisted in disgust at Jiraiya's shamelessness and replied "No thanks."
"Hmp! It's your loss." Jiraiya shrugged as they continued on their way to the inn.
'I doubt it.' Naruto thought of Jiraiya's comment while following him to the inn.
Jiraiya went out again to gather information and Naruto went to his room to write down his research.
He'll give one to Haku, Jiraiya, Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi. He'll also give one to his best pal in the academy, Shikamaru.
He doesn't know what he'd do with it but he'd give it to him anyway, he was a genius, even if he didn't use it he might give it to someone who could use it and make him/her work for him since he's so lazy.
Elemental Sage Mode Manual
Elemental Sage Mode Requirements
Minimum Chakra Requirement: Jounin Level(Enough to make 100 Genin Shadow Clones with Water Walking Level Chakra Control.)
Minimum Chakra Control: Water Walking Level Chakra Control. Recommendation: Rasengan Level or equivalent Chakra Control.(Go to the 3rd Hokage to learn about the jutsu. If he doesn't teach you, tell him Naruto will confiscate the porn collection under his bed and spread it throughout the village.)
After you've satisfied each requirements, learn about your chakra to it's deepest level and apply numerical value of 100% and learn how much chakra is 0.1%
the composition for each sage mode will be.
Wind - 66.7% Chakra, 33.3% Wind
Water - 58.2% Chakra, 41.8% Water
Fire - 69.3% Chakra, 30.7% Fire
Earth - 50% Chakra, 50% Earth
Lightning - 77.2% Chakra, 22.8% Lightning
The principle to a complete sage mode, which you can use until your chakra runs out, is to imagine 3 threads that entangle into one thread or one flow of chakra. with the physical energy, and spiritual energy equally, and the foreign energy which is the natural energy into the numerical value i've put above.
This will allow you to use sage mode all the time without the need to collect chakra, the drawback is that you can't gain chakra as long as you don't gather natural energy to raise along with with it or undo sage mode.
Naruto closed the book and went into a cross legged position to simulate ice sage mode.
(Test Continuation - Fusing 2 elements, wind and water)
(Test 95… Failed)
(Test 142… Failed)
(Test 169… Failed)
(Test 170...…. Success!)
Naruto smirked upon seeing the natural energy didn't go berserk inside his body.
It's composition was,
16.65% Wind, 20.9% Water, and 62.45% Chakra.
Closing his eyes and gathering the energies, it had to be filled at the same rate as to not disturb the natural flow of chakra inside the body…
If one were to look inside his body, they'd see the chakra containing 4 threads, physical energy, spiritual energy, wind natural energy, and water natural energy.
The marking of the sage in his eyelids turned blue as it was before but there was an additional tattoo on his face… on his left forehead was the kanji 'wind' and 'water.' with the wind on top, and water on its bottom right.'
He slowly opened his eyes to see that there was indeed lots of water in the air just like Haku said. His sage senses have also doubled into 2 kilometers.
Now he had a question… would it double each time or would it only add 1 kilometer each? Would it be 16 kilometers by the time he mastered all elements?
(A/N: How's my redefinition of how the elemental sage mode works?)