
The Transmigrated Emperor

Somewhere in a forest, a two metres tall tiger are seen hiding in a bush, stalking his prey that are drinking from a pond in front of it. The prey are a rabbit, but they look different from the normal rabbit, they're much bigger and have a small horn on top of their head. Their body size are comparable to a one year old child. Making it the favorite food for the carnivorous beast living in the forest.

Seeing the time is right, the tiger started to growl, startling the rabbit that's still drinking from the pond. But suddenly, a tear in space appeared not far from the rabbit.

From that tear in space, a man came flying out from the tear in space and crashed to a tree, effectively knocking three tree in a row.

"Finally! Fresh air!"

The man are of couse Adam Hartfelt.

Adam stood up and smiled. Even though he's just thrown out from the tear in space, no injuries can be seen in his bodies, there's not even a dirt or scratch in his clothes. Adam looked around and saw a rabbit with the body size of a one year old child. A surprised look appeared in his face but returned to it's calm quickly.

He looked his surrounding. This is a foreign place to him. He's been to every place in Earth but never to this forest. This is clearly not the Amazon Forest, because he can't remember having seen a rabbit THAT big.

While wondering how a rabbit can grow so big. He sense a killing intent directed at him. Adam looked at the direction where the killing intent came from. The killing intent did not come from a human, but from a beast.

There, Adam slowly saw a two metres tiger rose up from a bush nearby. The tiger are really big! Cool! What kind of world did he end up to?

Of course, Adam didn't take the tiger as a threat, Adam even thought that the tiger is pretty cute.

The tiger can sense that Adam are not scared by it. It felt insulted by the look that Adam showing in his eyes. The tiger growled and started to get in a position to attack Adam. But Adam just stood there staring at the tiger, as if telling the tiger to attack him.

The tiger roared and dashed to Adam. Just right it was close enough to attack Adam with it's claws--Adam disappeared. A second later, Adam showed up again behind the tiger, his hand quickly tapped at the tiger head, making it collapse suddenly.

What Adam did are just inserting his internal energy to the tiger body. The internal energy that the tiger received from Adam are something foreign to it, it's body collapsing are the result of it's body trying to reject that energy. But Adam will not let the tiger's body do that.

Why? Because it can help the tiger grows.

That's right, what Adam doing right now are helping the tiger to grow stronger. Without Adam help, the tiger are actually one of the King of Beast in the region. A lot of people even kingdoms are scared by the tiger. The tiger itself thinks that he's already strong enough to conquer this region.

But the tiger never thought that it would get even stronger again. If growing stronger by the help of other beast then he can understand it, but getting help from a human? What is this human thinking? Does the human not know that he's helping him getting stronger?

"I know," said Adam while smiling. "I did this to help you, doesn't you want to get stronger?"

The tiger are surprised that Adam can guess what he's thinking. The tiger can't sense any malicious intent from Adam. It seems Adam are earnest at helping him grow strong.

With that, the tiger closed it's eyes and started to concentrating to absorb this strange energy to it's body.

Two hours passed, the tiger already opened it's eyes and now sitting next to Adam while eating a rabbit meat. Adam himself are just watching the tiger eating while patting the tiger body. The tiger fur color has changed, it's fur color are now white with gold stripes in it's bodies. The tiger eyes also changed from green to emerald with a streak of gold in it.

"How does it feel to be strong?" Asked Adam to the tiger.

"It feels good." Answered the tiger.

That's right, the tiger can speak now, the beast in this world usually needs to be in a certain level before it can speak with it's vocal cord. Otherwise, they can only talk with telepathy. But with Adam help making the tiger stronger than ever before, it can speak normally now.

"I must thank you for your help, human. Without your help, i can never be this strong, even though i'm already strong before."

Adam and the the tiger laughed. Their laughing are the only sound heard beside the rustling leaves blown by the wind.

"Helping you strong is just something i do because i'm bored."

There's other reason why Adam helped the tiger to grow strong. It's because the soul that the tiger had. Even though the tiger is a beast, he doesn't attack human that accidentally stepped into his territory. Instead, the tiger guarded them from the attack of much more powerful beast, sometimes injuring himself in the process.

It's unusual seeing a beast helping humankind. Even though there's probably another beast like the tiger in front of Adam, it's probably pretty rare.

"Can a beast turn into a human?"

Adam's question confused the tiger. There's no such thing as a beast turning into a human, there's only a beast that has characteristic like a human being, people called them the Demi-Human.

"If you're talking about a beast turning completely into a human--then no, there's no such thing--but there's Demi-Human, a beast with human-like characteristic or human with beast-like characteristic."

"Then.... Interested turning into a human?"

Another question from Adam that made the tiger flabbergasted. What does the human in front of him mean? Turning a beast into a human? How could that be possible? Even the greatest wizard can't do that, what was this human thinking?

But thinking back, this human has helped him grow strong, instantaneously at that. So there's nothing to be worried about, right?

The tiger nodded, showing it's interest to turn into a human. With him turned into a human, he can avoid being hunted down again, that's one of the benefits of being turned into a human. But after turning into a human, what will he do? Leave the forest? He wanted to, but how can he just left his own territory like that?

"If you're afraid of losing your territory, then you're stupid. With that power of yours, do you still want to conquer this place? You should dream big! Don't just conquer this small forest! Conquer the freakin' world!"

What Adam said is like an enlightenment to the tiger. That's right! With his power, he shouldn't be bothering with this forest anymore! He should dream big! With his strong power, he can conquer this world!

"Anyway, less talking, you want to turn into a human, right? So be it."

With a wave of Adam's hand, a wave of golden colored energy enveloped the tiger. Slowly, but surely, the body of the tiger changed.

His body slowly turned into that of an adult--a handsome one at that--a snow white hair at shoulder length, a black eyes akin to that of the night sky, and a body filled with muscles, but not like that of a bodybuilder. Adam almost didn't believe what he saw when he saw the transformation of the tiger.

Freaking hell, he's actually handsome! But unfortunately, not more handsome than Adam.

The golden energy that enveloped the tiger slowly dissipated. The tiger opened his eyes and can't believe with what he's seeing. His body really turned into a human! This is unbelievable! Is this man in front of him a God!?

"Damn, you better disguise that handsome face of yours, otherwise you're gonna bring trouble to us."

"You should look at yourself," said the tiger.

Now, Adam realised that he doesn't even disguised his face all along! How can he forget to do that! Luckily, no one but the tiger see his real face! Otherwise, there's going to be a lot of trouble coming at him.

"I'm surprised you didn't say anything."

"What, you want me to say that your handsomeness is out of this world?" Asked the tiger, with ridicule in his face.

'Actually, what the f*** is that kind of face? Way to handsome than me! Hell, he can even seduces the Goddesses without doing anything but showing his face! Why can't i have a face like that!'

The tiger cursed at his heart. The handsome face of Adam is unfair for not only to the men, but even to the beast as well! Hell, it can probably be more handsome than the elves!

"Luckily, you reminded me, so i should say thank you."

Adam face suddenly changed into something much more 'normal'. It still handsome, but at least it doesn't stand out too much like his real face. His eyes changed to emerald with a stripes of gold. Looking like a gemstone if one doesn't look closely.

"I forget to tell you, you can change your bodies at will, so you can still return to your tiger form if you want."

"I'm already satisfied with this body, but i still will remember what you said."

Adam smiled and nodded. He liked this tiger--man--in front of him. Liked him as a friend of course.

"Anyway, do you have a name? It feels weird not calling you with your name."

"I don't have one, how about you give me a name?"

"How about Krisna? It's a name from where i came from."

"Then Krisna it is, how should i call you then?"

"Adam. Adam Hartfelt, nice to meet you, Krisna."

After that, Adam asked a lot of information about this world. This continent where he was right now is conquered by four different power.

In the north side of the continent, the place is conquered by Nara Empire, a place where all of it's inhabitant are Demi-Humans. There's still human lived there, but not as much as the Demi-Human. They possesed a strong control over magic, and with the strong physique of a beast, the Nara Empire also have strong warriors.

In the west, there's Natesta Kingdom, a place where human lives. Not all human have a strong control over magic like the Elves or Demi-Human or strong physique like that of a Beastmen. But the technologies that they have are much more advanced than the other kingdom. They even have firearms.

That makes Adam genuinely surprised. This world have firearms? Then how advanced the firearms in this world? Adam are interested in checking out, but he would do that later.

In the east, there's the Elven Kingdom--Chemor Kingdom. They have a strong control over magic like the Beastmen but doesn't have the physique like them. To compensate that, they have mastery with bows and arrows imbued with magic. Just like that in fantasy book that Adam read in Earth.

Last but not least, in the south, exist the Vampire Kingdom called Shaerallon Kingdom. They possess a magic called Blood Magic. Their proficient with close combat coupled with their blood magic made them a dangerous foe to fight with.

There's also tribes spread in the whole of Efane continent. What kind of tribes and what inhabit them is still a mysteries. But the well-known tribes in the Efane continent are Beastmen tribe, Orc tribe, Goblin tribe, and Dragon tribe.

Krisna told Adam that the dragon race used to have an empire. But because of some calamity the empire is destroyed, killing a lot of dragon race in the calamity. Whatever left of the dragon race made tribes in hidden place around Efane continent. Some said that the dragons disguised themselves as human being and lived in the human kingdom or demi-human kingdom.

Having acquired all that knowledge. Adam felt he's ready to go out. He asked Krisna if he wants to follow him travel around this world and finding all kind of wonders in this world. Krisna answered with a yes, he even declared himself as Adam's subordinate from now on.

With that, Adam and Krisna embarked on a journey to the their first destination--the Nara Empire.

First chapter, thank you for reading.

The difference between a Demi-Human and a Beastmen is how they look like.

The Demi-Human have human body with animal tails or ears. Meanwhile Beastmen have a body like human but covered with furs and still have the head of their respective race.

BossCattocreators' thoughts