

Beau-view, France

the year 2018, spring

In the second-floor computer lab of the Beau-view University's Library, you could hear the constant clicking of keyboards as people went in and out of the computer lab. In the 3rd row 4th seat of the computer lab, there was a young man who was constantly mumbling to himself about something while moving his mouse back and forth constantly.

"HM... where is it?"

"This is the 5th site I've visited"

"Come on where is it?"

" SHIT!!! Not here either"

Alan is a 3rd-year student at Beau-view University as well as a collector of weird and exotic objects, such as ancient weapons like Stone Swords, Knives, Sabre, Axes Etc, And ancient jewelry as well as other things.

He is currently searching for a mysterious stone known as the Valeria stone which according to legends fell from the sky, hearing about a rock that fell from the sky most individuals might think it's just a hunk of space rock.

( Author's Note: The French word/name Valeria means 'strength, health.')

But there's more to the story then they might think because according to legend the person who first discovered the Valeria stone a man known as James Baxter who lived several hundred years ago not only became the strongest man in his whole Era he was also said to have lived the rest of his life without fall to any sort of ailment or sickness and living to be 143 years old . Just this is enough to drive all the rich people in the world to spend half if not all their fortune to the point of madness to obtain the stone was the legend found to be true.

But there is another hidden ability of the Valeria Stone only known to James Baxter who discovered it and that is the Valeria Stone has the power to open a doorway between worlds whether the worlds are real or imaginary and allowing it's possessor one free chance at life.

Alan who heard about it was instantly intrigued by it and went in search of it even though he half believed the legend behind the stone well the part revealed to the public. Whether it be famous Antique shops in Beau-view city or famous antique shops in other cities across the country Alan searched everywhere possible he even went overseas to the United States and took part in auctions with his father. he even visited Oi Ling antique shop in Central Hong Kong And even tried the black market where he thought he might have better luck finding it, But the stone was nowhere to be found.

For the past two years, Alan spent almost all his free time plus Vacation time from school searching for The mysterious Valeria stone.

"Well It's almost closing time," Said

Alan while looking at the clock on the computer.

He packed up and walked downstairs toward the door as he steps outside the cool evening air hit his face which had a frustrated look on it. Alan walked towards his dormitory greeting his roommate Thomas after entering, then went straight into his room taking out his phone then quickly dialing a number and then waiting.

Soon a voice was heard.

" who is this?"

"stop joking Franklin," said

Alan sightly annoyed.

" OH... if it isn't Alan now I know you didn't call me just to have an evening chat," Said

Franklin while slightly chuckling.

"Franklin!!!" yelled


"okay okay I was just kidding sheesh" scoffed


" Franklin you said the object I was looking for was being sold on one of those websites, But I have look at each of those sites of the pasts week and not even the shadow of the stone was found"

said, Alan.

" are you sure" asked

Franklin doubtingly.

"yes very sure," Said

Alan reassuringly.

" well my contact said that he heard some rumors flying around that the object might be there," Said Franklin shyly.

" might!! now your saying might!!" Yelled


" well yes sorry," said

Franklin nervously.

" well do you have any other leads" Asked

Alan as he sign.

"well... there is one"

Said Franklin hesitantly.

"Really!!.. tell me right now"

Alan asked hurriedly.

Franklin told Alan about a small antique shop in Frankfurt, Germany.

Alan ended the call then want to the bathroom to wash up. He then went to the school cafeteria for dinner After dinner Alan returned to his Dorm and booked a train ticket to Frankfurt, Germany for tomorrow. Alan then went to his bed and checked his Snapchat for anything new after 15 minutes he went to change into something comfortable then he went back to his bed and fell asleep.

( Author's Note: Snapchat is a multimedia messaging app used globally)

The next morning Alan got out of bed and got changed quick than went to the cafeteria for breakfast then straight to his morning classes with an eager look on his face.

After morning classes Alan went back to his dorm to pack then took a bus to the train station. After 10 minutes Alan showed his ticket and boarded the train.


Frankfurt, Germany

" Yes Finally made it," said

Alan excitedly.

Alan than checked his phone for the time

it was a quarter after two.

" I should be able to get back by tonight at best"

Thought Alan.

Alan went to the nearest bus station a rode a bus to

the small antique shop that Franklin mentioned.

After getting off the bus Alan walk for about two block

when a small shop That gave one the feeling of antiquity came into view

with a worn out sign that read (Zentral Antiquitätenhandlung)

after staring at the sign for a while Alan went inside the shop surprisingly

the inside of the shop was a lot bigger than the outside made it look like, Also the front desk was empty thinking that the owner was gone Alan went to browse the shop merchandise while he waited for the owner to


(Author's Note: Zentral Antiquitätenhandlung means Central Antique shop in German.)

10 minutes later

"BOOM!!! BOOM!!" Suddenly the sound of falling objects was heard from the back of the shop. Alan went back there to see what was going on.

"Cough... Cough"

when Alan made it to the back he saw an Elderly man on the floor he walked over and

helped him up.

" Are you alright Sir" Asked

Alan with a concerned look on his face.

"yes. I'm fine thank you very much young man" said the Elderly man

while smiling.

" Oh that's great you had me worried there for a moment," said Alan

while also smiling.

Alan look around at the mess in the shop

and said" If you don't mind how about I help you clean up"

The Elderly man looked at Alan for a bit and then agreed to his

offer than mess was swiftly cleaned after which Alan followed the Elderly

man to the front of the shop.

"so young man what brings you to my small shop" Asked

the elderly man

Alan looked at the Elderly man and was slightly surprised after seeing the men face. The elderly man's face was filled with wrinkles but his eyes were like deep dark pools looking at them you couldn't help but slowly sink deeper into them.

"HM... oh I am looking for a certain object," said Alan

while taking out a drawing of the Valeria Stone and giving it

to the Elderly shop owner.

A strange light which was to fast for anyone to notice

flashed in the Elderly man eyes when he looked at the drawing the drawing depicted an emerald green rock the size of a baby's fist with multiple runes carved onto its surface."Oh I am sorry but I don't have this object in my shop." the Shop owner firmly said.

Alan frowned for a bit then asked:" Can I at least look for myself."

This is the object he spent the past two years looking for he wasn't going

to just give it up.

"HM.. okay how about this if you can find it you can have it for free just think of

it as my way of thanking you for helping me clean up." Said the Elderly man after some


"Really. Thank you very much, sir," said Alan trying to hide

his excitement.

The elderly man just smiled.

Not wanting to waste any more time Alan

went to search the shop starting with The bottom shelves

Alan worked him why up repeating that over and over looking in

every nook and cranny.

Watching Alan searching his shop the Elderly man smiled faintly.

And said in a quiet voice " Just searching won't be enough."

The Elderly man then frowned for a moment

and then Mumbled to himself." Will you be the Luck, one young man."

Just like that 2 hours past while Alan was searching for the Valeria Stone and

so far he could even find a trace of it.

Alan looked toward the back of the shop

and said in a depressed tone." damn there are only 2 corner shelves and 1 bookcase."

Alan walking toward the bookcase to picked up a book tripped on his own foot

and body slammed the bookcase falling face first on the floor in front of the bookcase

causing all the books to fall and drop on him.

"....OUCH.." Said, Alan, while rubbing his face and head.

"Damn that hurt like shi...." Alan didn't even finish his sentence

as he stood up and walked toward a book laying on the floor,

the book had a plain looking emerald green cover with no picture and look old like its been around

for ages.

"Hmm..." Alan scrutinized the book closely.

He tried to Flip to the first page but the book wouldn't flip.

He put both his hands on both sides of the book the pull it apart,

But the book wouldn't budge. Frustrated Alan Threw the book to the floor hard.

"CLICK.." the Book opened in the Middle.

Alan who heard the clicking sound look over to where

he threw the book. Looking at where he threw the book

Alan's face was filled with shock and astonishment But was soon

replaced with a look joy. Right there in the book was an emerald green Stone the size of a baby's fist with multiple runes carved onto its surface.

Alan walked over to the book and picked up the Stone with clear

joy shown on his face he said." Yes, Yes, I finally found it after all this time searching". Then remembering the mess he made Alan put all the books back into the bookcase and then walked toward the front

desk to show the Elderly man the Stone.

" Hey sir Hahahaha I found it I really found it," said Alan while Chuckling.

The Elderly man stood there shocked that he smiled and said."

Well since you found it it's yours."

"But young man." The Elderly Man said solemnly.

"yes," said Alan pulled in by the solemn look on the man's face.

The Elderly man looked at Alan seriously and Said in a clear voice."

You need to remember one thing and That is everything comes with

a price even that stone."

Alan looked at Elderly man quietly then nodded and said politely."

I'll try my best to remember that sir"

Alan bid farewell to the Elderly Shop owner and left the shop hold the Valeria stone

in a death grip. Alan ran toward the closest Bus station not even stopping to look at the

incoming traffic completely absorbed in his own ecstasy when out of nowhere a bus appeared

in his side view time seem to slow down and then speed up as the bus collided with Alan's body

sending him flying to the other side of the street while at the same time crushing his chest cavity.

The bus made a huge stop and the bus driver came out.

" OH GOD WHAT HAPPENED!!!" a scream was heard.

Soon after a crowd was formed and an ambulance was called but it was too late.

Alan in his last moments laughed and said:" hahaha after all this searching I'm i going

to die right when I found this stupid rock Haahaahahaa I don't even know if the legend

was real or if this thing even works." As Alan plunged into despair the light in his eyes started to dim

, But before he died a small green light that could not be seen by the naked eye glowed from the Valeria

Stone and the went dim. Like that Alan left this world.

In the Crowd, an Elderly man could be seen Shaking his head whether for the loss of a life or for the death of a youth in his prime nothing could be said for certain. The Elderly man Mumbled something

and then disappeared into the crowd. His words could barely be heard.

".... Everything Comes with a price...."

The Strongest Marine is going to be great!

I hope you guys Enjoy it!


Azure_Dragonflycreators' thoughts