
The strongest kingdom system

In a universe where every being possesses a system, a little boy was born without one. In his previous life, he endured abuse and was adopted. Just when he managed to bring his life under control, fate dealt a cruel blow - Truck-kun struck like a cold-blooded murderer. Now, in this world without a system, he trains relentlessly from day one, determined to forge a just country of his own. Just as he lays the foundation stone with his wife, a sudden interruption occurs – not someone, but something made its entrance. [Ding Ding]

InfinityPlus · ファンタジー
40 Chs

the fight

I opened my eyes and sighed deeply. I noticed the intention of the monsters and activated my passiv mana strengthening again.

Slowly, I got up, making sure not to wake Mia, and left the tent to greet the nocturnal visitors.

To my disappointment, there were only three weak big wolves. They reached 3 meters high and their silver fur looked like a moonlight reflection.

"Maybe it's better that they're not stronger," I yawned.

I looked up at the sky and noticed the full moon. In a half-asleep state, I shook my head.

When I saw that the wolves starting to howl, I raised my right arm, let a bit of mana flow into it, and dispatched them with flying blades, even before they could make a sound.

"That serves you right if you want to wake up Mia!" I yawned again.

A mosquito flew in front of my face, making its annoying sounds, and I prepared to flick it away.


"Oops..." I mumbled because I had accidentally released a little mana as an attack.

A mana ball shot into the sky at a furious speed, narrowly missing the moon. Relieved, I sighed, because this would have an lasting impact and lay back in the tent.


"Get up, you teddy bear!" I heard and felt a loving kiss.

Slowly, I opened my eyes and saw Mia, who was lively and cheerful, dancing through the tent. She was already neatly dressed, and only some of her hairs was still reaching the sky.

"No need to hurry!" I smiled and got up.

Mia immediately jumped into my arms; "I wonder how the village has changed. Do you think my parents will be happy? I can't wait to see them!"

I looked down and shook my head with a smile. "Why wouldn't they be happy?"

I sat down and placed Mia on my lap. I took a brush out of my backpack and gently ran it through her hair.

In the dim light of the tent, my hands stroked through her soft hair until it fell gently again and swayed with my breath.

"Thank you!" Mia jumped up and ran out of the tent. She woke the others, while I changed and packed up the tent.

I stepped outside, accompanied by the singing of birds and gentle blow of the wind in the leafs.

I looked at Bernd's face, who was currently talking to Ben. His eyes were slightly red.

Had he cried?

I was about to go to him when I heard my wife's excited voice: "Can we go now?"

"Sure," I replied, „but no…?" breakfast I wanted to ask.

"We're ready too!" said Ben enthusiastically, surprisingly taking Lise's hand.

"Me too," Bernd joined in.

"Well then!" Mia called excitedly. She couldn't stand still and danced around eagerly in a circle. I shrugged and picked up Eva's body again on my shoulders and went ahead.


*Boom Boom Boom*

Heavy stomping filled the air as we crossed the second-to-last valley.

A troll approached.

He was still a bit away, but I wanted to take care of him already, out of comfort and safety.

Because I knew that trolls were rather rare in the second valley... This one had already been in a fight and was crushing his bloody trophy in his hand.

He had apparently already killed a party.

I saw the three-party group we were accompanying getting into a fighting position.

While Bernd pulled a shield from his back and positioned himself protectively forward, the other two drew their weapons. Lise, who looked fragile, pulled out a whip and stepped back, next to Ben, who prepared his bow.

"What kind of monster is that?" asked Lise.

"Wait, let me scan," replied Ben. He closed his eyes, and I felt a wave of mana leaving him.

Mia stepped to my side, looking at me questioningly. "It's a troll," I satisfied her curiosity. "Should I just take care of him?"

Mia shook her head thoughtfully. "I think it would be good if they do it."

I shrugged. "Alright, if it gets too dangerous, I'll just jump in."

Without taking her eyes off Ben, Mia nodded quickly. I followed her gaze and just saw Ben flinch and freeze.

*Boom Boom Boom*

The steps came closer. The tall trees shook, branches cracked. Birds fluttered excitedly away with their warning cries echoing through the forest.

"And? What is it?" impatiently asked Lise. She was already swinging her black whip ready for battle over her head.

"It... it's a... troll!" stammered Ben.

The whip, which had just been trailing a golden tail behind it, stopped in mid-air and fell on Lise's head. Even Bernd with his shield was visibly shocked.

Ben turned trembling towards us and hesitantly opened his mouth. "Le..Leo? You…You're strong,… right?"

I nodded.

"Can you..." he began, but Mia stepped forward and looked Ben in the eyes.

"Didn't you just tell us on the hike that you could handle it if it's just a troll?"

"Yes, but... now there are only three of us," he replied.

Mia's eyes sparkled with determination. "Don't you want to get revenge? Don't you want to overcome your trauma? Don't you want to return to Bergwacht with peace in your heart and not cry every night, thinking it was unfair or you're too weak?"

The troll stomped closer, its massive fists threatening to turn every strike into a devastating blow.

Mia, filled with determination, stepped forward and addressed the three-party directly. "You told us you could handle it if it's just a troll. Show us and yourselves now that you're strong enough!"

The looked hesitant between uns and the shaking trees.

And as the troll grinned, and pushed itself forward, his bloody face looked happy at his new pray

At this horrible sight, the three were in a shock.

The troll stomped closer, its fierce eyes fixed on the scared adventurers.

Lise, still in shock from the revelation of the troll, hesitated for a moment before swinging her black whip uncontrolled and just out of fear.

But this moment of hesitation already had consequences.

The troll took advantage of the opportunity and swung his powerful fist at Bernd, who held the shield, in the last moment, protectively in front of him. However, he hesitated too long, and I saw that he didn't activate any mana.


A loud impact echoed through the air, and Bernd was thrown back several meters. Ben tried to shoot the troll from a distance now, but the troll skillfully dodged and approached relentlessly.

Lise's whip, without effective use, didn't seem to deal enough damage to stop the troll.

The three-party wavered.

The troll threw a second devastating blow, hitting Ben and throwing him to the ground. Lise desperately tried to inflict damage with her whip, while Bernd struggled to get back on his feet.

Mia and I looked at each other with concern. We watched again and saw Ben getting back on his feet.

Bernd was already on his feet and positioned himself between the troll and Ben.

Now I also noticed how Bernd activated his mana, the determined eyes and effectively blocked the troll's next massive blow. This pushed the troll a little backwards. This little moment used Bernd to let a bloody scream with all his resolution and hate.

„AHHHH!" he screamed.

Like thrown in to reality aimed Ben with trembling legs, at the troll and shot arrows one after another, all strengthened with mana.

The troll skillfully dodged, but had to build a little distance. This helped the three to regroup. Lise's whip glowed golden again and snapped towards Ben.

"Oh ho!" I noticed with happiness, because instead of causing harm, the whip healed the injured Ben. Now standing on solid ground again, he pulled his bow with three arrows simultaneously.

Lise's whip changed its color and shimmered violet.

"Poison," I whispered to Mia, who blinked with excitement. I chuckled briefly at her reaction and focused on the battle again.

Now back in the game, it seemed like child's play. Although the troll was skillful, dodging arrows and strengthening his body with mana, he had no chance in a 3 against 1.

The battle intensified, but the three-party showed impressive teamwork and determination.

Together, they fought against the menacing troll, and after a fierce struggle, they finally managed to defeat the powerful monster.

"Grrrr!" it growled briefly before losing focus in its eyes. Exhausted but victorious, the group stood there, and Mia smiled proudly.

Breathing heavily, Bernd raised his bow and shouted, "YESSS!"

The others joined in, "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET, YOU FUCKING TROLL!"

Then Bernd looked down smiling.

A tear dripped from his eye, and I heard him whisper, "Did you see that, Eva?"

He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand and looked smiling towards the sky.

His party companions fell into each other's arms relieved and sat on the ground.

Mia glanced at the situation briefly and ran over to heal if necessary.

I went to the troll, removed the mana stone from the monster, from the deceased person the troll still held in his hand, and put them in my backpack.

I butchered the troll and put the important parts in a separate pouch, wich I too stuffed in my backpack.