
Lerish's Impulse

With the entire week having spent on the inn's reopening, no one had the time to give Lerish a tour around Plate Town. However, now that everything has settled down more or less, I thought that maybe I should act as her guide come the next morning.

"I would like to express my gratitude for guiding me for this day's tour around the town, Ren. Even though I've been wanting to explore the town for quite some time now I am still uncertain if I could do it on my own, that's why it's been a relief to have someone accompany me," Lerish said as we walked along the town's market street while looking at the various produce the vendors have in show for potential buyers to see.

"You don't need to thank me though. I'm doing this because you said that you haven't been in these parts of Narashel before, and I don't want you to just stay inside Sandy Fish all the time," I replied.

"...Ahem. I'm also here, you know?" my little sister Aoi cleared her throat as she try to remind us of her presence.

"A-Ah, of course! How could I forget about Miss Aoi? Indeed, words aren't enough to describe how grateful and honored I am to be here walking beside such an important person as you."


Ah yes, this little girl decided to come along with us right after she heard our plans for today. With how much distrust she has for Lerish, it's no wonder that she won't let us go on our own.

"...Listen here, you woman. As long as I'm here, you will never be able to keep big brother for yourself! Only I has that kind of privilege, understood?!"


"Stop it, Aoi. You're being too noisy," I said as I gave her a light chop on her head.

Thankfully, the people here in this market are as hectic as ever in their shopping, that's why we didn't caused quite a scene.

After we managed to get out of the crowded street, we decided to rest for a while at the town plaza because Aoi's stomach has started to rumble again. Haah...just as when I thought that I could save on food expenses for today...

While the three of us are eating some meat buns, a group of young people that just went out from a restaurant enticed our attention. Three males, two females—all of them at about the same age group as me and Lerish. They seem to be adventurers who just came back from a mission, as they still have their worn-out gear with them.

"All of them look so tired and yet, all of them are smiling. Their mission must've ended up quite well," Lerish said.

"And it must've been a difficult one at that, too," I added. "I can tell it just by looking at that green bag one of them is carrying."

"...Green...just like grass..." Aoi muttered.

For starters, the missions being given out by the HQ are color-coded depending on the adventurer's rank, and the complexity of the mission itself. Starting from purple, the mission's difficulty—and its corresponding reward—goes up the rainbow until one reaches the red level, which is only reserved for those who have A rank or higher.

As for myself, the largest compensation I got so far was still on the level of indigo. It's not much, but considering that we get to live at the Sandy Fish for free, it's still nice to have some money on hand when you need it.

"But you know what, there's nothing more valuable a reward an adventurer could have other than the sense of fulfillment one has after accomplishing a task. Whether you're killing monsters or simply helping an old person on the street, that kind of feeling is just...refreshing, at least that's what I believe."

"Sense of fulfillment, you say..."

For some reason, Lerish became worryingly silent after I said those words to her. I asked her if something's wrong, but there was no response coming from her.

"Uh...did I said something wrong, Lerish? Hey..."

Even Aoi, who seems to not give the slightest care at all about Lerish, started to frown at her sudden change in behavior. Still, she decided not to do anything as she diverted her attention back to her meat buns.

"Lerish, are you okay? Your Highness...—"

"I...understand it now," she finally broke her silence after a while.

"Huh? U-Understand what?"

Then, out of the blue, Lerish—suddenly brimming with energy—quickly stood up from the bench as she spoke:

"I have finally decided. I want to become like them too."

By 'becoming like them', does that mean...

Oh no.


Our trip to the Guild HQ was initially planned because I already made a promise to Alisha that I'll introduce her to Lerish. However, I didn't took into account Lerish's desire into becoming an adventurer. With that in mind, I can already imagine how their first encounter will proceed.

"Are you really sure you want to become an adventurer? You might not know it but once you enter that door, there's no way for you to back down anymore," I asked her right after we arrived at the building.

By the way, I might've already said it, but there are several gazes aimed at her right now, coming from men who are loitering nearby. As expected from Miss Head-Turner, she can attract everyone's attention even without trying.

"Yes. I already made up my mind," she answered with a resolute expression on her face.

"I see. How unfortunate."

"My. Are you worried about me, Ren?"

I slightly nodded. "But then, you still would not listen to me if I tell you to stop, right? I think it's futile to argue with a girl of stubborn character just like you."

When I said that, she just chuckled and said: "You're right, that's why you should get used to it as soon as you can."

As we entered the HQ, we were instantly greeted by the usual spectacle one would see especially at times whenever there are many adventurers in the town:

"""Go! Go! Go! Go!!!"""

"Yeeaahh! Go, Big Sis Alisha! Beat him into pulp!!!"

"Hahahahahah!!! That's what you get for treading on our big sister!"

Apparently, a foreign adventurer tried to run his hands on another female adventurer while she's occupied. Alisha caught the foreigner on the act, but instead of apologizing he took out a blade and tried to attack her. Fast forward, and Alisha is currently wrapping her legs tight around the foreigner's neck, choking him into submission.

"Now then mister, are you going to apologize now for your sins?"

Groaning in pain, the foreigner yelled, "A-A-A-Alright, alright!!! I'm sorry! I-I-I won't do it agaaaaiiiiinnnnnn!!!!!"

Alisha immediately let go of him after that. Having his neck almost snapped by her, the foreigner remained lying on the ground powerless, and had to be carried by other bystanders out of the premises. The rest of the men then continued with their own business as if nothing happened.

"It's alright now," she walked towards the victim, and placed her hand on her shoulder. "As long as I'm here, this place will be safe for girls like you."


"Yo, Alisha!" I called her from a distance.

"Oh, hey there, kid! Did you see what happened just now?"

"Yeah. You're as ruthless as always."

"...You should've went for it when you still had a chance," Aoi muttered in dismay.

"I can do it, but that would make me a criminal, right? Just breaking his bones is enough," Alisha replied with a lighthearted laugh.

She then titled her head sidewards, and saw Lerish standing behind us.

"Hey kid, is she..."

"Oh, right. She's the girl I've been telling you about," I said as I glanced at Lerish over my shoulder.

Quickly, Lerish curtsied to her and spoke: "Greetings. I am called Lerish. Pleased to be of your acquaintance."

"W-What's with this girl? I already heard from you that she's quite well-off, but I never expected her to be this kind of formal..."

"Actually, that's the most casual greeting I've heard from her so far. Right, Aoi?"

"...Nn. She's so refined, that I can't stand looking at her!" Aoi nodded.


Shortly afterwards, Alisha invited us to the bar for some snacks, but Lerish declined her offer.

"Thank you very much for the invitation. However, I didn't come here only for that."

"Oh? Care to tell me the reason, miss?"

Alisha's gaze immediately became sharp, as if she could already see a glimpse of Lerish's true intentions. Lerish on the other hand, maintained her composure as she said:

"I'm intending to apply as an adventurer."


Everyone's attention quickly shifted towards her when she said that. Some of them became worried, but most of them showed excitement in their faces.

"An adventurer, you say..." Alisha slowly walked away, her back facing Lerish. "Are you aware that all aspiring adventurers here in Plate Town, regardless of gender, has to pass my standards first?"

"Hey Alisha, aren't you being too...—"

"I am, and I've already prepared myself for it," Lerish defiantly responded.

'Ugh, I knew this will happen,' I placed my palm on my face while watching from the sides.

I've always knew that Alisha won't hold back whenever someone says the magic words, that's why even though I've promised myself that I won't worry too much, I just can't help feeling that way.

"...Big brother, don't fret. You know that I'm here, right? Nothing bad will happen to her," Aoi said as she tried to cheer me up.


"...Also, I hate to say this, but..." Aoi's expression turned serious as she looked at me. "at this point, the most important thing she needs in this ordeal, is your trust."

When she said that, I looked at Lerish with eyes open wide.

Am I...not putting enough trust on her all this time?

"Let me ask you this, miss: are you the one who excels fighting at long distances, or do you prefer instead to settle things up close and personal? Or maybe, you can do both? I need to know your style first before we get started," Alisha asked Lerish with an intimidating tone.

Unfazed, Lerish replied: "I had a very weak constitution when I was a child, that's why I have learned how to use a bow and arrow as a way to defend myself."

"But it's forbidden to bring ranged weapons inside the Guild HQ, especially bows and arrows. If you don't have any other weapon with you, how can you be able to show your abilities to me?"

More like, she doesn't have any weapons with her to begin with. Geez, I should've brought her to a weapons shop first before going here...

"I believe I can still manage even without it," Lerish smiled at her.

An adventurer offered to have her use his weapon, but she quickly turned him down. That said, at this point she's really trying to follow my route when I first applied for this job.

Hearing her straightforward response, Alisha dismayingly clicked her tongue as she slowly took out her daggers that gave her the infamous title [Cutthroat].

"Very well, then I shall test that confidence of yours!"


Without any warning, Alisha jumped up high in the air, allowing her to have her feet touch the ceiling. She then propelled herself with a kick into a swift attack from above with her daggers—like a falcon diving down towards its prey.

What she did right now is the so-called [Fell Swoop], one of her signature moves.

"Miss?! Watch out!!!"

"Oh no, I don't want to look..."

While everyone around her started to panic, I noticed something strange...

'What...is she planning to do...?'

For some reason, she's keeping her hand inside her right pocket, as if holding on to something. What could it be, I wonder?


"Here I come, miss!!!"

When Alisha is about one meter away from her, everyone thought that Lerish will be greatly hurt.




Just as when her daggers are about to rip through Lerish's neck, Alisha got knocked down all of a sudden after a projectile hit her straight on her forehead.


What a shock! Everyone couldn't believe what just happened. They never expected Alisha to go down so quickly!

"Uuuuu..." holding her head in pain as she lie down on the floor, Alisha looked at Lerish and asked: "What in the world...did you use to hit me?"


At that moment, a small metallic object fell right in front of her. A flat piece of copper metal, something that is familiar to everyone.

"A coin...?"

"That's right," Lerish looked down on her. "I don't have a weapon with me, but I can make use of anything as a projectile. Even a small coin can be used to kill a person, if one is prepared enough for it."

So the thing she's been hiding inside her pocket, was just a copper coin. By flicking it with her fingers, she turned it into a projectile that could injure an opponent if the flick is strong enough.


She then extended her hand towards her opponent, in a graceful gesture. Though still confused, Alisha grabbed onto it, and Lerish helped her stand up.

"Well then, what can you say, Miss Alisha? Did I performed well according to your standards?"


"Accept her already, Big Sis!" the adventurers started to convince her into accepting Lerish into the Guild.

"You know the rules, Alisha. Give the audience the result they've been asking for," I reminded her.

"Hhrrghhh..." scratching her head, she grunted for a moment and then, "Ugh, fine. You passed."


Everyone rejoiced after Alisha gave her approval. One adventurer even said that he'll pay for everyone's drinks, because he just won a bet with his friends.

"Congrats Lerish, and uh...sorry also for not believing in your skills..." I said to her.

"Don't apologize, Ren. You see, it made me feel more motivated to prove to you and Miss Aoi that I can help you even in battle."

It made me feel even more guilty now that she said that. I think I offended her to some degree. Should I do something to compensate for my foolishness? Maybe I have to.

"...Hmph. Not bad, especially for someone like you..."

"I appreciate your kind words, Miss Aoi," Lerish replied. "Rest assured that I will keep working hard to fulfill your expectations."

While the three of us are having a conversation, Alisha came and approached us.

"So...let's proceed with the application process, shall we?"

"Yes. I will be in your care from now on," Lerish said.

"Sheesh, stop being so formal with me, miss," Alisha shook her head. "If you keep on doing it, my nose will surely start to bleed. You wouldn't want to see a woman with a blessing nose, right?"

She laughed for a moment and then after a few moments, she spread her arms wide as she spoke:

"Welcome to the Guild, Lerish."