
The Strongest God Is Now Human?!

After a long war against the humans the gods began to fall one by one, to one man, Shin, The God Killer. He went around slaying every god in sight, until he came across Azir, The God of Combat. After a long battle between the two, Azir fell. "Any last words you weak god?" Shin said to Azir. "Mark my words human! Your victory will not last long! I will return! Stronger than ever!" Azir's words echoed through the entire universe before dying to the hands of The God Killer. [Blip!] [Gods death detected, All requirements are met, Welcome Azir, would you like to start anew?] With his new found system Azir, or, Asune, Now fights to regain his glory and become the strongest being there ever was. "You lack faith." Update Schedule (Subject to change): 2 chapters everyday 1000+ words each

VioletBliss · ファンタジー
21 Chs

School life (10) - Evaluation

The school's infamous {MT-Dummy} is an automated training dummy that is shaped like a human male (the user's choice) but is made of a white metal-like material. It has no hair, no clothes, and a weapon of your choice; it can mimic or simulate movements of how a human would fight down to a T, dubbing it the 'perfect' dummy for training. It's body changes color depending on the difficulty level.

Green = easy, yellow = normal, red = hard, and black = master.

Only the elite class has used the master level, and only a few that aren't in the elite class have conquered the master level.

"Ready.. Begin!" Trent releases the dummy, and students in the training area begin to crowd the glass box with the dummy, equipped with a sword and shield. "Since the dummy is set to the hardest level, it will fight like a trained warrior who has been through many battles," Trent said. The dummy slowly approaches the still. Barrett cautiously, slowly inches it's metallic feet forward. Barrett, who hasn't moved from his spot, begins to stare at the dummy with killing intent, his red eyes glowing. "I knew something felt off; Barrett's intense aura is gone now!" Asune thought getting closer to the glass. The dummy continues to advance, unlike a normal human would. "Despite it being the 'perfect' dummy, it lacks basic human emotions, including fear." Trent said. 

Barrett opens his hand, and a white cloud forms in it, in the shape of a saber. It begins to form, and the cloud slowly dissipates as a long saber forms in his hand.

"What?" Asune questioned in shock, "Is Barrett also a system user?" He thought "Profile" [User has no profile] "What?!" Asune thought. Barrett begins to slowly lean forward, as if he is in slow motion. He then blitzes the robot and ends up behind it; the bot has also stopped moving. "Wha," Asune thought, everyone muttering in confusion, "What happened?" "Why is he just standing there?" "How did he get behind that thing so fast?" Suddenly slices begin to appear on the black dummy, and it begins to fall apart slowly. The crowd is utterly shocked, everyone's jaw hangs low in disbelief, and then boom!

The dummy explodes and creates a dust cloud. Everyone is taken back, Asune is terrified, and Trent thinks, "This kid... Who is he?" Asune thinks, "It's like he's a different person entirely. The once nice and innocent kid has turned into a monster." Everyone in the downstairs begins to feel heavy pressure. Trent puts his guard up and says, "Everyone get back." He said, preparing for the worst as Barrett steps out of the smoke,

"Hey guys!" 

"Woah, what's with the scary look?" Barrett said he was confused. Everyone takes a sigh of relief and begins to chat about the events that just occurred. Trent takes a sigh of relief and brings out another bot in the arena. Asune is lost deep in thought. "I've never seen that technique before. How did he manage to pull that off as a 14-year-old boy? What has he done to switch personalities like that?" Barrett touches Asune on the shoulder, and Asune jumps, "AH!" "Friend?" "Barrett, just what are you?" "Uhm, it's a long story; I'll tell you later!" Barrett said with a smile. 

After that, many others of the elite class went to test their skills—some masters of swords, some prodigy mages, and some failed. Then came Venen's turn; he walked into the training room. "Hm, this one is another one I'm curious about. I wonder what powers he has." Asune thought. Trent releases the dummy, the dummy begins to attack, lunging at Ven, and suddenly a magical tree root comes from underground and grabs the dummy by the foot and throws it against the wall, incapacitating the dummy and ending the test. "What are these kids?" Asune thought, "They would be considered the best of the best, back in the day." He added. "Asune Jackson," Trent called out to Asune. 

"Alright, it's my turn," Asune thought.

"I wonder what skill I should use; should I use any skill at all?" Asune thought while walking into the glass area. "Ready..." "I know what to use." Asune thought "Go!" Trent announced. The dummy begins advancing toward Asune, and he uses his newly acquired skill. [Warriors Aura]

Warriors Aura [Epic] takes 10 mana every 4 seconds and causes all people in a 40-foot range to feel immense pressure; if the player decides to use more mana, the pressure would get heavier depending on how much mana the player chooses to use.

Suddenly, everyone in the underground feels a strong pressure, forcing everyone besides Trent to knee. "This kid," Trent thought. The dummy falls to its knee, and then both knees, then falls to hands. "Stubborn one, aren't you?" Asune said, putting out more mana would cause more pressure. The dummy falls flat on its chest, getting pushed on the floor, breaking the floor, incapacitating the dummy, and ending the test. Asune releases the skill and breaks out in a sweat. "That took a lot longer than I expected." Asune thought as he gathered himself and walked out of the area. "All of these kids are indeed monsters," Trent thought. "But," he added, "this kid." Trent thought, looking at Asune. "He is the most dangerous of all of them."

After a few more students took their evaluation, the class went back into the classroom. "That concludes the test. I have thoroughly seen and evaluated each and every one of you and will put you into groups based on power, technique, and durability." Trent said, "Every single one of you did great today; as such, I will end class early today." The class began to get excited and chat amongst each other, getting up from their seats, "AFTER!" Trent added, causing the entire class to freeze: "I tell you that the trip to the royal capital has been moved up to the day after tomorrow, so no class tomorrow in preparation for the trip. Have fun, get some rest, and don't forget." 

"I am not liable for anything that may happen to you if you decide to leave my sight." Trent said menacingly.

"That is all."