
The Strongest God Is Now Human?!

After a long war against the humans the gods began to fall one by one, to one man, Shin, The God Killer. He went around slaying every god in sight, until he came across Azir, The God of Combat. After a long battle between the two, Azir fell. "Any last words you weak god?" Shin said to Azir. "Mark my words human! Your victory will not last long! I will return! Stronger than ever!" Azir's words echoed through the entire universe before dying to the hands of The God Killer. [Blip!] [Gods death detected, All requirements are met, Welcome Azir, would you like to start anew?] With his new found system Azir, or, Asune, Now fights to regain his glory and become the strongest being there ever was. "You lack faith." Update Schedule (Subject to change): 2 chapters everyday 1000+ words each

VioletBliss · ファンタジー
21 Chs

Back to school

The sun begins to rise, and the soaked streets of Filinder begin to dry. The forest flowers drip off their rainwater into the soil below. Asune wakes up in his room, his crib being replaced with a normal bed. "I guess it's time I go back this time. For good." He thought that, getting up from his bed, Asune grabbed a shirt and began to smell food in the air. "It's so like mom to be up this early, making food." He thought, smiling and putting on his white shirt. He walks out of his room into the dining room and says, "Mmm~ It smells great in here!" Asune said.

Natalia, with a more happy mood, tone, and expression, "mhm! It's your biiig send-off meal!" 

After Natalia finishes cooking, they both sit down at the table and begin to eat, talk, and laugh about memories, jokes, and events that occurred while Asune was at school. After they finish the big breakfast meal, they once again meet outside and say, "Ah, it's like the first time all over again." Asune said, "I know, but this time I won't cry! I know for certain you'll be back someday, so all I have to do is wait for your return." Natalia said, "Yeah, I'll be sure to send letters every now and then to keep you updated." Asune said, reassuring her. "By the way, where is the carriage? Don't you need one to get back to school?" She worriedly asked, "No, I'll just run." Asune said it casually.

"Huh," Natalia said, confused.

"What?" Asune replied, confused. "Ah, my son is getting so strong," she said, proud of herself. "What..?" Asune said once again, this time concered. "Anyway!" She said, "Now it's time for you to go, my love." She somberly said, "Yeah. Don't be sad, though! I will be back, I promise; if you're ever in danger, I will be there!" Asune said proudly, "I swear." Asune thought. "I'll keep that in mind." She said smiling and blushing. Asune turns around and extends his legs backwards to begin running. "Oh! One more thing!" Natalia said. 

Natalia leans in and kisses Asune. Asune stands upright and blushes. He then smiles and takes off, dashing like the wind.

Asune travels back to school in the blink of an eye. Now fueled with the love from his mother, Asune goes back to his dorm to change clothes, but once he opens his door, he is met with a stranger in his dorm, sitting in a chair. Asune puts his guard up. "Who are you?" Asune asked. "That's a shame; I thought you were going to notice me." The intruder said while taking his hood off, revealing it to be his brother Masan, "You don't even know your own brother, Asune?" Masan asked, "How did you get in here?" Asune questioned. "It doesn't matter how I got here. I just wanted to see our little brother," Masan said. "Anyway, I know what you look like now, so I'll be seeing you around." Masan said as he disappeared in black smoke. "So that's my brother, the man that people keep talking about." Asune thought, "What a creepy guy."

Asune puts on his uniform and walks into the school to begin his day. 

He walks into the classroom and goes to his seat in the back. "Here we go with another boring day." He thought, leaning back in his chair with his feet on the desk, as Trent came into the classroom. "Alright students," Trent said, setting his bag down. "Today I will be evaluating your strengths and separating you into groups depending on your strengths." He said this, glaring at the class. "We won't be in the classroom today, so everyone get your stuff and follow me into the training hall." Trent said,

"I don't want to get up; I just got relaxed," Asune thought. 

Everyone begins to leave the room and go down the hallway and down the stairs into the 'basement' of the school. "Why are we going down here? Isn't it abandoned here?" Asune thought, before being shocked by how neat, tidy, and spacious the underground of the school is, Under the school is an entire facility, filled with different rooms with different students training with targets on the walls or with the school's automated magic robots. "What..? How can humans build such a thing underground?" Asune thought with a mug on his face.

"I'm sure most of you didn't even know this existed, while some of you somehow knew through exploring." Trent said as he walked into the hall of the training rooms.

Students in the training rooms begin to look upon the class and begin to whisper, "Woah, that's the elite class; even their teacher looks strong." "Hey, bro, that's the elite class, right?" "Yeah, apparently one of them can even rival the strongest senior." "Woah~, I guess I have to work super hard if I want to be like them." As they approach the main training room, Trent says, "Alright, class, who will be going in first?" The class begins to murmur, and suddenly a hand goes up, seemingly excited for the test: "ME! ME! I WANNA GO!" Barrett said in the back. "Okay, since you're so eager to go, come on up and step in," Trent said. Barrett comes to the front of the crowd, and he walks into the large class container with white tiles floor and a high ceiling. "Hm, this'll be interesting. I get to see how he fights and what lies behind that innocent persona." Asune thought. "Alright, since you are in the elite class, I will be putting on the hardest difficulty." Trent said it sternly. "I hope you're prepared," he said, looking at Barrett. 

Barrett breathes and steadies himself, slowing his thoughts, and says, "I'm ready, teach." 

"Teach?" Asune thought, taken aback by the sudden change of tone with Barrett, "Barrett would never talk to the teacher like that." "He would usually call him Mr. or something like that," he added. 

"Ready.. Begin!" Trent said, releasing the automated magic bots.