
The Strongest Basic Swordsman

The story starts with the protagonist waking up after experiencing a traumatic incident involving a young girl and a truck. Confused and in pain, he realizes that he has been stabbed in the heart, yet he is still alive. This story centers around someone who will reach the height of weapons, starting from the sword and how he gets rid of anyone in his way to his goal I'm a new writer and is mainly writing this just to get some experience so don't expect anything good from me, I don't know world building, characterization or anything or the sort that well so bear with me please, and also the mc isn't any op at the start or cold and knows everything at the start mindset, along with his weapon skills, his mentality grows with him

GabrielTenma · ファンタジー
1 Chs

What the Hell is Happening to Me?

() - Means thinking when not directly stated

"Gah!" I screamed out confused by what was happening to me. (W-What's happening, wasn't I dead?) I vividly remembered what happened to me a short while ago as the sight of a small girl and her cat about to be run over by a truck appeared in my mind.

I start to ponder about the scene in my mind for a brief moment before a sharp and persistent pain assaults the left side of my chest. I then looked down to see a clean stab all the way through my heart and at this moment although many questions were surfing through my mind the biggest ones were (Why am I still alive and what the hell is going on!?)

As if responding to one of the questions in my mind someone who was looking down on me on the ground with a silver blade that looked to be a European style sword long sword says " Hahaha, Not bad, your more persistent than we thought, to think you managed to hold on this long."

Looking up from the ground to the person standing in front of me I could see that he had dark brown hair with light brown eyes and his build was that of a bodybuilder as he was huge. But before paying any mind to this person I decided to look at the surroundings so as to get a better idea of where I was.

By looking around this place, I saw that we were on elevated ground that was tiled with concrete slabs, with seats elevated to see the center no matter where one sat around us in the shape of a circle and a girl sitting down quite contently while looking at us coldly, and on the front and back of the stage there were steps making this place look as if this was some training area but before I could see anymore, I felt a strong hand grab my hair.

"Oi! You have some nerve ignoring me when I'm talking to you" following up his statement he punched me in my gut which made me spit out a mouthful of saliva as the pain from the punch coupled with my chest pain was agonizing especially because I've never experienced something like this in my life.

He then continued by saying "Anyways… You know? You wouldn't be going through any of this if you only gave up your monthly chamber training access card to my lady but of course seeing that you were ignorant of the world you wanted to be the rebel that stopped my lady huh? But oh well at least I get to beat the shit outta you, more fun for me"

(Young lady…? Chamber Training Card…?, what is this guy talking about) but before I could even think more about what he said he threw a sharp and precise kick that seemed like a bullet towards where the stab wound was on my chest that caused me to fly through the air while also causing me excruciating pain and made me scream out "Aaaaahhhh!!!"

With my body failing me and the intense pain I couldn't even try to stop my fall which resulted in me hitting the ground that was paved with thick concrete slabs. After a few short seconds passed I could see that large guy walking closer and closer step by step. The situation caused a mixture of emotions to surge inside me, which were evident on my face. The most prominent emotions were fear and disbelief, and it appeared that the other person was enjoying my suffering.

Remembering back to my time on earth, I was a pretty fair person who wasn't biassed towards those that were above or below me. As such I didn't get into many fights or problems with other people. (Just what did I do to end up going through this pain and torture for some tool that I don't even know about and because of the decision of this person before I came to inhabit his body)

After thinking this, I decided to try and make a final stand or sorts but my body was screaming out in agony as it wanted to stop moving and it was a miracle that I could move any part of it at all.

Seeing that I was close to my body failing and even perhaps death, the girl that was just watching us from the elevated seats said in a cold and uncaring voice " Luke! Stop now, just take the card out of his pocket and let him transfer the ownership to me. If you do anything more than this then the academy will step in, after all he's still a fellow student, and we don't need them on our case right now"

Trying his best to keep his eyes open and look at the girl in the elevated seats he could see that she had light green hair, dark green eyes that glitter with arrogance. She had a petite and frail build but didn't look like someone to mess with.

After letting out a long sigh and looking then looking at the girl dejectedly, the large guy, Luke walked over and then grabbed me by my ankle and held me in the air like a ragdoll while shaking me until a dark purple card fell out of my pocket.

After taking it up he said to me in a gruff and stern voice "Transfer this one time monthly training card's ownership to Lady Lana or else I'll kill you and I'm sure the academy staff won't arrive in time to stop you from dying"

Although I knew this could have been a bluff, I scaredly said " I-I transfer ownership to Lana". Not wanting to feel the pain in the left side of my chest anymore I wanted them to leave as soon as possible. After I said those words, the card flashed and then appeared in Lena's hands.

After looking at the purple card in her hand for a few seconds she sad "Good, we've gotten what we came for" while walking away before she turned around and added on "Next time, when we tell you to hand over anything make sure to comply although I'm not sure if you'll make it to a next time"

At the time I didn't know what she meant by this and I didn't really care as my blood kept dripping out from the wounds on my body.

After hearing what Lena said, Luke threw me into the wall with enough force to cause me to spit out a mouthful of blood and then walked away. After which I started blacking out but not before thinking "Why is this happening to me, If I was going to reincarnate, why like this" before he fainted

Sorry for such a bad starting chapter, I will do my best to make sure the writing gets better

GabrielTenmacreators' thoughts