
The Strongest Necromancer in a World of Magic

After an accident, Drogo found himself in the magical world and inherited the legacy of a necromancer. Was it destiny or a coincidence? "Underworld general! My bodyguards!" "Princess! Come over here and massage my shoulders!" How did he grow into a world-renowned necromancer? A legend is about to unfold.

MoonTreeBA · ファンタジー
64 Chs

The Invitation of the Magician's Guild (1)

Gleson hadn't said a word yet, but his intense gaze had already made Drogo break out in a cold sweat.

"This guy looks big and strong, he probably doesn't have that kind of interest...," thought Drogo as he considered whether to unleash all his strength and stay as far away as possible from this guy who might have certain preferences.

Just then, Gleson spoke up.

"Young man, do you know what a mage needs to become powerful, apart from talent and hard work?"

What kind of question was this? Drogo rolled his eyes and said bluntly, "Money."

"Uh... that's true," replied Gleson. Drogo's answer had caught Gleson off guard, but it was also true. Everyone knew that being a mage was an expensive profession. Without money, no matter how talented or hardworking one was, they would still have to face the embarrassment of not having the means to support their magic.

"Money is important, but there's something else that's even more important," Gleson coaxed Drogo, saying, "Think about it, magic is vast and profound. With one person's power, it's impossible to explore the ultimate mystery of magic in one's lifetime. That's why we need to discuss and exchange ideas with others..."

Gleson hesitated, and Drogo became impatient. The little girl was still waiting for him next door, and he had already achieved his goal. Staying here any longer would be a waste of time. Moreover, after this encounter, he no longer respected Gleson as much as he did when he first arrived.

So he asked directly, "Mr. Gleson, what do you want to say?"

"Uh..." Gleson wiped the sweat from his forehead and cursed himself for being stupid. He just wanted to invite Drogo to join the Mage Guild. Why couldn't he just say it outright?

Once he figured it out, Gleson's mouth became agile, and he said, "Well, you see, I think you have some talent in magic, and I want to invite you to join the Mage Guild."

Finally, he had said it. Gleson quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was very nervous and waiting for Drogo's response, he still tried to look like he was doing Drogo a favor by inviting him to join the guild.

However, Gleson is a wizard, not an actor, and his sparkling little eyes gave him away.

He was not unfamiliar with the Mage Guild because Matthew had been a member of the Mage Guild, and his position there was not low. Of course, all of this was before Matthew became a necromancer and was subsequently expelled from the Mage Guild.

For a wizard, Drogo was very aware of the benefits of joining the Mage Guild. However, he had no intention of using these benefits because enjoying such privileges also meant being subject to special restrictions, and Drogo had decided when he first arrived in this world that he would no longer be controlled by anyone, including the Mage Guild.

"Respected Lord Gleson, I'm sorry, but I have no intention of joining the Mage Guild."

"What?" Although Gleson was nervous, he never expected Drogo to refuse so decisively. In his view, the Mage Guild was where ninety percent of the mages on the main road gathered, and it was the holy land of mages.

Faced with the sincere invitation of the deputy head of the branch, Drogo, a newly minted mage, should have been ecstatic and jumped at the opportunity. How could he refuse?

"Why? Do you know what kind of enormous help the Mage Guild can offer you?"

Drogo nodded and said, "I know, but I also know that joining the Mage Guild means being subject to their orders. This is something I cannot accept."

Gleson opened his mouth wide and said, "Who told you that joining the Mage Guild means being subject to their orders?"

Now it was Drogo's turn to be surprised. In Matthew's memories, it was like joining the army when joining the Mage Guild, and everything had to be arranged by the Mage Guild. But now, listening to Gleson's tone, it seemed that it was not like this at all. Drogo roughly explained what he knew, and the more he talked, the stranger Gleson's expression became.

Gleson stared at Drogo for a long time, leaving Drogo confused until he finally spoke up, "What you said is true. The Mage Guild used to be like that. But that was in the past, over two hundred years ago. Since the great Kemp took over as president, those rules have been abolished. The Mage Guild is now truly a sanctuary for mages, a place of freedom. As long as there are no major events that threaten the life and death of the guild, all mages are free. Whatever you do, even if you join other organizations, the Mage Guild will not impose any restrictions or constraints..."

The more Gleson spoke, the more surprised Drogo became. This was nothing like the Mage Guild he remembered. The old Mage Guild was like a special army with strict hierarchical levels and strong constraints. According to Gleson, this change started when a man named Kemp became president two hundred years ago.

Who was this guy to have such great audacity? Drogo was shocked, and he knew one thing: the president of the Mage Guild wasn't necessarily a good person, nor did he necessarily come from a noble background. But he had to have the most top-notch skills.