
The Strength Within

In a world where only the strongest survive and crime is overlooked by the masses, one teen will have to find the power to build the life best for those he cares about. A struggle filled with blood and despair can only increase the resolve of someone whom has seen the depths of despair.

SiegerInducer · アクション
60 Chs

Enough. Let's Eat.

Following a brief but detailed explanation, both the High General and Elizabeth began to attempt to unify their cores. After about five minutes of intense concentration, the High General finally spoke again.

"Even putting in this much effort has only given me a little change. Clara must be a prodigy to have so much order to her power."

His prideful laughter was cut short by a realization. 'If Clara is a prodigy, what does that make the boy? Not only did he figure out how to do this, but he's also condensed his core to the point of his power being almost seventeen times what it was a few months ago. He's a monster!'

Seeing the glare coming off his to-be father-in-law, Joe couldn't withhold a smirk. He knew that look; he is being viewed as a monster in the mind of the entire nation's highest official.

"I will tell you now, even if you consolidate your entire core, you will still be miles behind me. Yes, I used this method initially to grow stronger however I also have a unique gift. The two people I've spoken to about it initially doubted its plausibility. Yet here I stand."

Realizing for the first time since Joe's arrival here, the High General now sees where the attitude came from. Initially he believed it was youthful arrogance or an attempted show of bravery to win his favor. That couldn't have been farther from the truth.

This boy that was less than half his age had the strength behind him to fear no living being known to man. Unlike the demonic beasts that plagued mankind since the current civilization birthed itself, this boy had the potential to either destroy or save mankind singlehandedly. Even if his current strength was not enough, where will he stand in a year or two?

'Enough of these thoughts. Time is the only factor now. The future will be decided, and I have no control over that.' With a content look the High General softened his gaze towards the boy.

"Let's eat. We can focus on what you've shown us after our stomachs are satisfied."

As if he had full authority of every aspect of his staff, a few maids entered the room with carts of food. Without a pause in their steps, the table was filled with a variety of meats prepared in several different ways. Once the carts were emptied, the entire staff vacated the room.

Joe was the first to move his hand towards the food. Even after Allie took him and Sarah in, they never had a meal this extravagant. With only a single person bringing in money that had to feed four people, they had to be sparing with their meal choices.

Seeing that his plate had run out of room for more food, Joe began to empty it into his mouth. With every bite, the difference in social status became apparent. He became lost in the flavors until a gentle voice called him back to reality.

"Seeing how it's gotten this late already, why don't you stay here for the evening, and we can have a car bring you back to the academy in the morning?"

Elizabeth's word halted every other person present at the table. Clara was silently attempting to hide her excitement at the suggestion while both Joe and the High General were stunned.

"I appreciate the offer and I would graciously accept on the condition that there is no dissatisfaction for the High General in my staying here as well."

Realizing that all eyes were now fixated on him, the High General had to think quickly.

"I have only one condition for you to stay here. You must stop referring to me by my title. As you stated before, you will be marrying my daughter so there is no need for formalities. Just call me Aaron."

The excitement that she had just been hiding in the presence of her father burst out without any warning. Clara's disbelief at her father's acceptance was clear as well.

"That's really all you need to accept our relationship?"

"Honestly, even if I wanted to stop his from staying by your side, I couldn't. I do however respect the fact that he sought my approval before readily agreeing to your mother's suggestion."

A smile blossomed on Clara's face. Even though they would train together and spend time off campus together, her time was always limited with Joe. Unlike Shianne who had a whole office they could have privacy within, her and Joe could never find time to be truly alone while at the Academy.

If she visited him in his dorm room and the two had gotten caught, they would both be removed from enrollment. That one fact had put off half the things she had been wanting for a while now.

Realizing the possibilities at hand, Clara turned her attention to the plate in front of her and began to devour her food in a way no person had ever witnessed. Her only thought was to get through the meal as quickly as possible so she could have Joe all to herself.

After all, man is a possessive species. They are typically unwilling to surrender anything they deemed 'theirs' to any other person. She has been sharing Joe with Shianne up to this point. Now, she is faced with an opportunity to regain some of her footing in the relationship and nobody could interfere.

As if he had the ability to read the mind of the woman sat beside him, Joe simply smiled before he again began to enjoy the food before him. This time, he slowed his pace to savor the meal as well as the determined look present on the face of one of the women he held dear.

Merry Christmas all. Going to keep pushing for a regular release schedule again. I don't want to be foreced into another hiatis by life's unforeseen events.

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